Starvation and Obesity Flashcards
What is the balance of nutrients recommend for an average person?
Carbs - 50%
Fats - 20%
Proteins - 30%
basal metabolism includes?
body temp maintanence
heart beat
cellular activity
For 67 cents at Mickey D’s you get
means consuming 400 extra calories, 36 grams of fat and $1-7 extra in healthcare costs
excess calories regardless of the source are stored as
Central obesity or Apple shape fat distribution
visceral upper body fat stored around abdominal organs is associated with high risk for many diseases
Pear shape fat distribution
tends to be subcutaneous lower body fat
relatively harmless
waist circumference
good predictor of risk factors
Fat wise, disease risk depends on
distribution of fat
White fat
Single large vesicle that stores fat - can expand and expand
Brown fat
have much smaller droplets and is specialized to burn them to yield heat
Cells are packed with mitochondria to accomplish this
Lipid droplets have size limit
Infants are born with rich stores of
brown fat
about 5% of body wt on upper spine and shoulders
adults do retain a little bit of brown fat
More brown fat tends to be associated with ….
lower body weight
if possible, what would the conversion of white fat to brown fat accomplish?
It has been shown in mice, brown fat burns more calories when mice over eat, protecting them from obesity
mice with extra brown fat tend to be leaner and healthier
Lipoprotein lipase
removes triglycerides from the bloodstream for storage in adipose tissue and muscles cells
Women tend to have a pear shape because
women have higher LPL activity in the breasts, hips and thighs
Mutations in the Leptin gene leads to ..
insatiable appetite and obesity
Leptin signals sufficient energy stores and suppresses appetite
Principal cause of hunger?
when people choose not to eat
when people have nothing to eat
Healthier food and diet patterns cost
more than less healthy options
During fasting, how is the body getting energy?
break down of Protein
What is a sign of protein degradation?
elevated BUN
Poverty-Obesity paradox
highest rate of obesity occurs in those living in the greatest poverty
Nutrient rich foods _____ more than calorie dense foods
Poor quality diet delivers
more calories but fewer nutrients
Eating disorder
disturbances in eating behavior that jeopardize a person’s physical or psychological health
Disordered eating
eating behaviors that are neither normal or healthy
include restrained eating, fasting, binge eating and purging