Prepositions & Vocab April 2018 Flashcards
pay attention to
to attach, affix; to set, determine; to focus, keep your eyes on
Lo que resuelta increíble es
What’s incredible is…
to stop, impede, prevent, hamper
Para toda la vida
For [your, my, his, her] whole life
De eso nada
No way/out of the question
To save (energy, time, water, etc.)
To gather, meet (it’s reflexive)
El esfuerzo
The effort, sacrifice
La fuerza
the strength, force, coercion
-to note, to point out -to point at -to mark, tag
Cada loco con su tema
To each his own
…esto/eso del (or ‘de la’)…
…about this ____ business. Cada día me preocupa más esto de la taquicardia.
Cada vez más / menos
More and more less and less
Cada uno / Cada cual / Cada quien
each one / each person
to walk / to work properly
Los desafíos
suddenly, unexpectedly
Soy toda oídos
I’m all ears (woman saying it. Man would be todo).
La mora azul
The blueberry
Las pecas
The freckles
Rate As in, birth rate
La tasa (de natalidad) El índice (de natalidad)
Cien por cien
100% As in, absolutely/totally
El/la locutor(a) El/la orador(a)
The speaker (person giving a speech)
Vivo a la vuelta
I live around the corner
a orillas del mar
On the seashore
Oí pasos a mi espalda
I heard footsteps at my back
Está con el agua al cuello
(S)he’s up to his neck (in troubles; ‘hasta’ would imply real water)
a lo lejos / en la distancia
in the distance
Se sentaron al sol / a la luz / al calor del fuego / a la sombra / al amparo de un roble
They sat in the sun / light / warmth of the fire / shade / in the shelter of an oak
Pedía socorro a gritos
(S)he/I was shouting for help
Las patatas están a punto
The potatoes are done
Estoy a dieta
I’m on a diet
a la buena de Dios
Any old way / willy-nilly
a oscuras
in the dark
a la luz del día
by daylight
Las verduras se pueden guisar al vapor
Vegetables can be steamed
a la manera de Dickens
In the style of Dickens
Se cansa a los cinco minutos
(S)he gets tired after five minutes
Se casaron a los/con veinte años
They got married at the age of twenty
A la caída de la noche
At nightfall
Al alba
At dawn
Estamos a miércoles
It’s Wednesday
Estamos a quince
It’s the fifteenth (of the month)
Tres veces al/por día
Three times a day
Se enfada a/por la menor provocación
(S)he gets angry at the slightest provocation
Al ver
On seeing
Al volverse
As (s)he turned round/back
Ya deben estar al llegar
They must be about to arrive
Oler a (huele a)
It smells like…
apestar a
to stink of
un sabor a ajo
a taste of garlic
Está a cinco cuadras
It’s five blocks away
Volaba a dos mil kilómetros por hora (note ‘a’)
It flew at 2,000 Km/hour
Le robaron una sortija a mi tía
They stole a ring from my aunt
Él le compró un coche a su vecino
He bought a car from his neighbor
Eso se lo has oído a tu padre
You’ve heard that from your father
Quitar a
to take away from
Sustraer a
to steal from