STD Flashcards
STD with sores
“Sores” (ulcers) • Syphilis • Genital herpes (HSV-2, HSV-1) • Others uncommon in the U.S. • Lymphogranuloma venereum • Chancroid • Granuloma inguinale
STD with drips/ HPV for cervical cancer
Drips” (discharges) • Gonorrhea • Chlamydia • Nongonococcal urethritis / mucopurulent cervicitis • Trichomonas vaginitis / urethritis • Candidiasis (vulvovaginal, less problems in men) • Other major concerns • Genital HPV (especially type 16, 18) and Cervical Cancer
treat gonococcal infections
ceftriaxon and azithromycin generally
bacterial vaginosis
increased risk of
- Increased risk of:
- Preterm birth / premature rupture of membranes
- Amniotic fluid infection
- Chorioamnionitis / Postpartum endometritis
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Postsurgical infection
- Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- Mucopurulent cervicitis
- Acquisition of HIV infection
genital ulcer diseases
painful vs pain less
Painful • Chancroid • Genital herpes simplex • Painless • Syphilis • Lymphogranuloma venereum • Granuloma inguinale
Primary syphilis
• Incubation: 10-90 days (average 3 weeks) • Chancre • Early: macule/papule ® erodes • Late: clean based, painless, indurated ulcer with smooth firm borders • Unnoticed in 15-30% of patients • Resolves in 1-5 weeks • HIGHLY INFECTIOUS
secondary syphilis represents usually -----after chancre findings resolves in
Represents hematogenous dissemination of spirochetes
• Usually 2-8 weeks after chancre appears
• Findings:
• rash - whole body (includes palms/soles)
• mucous patches
• condylomata lata - HIGHLY INFECTIOUS
• constitutional symptoms
• Resolves in 2-10 weeks
genital herpes simplex transmision primary infection is vesicles dx
Direct contact – may be with asymptomatic shedding
• Primary infection commonly asymptomatic; symptomatic
cases sometimes severe, prolonged, systemic
• Vesicles Þ painful ulcerations Þ crusting
• Recurrence a potential
• Diagnosis:
• Culture
• Serology (Western blot)
epidemiology of genital herpes
common or uncommon
–% by age 35
most cases are
transmission is
One of the 3 most common STDs, increased 30% from
late 70s to early 90s
• 25% of US population by age 35
• HSV-2: 80-90%, HSV-1: 10-20% (majority of infections
in some regions)
• Most cases subclinical
• Transmission primarily from subclinical infection
• Complications: neonatal transmission, enhanced HIV
transmission, psychosocial issues
Urethritis - male
• Incubation: 1-14 d (usually 2-5 d)
• Sx: Dysuria and urethral discharge (5% asymptomatic)
• Dx: Gram stain urethral smear (+) > 98% culture
• Complications
gonorrhea female
Urogenital infection - female
• Endocervical canal primary site
• 70-90% also colonize urethra
• Incubation: unclear; sx usually in l0 d
• Sx: majority asymptomatic; may have vaginal discharge, dysuria,
urination, labial pain/swelling, abd. pain
• Dx: Gram stain smear (+) 50-70% culture
• Complications
nongonococcal urethritis
Etiology: • 20-40% C. trachomatis • 20-30% genital mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium) • Occasional Trichomonas vaginalis, HSV • Unknown in ~50% cases • Sx: Mild dysuria, mucoid discharge • Dx: Urethral smear ³ 5 PMNs (usually ³15)/OI field Urine microscopic ³ 10 PMNs/HPF Leukocyte esterase (+)
Chlamydia trachomatis
• Responsible for causing cervicitis, urethritis, proctitis,
lymphogranuloma venereum, and pelvic inflammatory disease
• Direct and indirect cost of chlamydial infections run into billions of
• Potential to transmit to newborn during delivery
• Conjunctivitis, pneumonia
Laboratory Tests for Chlamydia
tissue culture
non amplified tests
nucleic acid hybridization
- Tissue culture has been the standard
- Specificity approaching 100%
- Sensitivity ranges from 60% to 90%
- Non-amplified tests
- Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA), e.g. Chlamydiazyme
- sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 97% respectively
- useful for high volume screening
- false positives
- Nucleic Acid Hybridization (NA Probe), e.g. Gen-Probe Pace-2
- sensitivities ranging from 75% to 100%; specificities greater than 95%
- detects chlamydial ribosomal RNA
- able to detect gonorrhea and chlamydia from one swab
- need for large amounts of sample DNA
lab test for chlamydia
DNA amplification assays
• polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
• ligase chain reaction (LCR)
• Sensitivities with PCR and LCR 95% and 85-98% respectively;
specificity approaches 100%
• LCR ability to detect chlamydia in first void urine
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
• CDC minimal criteria
• uterine adnexal tenderness, cervical motion tenderness
• Other symptoms include
• endocervical discharge, fever, lower abd. pain
• Complications:
• Infertility: 15%-24% with 1 episode PID secondary to GC or chlamydia
• 7X risk of ectopic pregnancy with one episode
chronic pelvic pain in 18%
HPV and Cervical Cancer
• Infection is generally indicated by the detection of
• HPV infection is causally associated with cervical
cancer and probably other anogenital squamous
cell cancers (e.g. anal, penile, vulvar, vaginal)
• Over 99% of cervical cancers have HPV DNA
detected within the tumor
• Routine Pap smear screening ensures early
detection (and treatment) of pre-cancerous lesions
Estimates for HPV-Associated Cancers
Cervical cancer:
• In the U.S., an estimated 14,000 cases and
5,000 deaths
• Worldwide, an estimated 450,000 cases and
200,000 deaths