Statements of Influence Flashcards
When the subject of the main verb is not the same as the subject of the subordinate verb, the subjunctive must be used. (When subjects are the same, infinitive must be used)
Causar que
to cause
Conseguir que
To succeed in
Lograr que
To succeed in
Contribuir a que
To contribute to
Cuidar de que
To take care that
Dar lugar a que
To give rise to
Decir que
To tell someone to
Desear que
To want that
Querer que
To want that
Dificultar que
To hinder
Esforzarse porque
to make an effort to
Evitar que
to avoid
Impedir que
to avoid
Exigir que
To require that
Hacer falta
To be necessary that
Hacer que
to cause
Insistir en que
To insist that
Empeñarse en que
To insist that
Necesitar que
to need to
Ocasionar que
To cause/give rise to
Oponerse a que
To be against
Pedir que
To ask/request that
Preferir que
To prefer that
Pretender que
To aim for/to aspire to
Salvar de que
To rescue/save from
Procurar que
To try to
Ser necesario que
To be necessary that
Suplicar que
To implore to
Tratar de que
To try to ensure that
Vigilar que
To make sure that
Asegurarse de que
To make sure that
Luchar por
To struggle to