Stats Tests Flashcards
How to increase validity of results to test for plant abundance/height in area?
- use random numbers to select sampling site (coordinates)
- same equipment for measurement
- large sample size and find mean
- measure control
What does the t-test do?
Tests for difference between the means of 2 sets of values
What does chi-squared test do?
Compare frequencies
What does standard deviation measure?
Measure of dispersion
How are Spearmans’ ranks results interpreted?
Closer to 1 = positive correlation
Closer to -1 = negative correlation
Around 0 = no correlation
How are t-test results interpreted?
If value is larger than critical value, reject null hypothesis
p = 0.05
How are t-test results interpreted?
If value is larger than critical value, reject null hypothesis
p = 0.05
What does standard deviation mean?
The spread of data around the mean