Standard Transmission Vocalbulatry Flashcards
Air filter/Pressure regulator
Cleans and supplies are to the transmission at 60 PSI
Used on transmission shift linkage, reverses normal direction of motion
Blocking ring
A synchronizer part, changes a gears speed to match shaft speed so the synchronizer sleeve can lock the gear to the shaft
Collar shift transmission
uses sliding clutches or collars to select gear ratios
Compound shift
A shift where two parts of the transmission are being shifted at once
Constant mesh transmission
Main and countershaft gears are always in mesh
The shaft that is driven by the input gear
Detent balls
Spring loaded steel balls that hold the shift rails in position
Drop box
Also call transfer case
Allows output of the transmission to flow to both front and rear axles
All wheel drive
Double clutch
A technique drivers use to synchronize gear and shaft speeds
Input shaft
Clutch discs are splined to
Insert valve
Controls air flow to front or rear of the splitter cylinder piston
Interlock system
Prevents transmission from engaging two main shaft gears at once
Main shaft
Also called output shaft
Driven by the countershaft
Multiple countershaft transmission
More than one countershaft
Increases torque capacity of the transmission
Output shaft
Also called main shaft
Power take of device (PTO)
Attached to the transmission, gear driven, used to run accessories
Range gear
Any speed gear
Range shift cylinder
The cylinder to control range shifts in the auxiliary
Reverse idler shaft
Shaft that supports the reverse idler gear
Road ranger valve
A driver shift knob that controls range and splitter shifting
Shift cover
Cover on the transmission that holds the shift rails and forks
Shift finger
A flat sides piece that sits in the shift gates
Shift forks
Forks that move sliding clutches or collars in the transmission
Shift gate
Rectangular notches attached to the shift rails
Shift tower
A raised section with a pivot into which the shift lever fits
Slave air valve
Controls air flow to the range shift cylinder
Speed gears
Also known as range gears
Create transmission ratios
Splitter shift cylinder
A shift cylinder that controls the splitter sliding clutch
A device that matches shaft and gear, no gear clash