Important Primary Shit Flashcards
What is a support function of the SFP system?
Used to clean up RWST
What is the lowest the SFP can be drained?
Suction lines are only 19.5” below surface
Will cross tying the SFP system thru purification piping prevent boiling?
No, only delay it
What is a function of containment?
Provides Biological shielding
What is the purpose of the divider barrier seal?
Prevents flow of steam and air from bypassing the ice condenser
What are the suction sources for the CEQ Fan?
SG Enclosures
PZR Doghouse
CLV Fan Rms
Instrument Rm
What happens on a lo-lo glycol expansion tank level?
Expansion tank outlet valves VSO-20/21 close
CIVs VCR-10/20 Close (outside containment)
What is the flowpath thru the Ice Condenser?
1 psf opens lower inlet doors
turning vanes to bottom of baskets
thru intermediate and top deck doors to upper ctmt
condensed by CTS and goes back to lower thru cavity drains
condensed steam/melted ice drains to lower volume
What is the function of the containment spray system?
Limits post accidend PRESSURE and TEMP
What is the purpose of NAOH in the CTS system?
Makes Recirc Sump pH between 7-10
Why do the SAT outlet valves and educator sypply valves close on a lo-lo SAT level alarm?
Prevents gas binding the pump with nitrogen
What happens if both Unit 1 aux exhaust fans are lost?
12-RRV-306 closes
What are the AES Fan suction sources?
CTS Hx RHR Hx SI Pump RHR Pump CCP and PDP CTS Pump
What must we do when working in the SFP / moving fuel?
Manually place AFX in charcoal filter mode.
Still get a signal on High Rad
Purpose of the Core Barrel
primary support
Purpose of the Thermal Shield
protect from neutron embrittlement
some preheating
Purpose of the core support casting
prevents movement of core barrel by fitting in keyways
Purpose of the diffuser plate
provides uniform flow to lower core plate
Purpose of the lower core plate
has 4 holes and directs flow thru each assembly
Purpose of the core baffle / former
maintains rectangular fuel assemblies in circular pattern
Primary source of neutrons for core
spontaneous fission of Californium 252
Secondary source of neutrons for core
beryllium activated by gamma
What is the flowpath of water in the vessel?
enters thru 4 nozzles
98.5% down bw core barrel and vessel wall
1% leaks by to outlet nozzles
.5% to upper head
flow bw thermal shield and barrel for cooling
97% up thru support casting, diffuser plate and lower core plate
.5% bw barrel and baffles
2.5% up control rod guide thimbles
coolant mixes in upper internals and exits outlet nozzles
Which RVLIS correlation is used when filling and venting RCS with RCP bump method?
Upper Plenum
Narrow Range RVLIS is used when?
Wide Range RVLIS is used when?
Upper Plenum RVLIS is used when?
What are the Leakage Limits for the RCS?
NO pressure boundary
0.8 (1.0) gpm Unidentified
10 gpm Identified
150 gpd for 1 SG
What is RCS Leak Detection required to detect?
1 gpm leak within 4 hours
What does the Orifice on the Rx Vessel Head vent do?
prevents leakage greater than capacity of 1 CCP
Why is RVLIS pressure used for the subcooling meter?
It’s outside containment
What RCS penetration is not into the flow path?
RHR Suction from Loop 2 Hot Leg
What penetrations are in the RCS flowpath
Wide and Narrow Range RTDs
PZR Spray Lines
RCS Sampling
Which loop does not have midloop indication?
Loop 1
What loops are the PZR Spray Lines on?
3 and 4 cold leg
Which loop is the RHR Suction on?
2 Hot Leg
What loop is the PZR Surge line on?
Loop 3
What loops are RVLIS on?
Loop 1 and 3 Hot Legs
What loops are Sample lines on in the RCS?
Loops 1 and 3 Hot Legs
Which loops are WR Pressure on?
1 and 2 Hot Legs
Which loop is normal LD on?
Loop 4 intermediate leg
What are the interlocks for starting a RCP?
Bearing lift pump motor starter closed
Bearing Lift Oil Pressure 510#
What is the purpose of the RCP Flywheel?
Helps remove decay heat immediately after a trip
What are the RCP Seal Return flowpaths?
1 - SW Hx to CCP Suction
What is the RCP Seal injection flopath?
5 gpm down RCP shaft into RCS
3 gpm thru #1
3 gph thru #2
100 cc/day #3
What happens to seal return if VCT level goes up to 70%?
pressure rises also. Seal return flow goes down. Must vent VCT to get it back
What will give you a Refueling water sequence?
BOTH QLC-451 AND 452 at 2.5%
When using emergency borating, what must be done to the BAT pump?
manually shifted to FAST speed
Where does alternate dilution go in automatic?
What instrument feeds into the East CCP ELO?
What instrument feeds into the West CCP ELO?
What must you do on a LOOP regarding the seal return system and why?
Close seal return iso valve QCM-350 to prevent steam binding CCP
What is the normal temperature, level and pressure of the PRT?
What instruments are used for Cold Overpressure?
NRV-152 is controlled by NPS-122 (Loop 1 WR)
NRV-153 is controlled by NPS-121 (Loop 2 WR)
How many acoustic monitors for the PZR Safeties?
1 for each safety
How many acoustic monitors for the PZR PORVs?
1 total for all 3 PORVs
What is the gallon per percent for the VCT?
19 gal / %
What is the gallon per percent for the PZR?
75 gal / %
What is built into the pressurizer master level controller to protect the RCP Seals?
Stop on QRV-251 to prevent isolating seal injection.
~47 gpm
What is the peak clad temperature for ECCS Acceptance Criteria?
< 2200*F
What is the max clad oxidation for ECCS Acceptance Criteria?
< 17%
What is the maximum hypotetical Hydrogen Generation for ECCS Acceptance Criteria?
< 1%
When do we go on Cold Leg Recirc?
manually aligned when RWST lowers to 20%.
What is the suction source for cold leg recirc?
RHR suction is aligned to the Recirculation Sump.
RHR provides suction to CCPs and SI pps in addition to the RCS.
When do we go on Hot Leg Injection?
5.5 - 7.5 hours after LOCA.
Not before 5.5 hrs to avoid core uncovery due to boil off
Not after 7.5 to prevent boron precipitation in the reactor
What do you have to do before using RHR Spray?
have to close RHR loop injection valves before aligning spray (prevents runout)
Where do we take suction from for RHR Spray?
Recirculation Sump
How long must we wait to use RHR Spray and why?
> 50 minutes after accident
allows for adequate heat removal to have occurred and CCP and SI for decay heat removal
Where does RHR tap into CVCS?
Before the LD Hx
How do we protect the RHR pump from runout when going to spray?
Close RHR Loop injection valves first
How do we protect the RHR pump from runout when going to hot leg recirc?
Cold leg isolation valve closed first, then hot leg is open.
While in HOT SBY with all RCPs running, The RC loop flow indicators for RCP #11 all fail LOW with the pump still operating. The probable cause of the total loss of flow indication would be a failure of the associated:
Outside Flow Tap
Which ONE of the following is a function of the Rx Vessel Head Vent System?
Removes non-condensable gas or steam from the Rx vessel head under accident conditions.
What conditions must be satisfied to start a RCP?
DP across No 1 seal is greater than 215 psig
During refueling, the divider barrier and missile blocks separating RC and refueling cavity are removed. As a result, higher flow rates in the containment purge exhaust system will:
Prevent the formation of vapor clouds on the water
What are the ECCS Pumps order of Injection with Normal Injection Pressures?
CCP - 2300#
SI - 1600#
Accumulators - 600#
RHR - 200#
On a LB LOCA, what would the expected flowrate be of your pumps if pressures were met for injecting? (runout flows)
CCP- 550 gpm
SI - 600 gpm
RHR - 4500 gpm
What is the design basis for Rods?
Maintains Tavg within 5F of program and restores Tavg within 1F of program following:
- 10% step load change
- 5% / min ramped load change
- 50% step load change (10% rods)
What is the output of the Rod Drive MG set?
260 VAC
What are the inputs to Rod Control?
Auctioneered High Tave
Auctioneered High PRNI
MPC-253, Turbine 1st Stage Impulse Pressure
What does the SCD Power Cabinet feed into?
S/D Banks CD
What does the 1AC Power Cabinet feed into?
Control Banks AC and S/D Bank A
What does the 1BD Power Cabinet feed into?
Control Banks BD and S/D Bank B
What does the 2AC Power Cabinet feed into?
Control Banks AC and S/D Bank A
What does the 2BD Power Cabinet feed into?
Control Banks BD and S/D Bank B
Explain how the Stationary, Movable and Lift Coils work together for outward Rod Motion
Stationary Full Current
Moveable Gripper On
Stationary Off
Lift Coil On
Stationary Full On
Moveable Gripper Off
Lift Coil Off
Stationary Half Current
Explain how the Stationary, Movable and Lift Coils work together for inward Rod Motion
Stationary Full Current
Lift Coil On
Movable Gripper On
Stationary Off
Lift Coil Off
Stationary On
Moveable Off
Stationary Half Current
When will you get bank overlap?
Bank Selector Switch in Auto or Manual
How much overlap does bank overlap provide?
100 step overlap
2 banks moving together for 100 steps
What are the Rod Control Power Cabinet Urgent Failures?
Logic Error Regulation Failure Phase Failure Multiplexing Error Card Removed
If you have an Urgent Failure on the Rod Logic Cabinet, which Rods are affected?
ALL Rods
If you have an Urgent Failure on the Rod Power Cabinet, which Rods are affected?
Rods in groups for that cabinet
What does the Variable Gain Unit do in Rod Control?
Increases the output at low power
Given reactivity change at low power has a smaller effect on power than at high power
What does the Rod Control Mismatch Rate Comparator do?
Compares rate of change bw Turbine 1st Stage Pressure and NIs
Provides faster response to transients
What is the Rod Speed for the S/D Banks?
62 spm
What does indication read for rod speed in auto for S/D Banks C and D in Auto
No Indication (0)
How fast do rods move in Manual?
48 SPM
How fast do rods move in Auto?
8-72 SPM
When to control rods begin moving?
+/- 1.5*F difference between Tavg and Tref
When do rods move 8 spm?
1.5-3*F temperature error
When do rods stop moving?
1*F temperature error
What will give you a NON-URGENT FAILURE on the rod power cabinet?
Loss of redundant power to power or logic cabinet
During a power ascension, w reactor power at 48%, control bank C group 1 rod B-8 drops. Prior to the drop, it was at 228 steps. While restoring the rod, a control rod urgent failure alarm occurs. Why?
urgent failure will be generated in the other bank of rods in that power cabinet due to all lift coil disconnect switches open for that entire group