Ser y Estar phrases + vocal Flashcards
El duelo
El duelo
El sendero
the path, trail (rural)
The path or trail (rural)
El sendero
(suele…) Usually, normally, tend to, to be accustomed to
Usually, normally, tend to, to be accustomed to
Ser caliente (animate reference)
hot (vulgar), passionate (sexual connotation)
Ser caliente (inanimate reference)
warm (normally of warm temperature)
Ser frío (animate reference)
cold (personality)
Ser frío (inanimate reference)
cold (normally of cold temperature)
Ser friolento
sensitive to the cold
Estar caliente (animate reference)
hot (to the touch), hot (vulgar)
Estar caliente (inanimate reference)
hot (to the touch, having a high temperature at a given time)
Estar frío (animate reference)
cold (to the touch)
Estar frío (inanimate reference)
cold (to the touch, having a low temperature at a given time)
Estar calenturiento
Estar asomado a la ventana
to be looking out the window
Estar arrodillado
to be kneeling
Estar ausente
to be absent
Estar colgado
to be hanging
Estar contento
to be in a happy mood
Estar de acuerdo
to be in agreement
Estar de buen (mal) humor
to be in a good (bad) mood
Estar de guardia
to be on duty/on call
Estar de moda (o Pasado de moda)
to be fashionable (or, unfashionable)
Estar de pie
to be standing
Estar parado
to be standing
Estar de vacaciones
to be on vacation
Estar descalzo
to be barefoot
Estar escondido
to be hiding
Estar presente
to be present
Estar satisfecho
to be satisfied
Estar sentado
to be sitting
Ser aficionado a
to be fond of
Ser amigo de
to be fond of
Ser (in)capaz de
to be (in)capable of, (un)able to
Ser difícil de + infinitive
to be hard, difficult to
Ser enemigo de
to be opposed to
Ser fácil de
to be easy to
Ser idéntico a
to be Identical to, with
Ser parecido a
to be similar to
Ser (im)posible de + infinitive
to be (im)possible to
Ser + (definite article) + primero en
to be the first one to
Ser responsable de
to be responsible for
Ser + (definite article) + último en
to be the last one to
Estar acostumbrado a
To be accustomed to
Estar ansioso por (de)
to be anxious to
Estar cansado de
to be tired of
Estar cubierto de
to be covered with
Estar decidido a
to be determined to
Estar (des)contento de (con)
To be (un)happy with
Estar disgustado con
to be annoyed with
Estar enamorado de
to be in love with
Estar encargado de
to be in charge of
Estar enemistado con
to be estranged from, an enemy of
Estar libre de
to be free from
Estar listo para
to be ready to
Estar loco de
to be crazy with
Estar loco por
to be most anxious to
estar lleno de
to be filled with
Estar peleado con
to be not on speaking terms with
Estar rodeado de
to be surrounded by
Estar vestido de
to be dressed in, to be dressed as
To Complain, to groan
Idiot, moron
Deceitful, lying
Clue, hint Also dance floor
La águila
The eagle
La Lechuza
The owl
El zorro
The fox
To reject, to defeat
To dare
To belong
Golden, gilded
To shine, to sparkle
To eat away
El Cojín
The Cushion
To pant
El amanecer
The dawn Al amanecer – at dawn Amanecer – to wake up
To spring up, to appear, to arise
To swing
To settle (as in settlers)
La Soga
The rope
To tow
To become angry, to get furious
El Caracol
The snail, The curl (de pelo)
Good heavens!
To amaze or to surprise
The delight
To move away from
To be made up
To whisper
Por ahora
for now
Por cierto
by the way OR indeed Por cierto, ¿cuándo vas a España? Un buen vino, por cierto.
Por Dios
For God’s Sake!
Por ejemplo
For example
Por eso
For that reason OR That’s why
Por fin
finally, at last
Por lo general
Generally, normally
Por lo menos
at least
Por lo tanto
So, OR therefore
Por lo visto
Apparently, OR It would seem
Por medio de
By means of, By way of, Through
Por otra parte
On the other hand, What’s More
Por supuesto
Of course!
Dar por supuesto
To take for granted, To take something as a given
Purpose, Intention, Intent
to delay
to be late, to be held up
Plural of Este
Plural of Esta
To tie up, to fasten
To set, to apply yourself, to put on (get dressed), to call or name
la enseñanza
the teaching
el aprendizaje
the learning
Volver a + infinitive
To (verb) again Vuelvo a leer The Great Gatsby –> I re-read The Great Gatsby
Tender a + infinitive
To tend to
To hang up or out, to Lay down or out, to Stretch out
Obligar a + infinitive
To require, to force, to make (someone do something)
Obligarse a + infinitive
To commit yourself
Ponerse a + infinitive
To start to
Echar leña al fuego
To add fuel to the fire
Echar por tierra
To destroy
Echar raíces
To put down roots, to settle
Echarse a reír, llorar, etc.
To burst out laughing, crying, etc.
Echarse a perder
to spoil (food, etc.)
Negarse a + Infinitive
To refuse to
A caballo
on horseback
A continuación de
Continuing with, following
A mano
by hand
A veces
Al cabo de
After, afterwards
Al día siguiente
The next day
Al fin y al cabo
At any rate
Pues al fin y al cabo
Well, after all
Al tiempo
At the time of, Right when
A menudo
Often, frequently
A pie
A tiempo
On time
A todas horas
At all hours
a la fuerza
by force
Jugar a
To play (a game) Vamos a jugar a las cartas
Caer a
To fall on El libro cayó al piso
Asomarse a
To lean out La mujer se asomó a la ventana
To put out, to stick out, to appear
Asistir a
To attend Mi abuela asistió a la universidad
Al + infinitivo
Upon (verb)-ing Al salir, se me olvidó pagar la cuenta.
Prepositions are never followed by a verb in gerund
Instead, use the infinitive and translate it as gerund: En vez de llorar – instead of crying Al abrir la puerta – upon opening the door
Insistir en + infinitivo Insistir en + que + subjuntivo
To insist upon
Pensar en + infinitivo
To think about, to consider
Quedar en + infinitivo
To agree upon, to plan to
Tardar en + infinitivo
To delay, to take a long time
Empeñarse en + infinitivo
To insist upon
Consistir en + infinitivo
To consist of
En cambio
However, whereas
En cuanto
When, as soon as (requires subjunctive)
En fin
In short, All in all
En lugar de
Instead of, in place of
En medio de
In the middle of
En seguida
Immediately, right away
En vez de
Instead of
En voz alta
Out loud
Dejar de + infinitivo
To stop
No dejar de + infinitivo
To not fail to
Cesar de + infinitivo
To cease, to stop
Terminar de + infinitivo
To finish
Tratar de + infinitivo
To try to
To be about, to deal with, to treat,
Acordarse de + infinitivo
To remember
Alegrarse de
To be happy about Me allegro de verte
De buena/mala gana
Enthusiastically, keenly, with enthusiasm
De cuando en cuando
From time to time
De vez en cuando
Every once in a while
De día
During the day
De manera que + subjuntivo
So, so that
De memoria
By heart, from memory
De modo que
So that, in such a way that
De ninguna manera
No way, Absolutely not
De nuevo
Again, once again
De pronto
As of now, For the moment
De todas formas
In any case, Anyway
De todos modos
Cambiar de opinión
To change one’s mind
Despedirse de
To say goodbye
Contar con
To count on
Soñar con
To dream about
Tropezar con
To stumble into, to bump against
Casarse con
To get married to
Con mucho gusto
Sin Duda
doubtless, without doubt
Desde luego
Of course
De antemano
To regret