Stalin Cult Flashcards
When was Stalin’s 50th birthday?
December 1929
What was Stalin described as in paintings, poems, posters and sculptures?
mightly leader
father of the nation
universal genius
shinning star of humanity
In between what years was the Stalin cult established?
1933 - 1939
Name the main historical textbook published in 1938
Short Course
When was Short Course published?
What infomation did the Short Course skew about Stalin?
It gave Stalin a major role in the October Revolution and Civil War whilst Trotsky and others were shown as enemies and with minor rules.
Photographs were _____ how?
Photos were doctored to remove S enemies and put S next to Lenin.
How many copies of the Short Course were sold by 1948?
34 million copies
How did peasants sometimes honour Stalin?
With a Red Corner like the saints cornering tsarist times.
What evidence proves S was responsible for the growth of his cult?
Successor claimed S ordered his Short Biography to be rewritten to praise him more.
What did all writers have to join in 1932?
Union of Soviet Writers
What did all artists have to join in 1932?
Union of Artists
What did the arts show about Russian life?
Showed the potential of the working man, communist working together and embracing new technology
Name a popular novel
How the Steel was Tempered - Nikolai Ostrovsky
What was the common propaganda theme?
eg. Stakhanov
Who appeared on the front page of Pravada more than Stalin and between what years?
Young working men
25% of al female factory workers were described as ____
What was produced for the Word Trade Fair 1937?
24.5 m stainless steel sculpture of Worker and Kolkhoz woman
Who produced the sculpture for the word trade fair
Vera Mukhina
Name the classic childhood story
Pavlik Morozov, denounced father as a kulak and killed by angry fam members