Stating levels of confidence Flashcards
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Here are some phrases to describe different levels of awareness and confidence in a specific area
For what you know VERY WELL, you can say:
….I KNOW the company’s products INSIDE OUT.
…I KNOW this target demographic LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND.
You can use COMFORTABLE IN or COMFORTABLE WITH to describe a high level of confidence in something.
…I’m pretty COMFORTABLE WITH being in charge of projects.
…I’m quite COMFORTABLE IN my domain knowledge.
When you have SOME knowledge in an area but not enough, you can say:
I think I only HAVE A PARTIAL UNDERSTANDING of the data-driven approach.
Finally, when you have VERY LITTLE or even NO knowledge of something, you can say:
…I KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING about strategic orientation.
…I HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE ABOUT who our main competitors are.