Start-up Annunciators Flashcards
What will cause the SR or IR Level Trip Bypass alarm, Annunciator 110 (210) drop 1?
Operator takes level trip bypass switch on the drawer to bypass. (Allows instrument fuse removal)
What will cause the SR Hi Flux at Shutdown alarm? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 3
With it set properly (3x stable shutdown count rate or 1/2 decade above background) any increase to that set point will cause the alarm.
What else will happen if you receive the SR Hi flux at Shutdown alarm?
Containment evacuation alarm will sound
What will cause the SR Hi Flux at shutdown alarm blocked alarm? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 4
Startup procedure requires operator to place the block switches in the blocked position, causing the alarm.
What will cause the PR Upper Detector Flux Deviation alarm? Annunciator 110 (210) drop 16
It will be standing during startup bc all PR detectors are below 50% power.
Above 50% power, +/- 2% deviation from the avg of all upper detectors will bring it in.
What is the probable cause of a PR upper detector flux deviation alarm?
Rod mis-alignment
What is the cause of the PR Lower detector flux deviation alarm? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 17
Probably cause is rod mis-alignment.
Standing at startup below 50% power
When will The Rod Dropped or Rod Bottom alarm clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 22
Clears with withdrawal of control bank “A” at 20 steals as indicated by IRPI.
What does the Rod Dropped or Rod Bottom alarm tell us?
If any SD Banks or CB A drops to less than 20 steps.
Or for CB B, C, D, it is armed after their banks are above 35 steps as indicated by the P/A. It will then tell you if a rod drops below 20 steps.
What causes the Rod Sequence Violation alarm? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 29
Alarm will be standing during startup.
What must we do during startup because of the Standing Rod Sequence Violation alarm?
Record individual rod IRPI Positions as compared to demand during startup
When does the Rod Bank A Low Low alarm Clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 36
When Control Bank A gets to 215 steps as indicated by bank position
When does the Rod Bank A Low alarm clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 31
When Control Bank A gets to 225 steals as indicated by bank position
When does Rod Bank B Low Low alarm Clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 37
When Control Bank B gets to 215 Steps
When does Rod Bank B Low Alarm Clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 32
When Control Bank B gets to 225 steps as indicated by bank position
When does Rod Bank C Low Low alarm clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 38
When control bank C gets to 128 steps
When does the Rod Bank C Low alarm Clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 33
When Control Bank C is at 138 Steps
When Does Rod Bank D Low Low alarm Clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 39
At 0 Steps on control bank D
At the same time control bank C clears
When does the Rod Bank D Low alarm clear? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 34
When Control Bank D is at 10 steps
Clears at the same time as Rod Bank C Low)
Why is the Reactor Delta Flux Deviation alarm standing during startup and what does it do? Annunciator 110 (210) Drop 44
Alarm is standing bc power is < 15%
Alarm monitors AFD
When would the Loops 1,2,3,4 Tavg Low alarm clear during startup? Annunciator 111 (211) Drop 1
Should not clear unless temp gets above 554*F