EOPFirst Flashcards
The frequency to qualify for consideration in the EOP network is:
10 E-8 events / reactor year
When is the foldout page criteria applicable?
Any time THAT procedure is in effect
What are the conditions and exit criteria for Adverse Containment?
- Containment Pressure 5+ psig. Can be exited as soon as pressure drops below
- Radiation level of 1E5 R/hr. Once level drops below, must be evaluated for integral dose. If Accumulated dose >10E6 R/hr, equipment has been physically damaged.
- During ELAP until PRZ and SG temps are verified below 196.8*F
What’s the procedural hierarchy?
- FRGs Red/Orange (unless ECA-0 or ES-1.3)
- EOPs
- Emergency Remote Procedures
- AOPs
- ARPs
- NOPs
If a contingency action cannot be performed, what must be done?
The crew must proceed to the next step or sub step in the left hand column
What’s the order of priority for the Critical Safety Functions?
S - Subcriticality
C - Core Cooling
H - Heat Sink
P - Integrity
Z - Containment
I - Inventory
If you have an Orange path on a CSF, how often must it be monitored?
If you have an Red path on a CSF, how often must it be monitored?
If you have an Yellow path on a CSF, how often must it be monitored?
Not satisfied, Every 10-20 mins
If you have an Green path on a CSF, how often must it be monitored?
Satisfied - Every 10-20 mins
If Containment CSF has a Red path and Core Cooling has an orange path, which is the higher priority?
Containment. A RED path has more urgency than any other color.
Who has the responsibility for switching from the NOP to the EOP status tree monitoring when there is an event?
What are the fission product barriers?
- Fuel Cladding
- Containment
- E-Plan
If an FRG is entered (writing in the procedure), can it be exited if the CSF turns green?
What are indications of a Faulted SG?
Tave Drops
RCS Pressure Lowering
PRZ Level Lowering
SG Pressure / Temp Lowering
What are the indications of a SGTR?
RCS Pressure Lowering
Rad Alarms on SJAE and Gland Steam Condenser Monitors
SG Level rising uncontrollably
PRZ Level Lowering
What are the indications of a LOCA?
Containment pressure rising
Dew point Rising
Containment Rad Monitor Alarm
RCS Pressure lowering
What are the normal Post Trip conditions of the following?
RCS Subcooling
WR Log Power
PRZ Level
RCS Pressure
SG Pressures
SG Levels
RCS Tave
RCS Subcooling > 40 *F. Rises to 95 *F rapidly then to 100 *F
WR Log Power < 5%
WR SUR Negative
PRZ Level Drops to 25% then to 22%
RCS Pressure Gradually returns to pre-trip conditions
SG Pressures ~1000 psig
SG Levels - off-scale low
RCS Tave 547 *F
What are the modes of applicability for E-0?
Rx Trip - Modes 1 & 2
SI - Modes 1-3
What are the Entry Conditions for E-0?
Any RPS Signal Exceeds setpoint
Any SI Signal
Manual Rx Trip
Direct Entry
What are the Major Action Categories for E-0
- Verify auto actions of safeguards systems
- Identify appropriated Optimal Recovery Procedure
- Shutdown unnecessary Equipment and continue to identify ORP
What is the E-0 FOP Criteria?
- CL Recirc - 30% RWST Level
- AFW Switchover - 15% CST
- RCP Trip - Phase B or RCS Pressure at 1300 psig AND CCP or SI Pump Running
What’s the reasoning for Tripping a RCP during a phase B?
RCP Motor bearing will overheat because CCW flow to RCP LO Coolers has been isolated
What are the order of diagnostic transitions from E-0 and why?
E-2, Easy to find/fix, Impacts many CSFs and Masks other issues
E-3, Stop offsite dose, Unique, Detailed Actions
E-1, AUTO Actions handle it
What are the transitions for E-0?
Why would you enter FR-S.1 from E-0?
MT Trips but unsuccessful Rx Trip
If the main turbine trips but the Rx does not, what is the E-Plan Call?
Alert of SEA for RPS Failure
What’s the time limit for that power cannot be established to 1+ safeguards bus for an E-plan call?
> 15 mins
When would you enter ES-0.1 from E-0?
If an SI is not actuated nor required…
When would you enter E-1 from E-0?
If a PORV / Block valve cannot be closed
RCS pressure below RHR Shutoffhead
What are the immediate actions of E-0?
Verify Rx Tripped
Verify Turbine Tripped
Verify Power to AC Emergency Buses
Check SI Status
Why do we lower AFW Flow to < 450,000 ppl?
Limits over cooling the RCS
Whey do we maintain AFW Flow > 240,000 ppm until SG water level is obtained?
Ensure enough flow for decay heat removal
Key number for Heat Sink CSF
What is the ECCS Termination Criterion?
Subcooling >40*F
Heat Sink SG > 13%
RCS Pressure stable or rising
PRZ Level
What are the Entry Conditions for ES-0.0, Rediagnosis
Operator doubt as to which procedure should be in effect
ALL of the following are met:
- SI is I/S or required
- E-0 has been exited
- E-Series EOP is in progress
What are the ES-0.0, Rediagnosis Major Action Categories?
- Check if any SGs are not faulted
- Check if any SG is faulted and if it was not isolated
- Check if there is a SGTR
What are all possible Transitions from ES-0.0, Rediagnosis?
E-1 or ECA-1
E-3 or ECA-3
When would you enter E-1 from ES-0.0, Rediagnosis?
No indications of Tube Rupture
When would you enter E-2 from ES-0.0, Rediagnosis?
MSIVs open and ALL SG pressures lowering uncontrollably
Faulted and not isolated SG
When would you enter E-3 from ES-0.0, Rediagnosis?
High Rad or SG Level Rising Uncontrollably
When would you enter ECA-2.1 from E-0.0, Rediagnosis?
MSIVs shut and ALL SG pressures lowering uncontrollably
What are the FOP criterion for ES-0.0, rediagnosis?
SI Actuation
AFW Swtichover
E-0 Transition if SI actuates
What is to preferred order of water sources for AFW switchover?
- Other unit’s CST
2. CST crosstie with opposite’s pump
What are the Entry Conditions for ES-0.1, Rx Trip Response?
From E-0, Step 4 when SI is neither actuated nor required
What are the Major Action Categories for ES-0.1, Rx Trip Response?
- Ensure Primary Stabilizes at No Load Conditions
- Ensure Secondary Stabilizes at No Load Conditions
- Ensure power is available to necessary components
- Establish / Maintain Forced Circ of the RCS
- Maintain stable RCS conditions
How much do you borate for each control rod not fully inserted?
U1- 160 ppm
U2- 150 ppm
What is the FOP Criteria for ES-0.1, Rx Trip Response?
SI Actuation Criteria
AFW Switchover Criteria
E-0 Transition if SI actuates
What are the potential transitions from ES-0.1, Rx Trip Response?
E-0, Step 1 if spurious SI occurs
ES-0.2 if natural circ cooldown is required
What’s the purpose of resetting AMSAC during the Rx Trip Response?
To clear the lockout of the TDAFP auto start
TS 3.7.5, TDAFP needed in M3
What are the Entry Conditions for ES-0.2, Natural Circ Cooldown?
From ES-0.1 and ECA-0.1 if a natural circ cooldown is required
From ES-0.3 if the first 13 steps of ES-0.2 have not yet been performed
What do the first 13 steps of ES-0.2, Natural Circ Cooldown accomplish?
Borate to cold shutdown and block the low pressure SI
What are the Major Action Categories of ES-0.2, Natural Circ Cooldown?
- Try to start an RCP (forced circ is better)
- Cooldown and depressurization the RCS with no void growth
- Lockout SI
- Place RHR I/S (<350*F and 350-400 psig)
- Cooldown to cold shutdown (25*F per hour with RHR)
What’s the FOP Criteria for ES-0.2, Natural Circ Cooldown?
SI actuation Criteria - < 40*F subcooling
AFW Switchover- 15% CST
RCP Restart
ES-0.3 transition if voids are expected
E-0 if SI occurs
What are the transitions from ES-0.2, Natural Circ Cooldown
ES-0.3, Natural Circ Cooldown w a steam void after step 13 IF CST inventory is low
and after loss of offsite power when a high rate of planned cooldown and depressurization is required due to reduced CST inventory
In ES-0.2, Natural Circ Cooldown, what is down if SDM is inadequate?
Procedure loop that requires operator to continue berating until cold shutdown boron concentration is established and verified
At the onset of Natural Circ, what is removing MOST the heat from Reactor Vessel Head?
If ALL CRDMs are running, what is the minimum subcooling requirement?
If less than all CRDMs are running, what is the minimum subcooling requirement?
220*F to prevent possible void formation in upper head
Inoperable CRDMs means….
Total upper head area cooldown rate will be less, so greater subcooling must be maintained.
What’s the entry condition for ES-0.3, Natural Circ Cooldown with steam void in vessel with RVLIS?
ONLY from ES-0.2, after completion of the first 13 steps
What are the FOP Items for ES-0.3, Natural Circ Cooldown with Steam Void in Vessel with RVLIS?
SI Actuation Criteria
AFW Switchover
E-0 if SI occurs
RCP Restart Criteria
Why do we want to restart an RCP if all are stopped?
Enhance core heat removal
Improves RCS Pressure and Temp Control
Improves PRZ Level Control
Why is RCP 3 the most effective RCP for PRZ Spray
Most dP bc it is in the loop with the surge line
What’s necessary to restart an RCP?
1 Seal dP > 200 psig
No Void
Power to the Bus
RCP Cooling
Thermal Barrier Cooling water dP high alarms clear
Bearing lift pump running for 2 mins
What could happen if you start an RCP with a steam void in the upper head?
Reduced subcooling
Moves void to PRZ or SG Tubes
What is the main indication of Natural Circ?
RCS Subcooling based on CETCs > 40*F
What are all the indications of Natural Circ?
RCS Subcooling > 40*F
Stable or Lowering:
- SG Pressures
- RCS HL Temps
RCS CL Temps at saturation temp for SG Pressure
If you can’t verify Natural Circ, what do you do?
Raise steam dump flow
What is the expected parameters for the following during Natural Circ?
RCS Subcooling
SG Pressures
RCS dT- rises 20-30F, so Tave ~ 15F higher
RCS Subcooling - Drops to about 60-70*F
SG Pressures - Stabilizes at 1025 psig on PORVs
What are the physical requirements for Natural Circ?
Heat Sink higher elevation than Heat Source and a flowpath between the 2
Density gradients must exist