Steps in Meditation - Glorian Youtube Series Flashcards
Senses deliver information to our brain but what is the ultimate recipient of the information?
Our consciousness. The perceiver that looks through the lenses of our senses.
What is one way to test your level of consciousness?
test your memory
Good memories have good awareness of the present moment.
Humans have how many brains?
1. Thoughts (Head)
2. Emotions (Heart)
3. Impulses (Body)
These are 3 psychological centers of activity.
What brain do you experience divinity?
It’s none of the brains individually but through the consciousness which brings union to the 3 brains.
What does Yoga mean?
What part of Yoga teaches you how to act?
Karma Yoga
Teaches you how to perform any action in a way to liberate suffering. Th
What part of Yoga teaches you how to use the emotional brain/center?
Bhakti Yoga
What part of Yoga teaches you how to use the intellectual brain/center?
Jnana Yoga
What Yoga teaches you to use all 3 brains/centers simultaneously?
Raja Yoga “Royal Yoga”
How many steps are in Raja Yoga?
The first step, Yama is restraint. What is this?
Be ethical. Follow 5 steps of restaint
What are the 8 Steps?
- Yama: Restraint
- Niyama: Observances
- Asana: Relaxed Posture
- Pranayama: Energy Control
- Pratyahara: Withdrawal
- Dharana: Concentration
- Dhyana: Meditation
- Samadhi: Yoga, Reality
What 2 steps is the foundation of Yoga?
Yama and Niyama
Restraint and Observances
In Yama, what are the 5 restraints?
- Ahimsa: Do no harm
- Satyam: Do not lie
- Asteya: Do not steal
- Brahmacharya: Sexual purity
- Aparigraha: Have no desires
In Niyama, what are the 5 observances?
- Saucha: Purity
- Santosha: Be content
- Tapas: Accept penance/ordeals/difficulties
- Svadhyaya: Comprehension
- Ishvara-pranidhana: Self-remember (remembering divinity in all times)