Static Factors of Occlusion Flashcards
What are three factors and forces that determine the tooth position?
Labiolingual alignment
mesiodistal alignment
Vertical position
Where the tooth erupts between the tongue and the cheek.
Neutral Zone
What two contacts maintain tooth position?
Interpoximal contacts and occlusal contacts
The relation of the teeth to each other within the dental arch
Intra-arch alignment
plane that curves to fit the occlusal surfaces and incisal edges of all the teeth
Plane of occlusion
Is the plane of occlusion concave or convex on the maxilla?
Is the plane of occlusion concave or convex on the mandible?
How are the anterior mandibular teeth angulated?
Labially (20 degrees)
How are the mandibular premolars angulated?
mesially (6 degrees)
How are the mandibular molars angulated?
mesially 10-15 degrees
How are the anterior Maxillary teeth angulated?
How are the Maxillary premolars angulated?
How are the maxillar molars angulated?
Antero-posterior curvature of the occlusal plane.
Concave in the mandible and convex in the maxilla
medio-lateral curvature of the occlusal plane
concave in the mandible and convex in the maxilla
Curve of wilson