Stalin Flashcards
First five year plan
Extremely rapid industrialization (changed into a four year plan). Needed to advance to protect themselves from western imperialism and capitalism
Socialism in one country
Campaign for national unity through a united economic class; industrialized quickly and eliminated foreign involvement
Forced collectivization
Government had the right to raid agricultural villages of goods and people
Killed/relocated ethnic minorities (kulaks), sent them to labor camps
Second five year plan
Not as successful as the first. Focused on heavy production like steel, and communications like railways.
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
Treaty of non-aggression between Soviet Union and Germany–secretly divided up Eastern European counties to take over
High Stalinism
Period between 1945-1953 when Stalin could rule without fear of Nazis past WWII
Established by Lenin in 1914 (Russian revolution) it was an international communist organization
Restarted by Stalin in 1947 It was the first official forum of the international communist movement since the dissolution of the Comintern
Battle of Stalingrad
July 1942-feb 1943 soviets fought off German invasion. Important battle since the German forces never regained the initiative in the East and withdrew a vast military force from the West to replace their losses
Feb 1945, big three (FDR Churchill Stalin) planned defeat and occupation of post war nazi Germany. Military would be demolished and land divided up.
July 17-Aug 2 1945 conference including Stalin, Churchill and Truman. Purpose was to administer punishment to Germans and establish post war order and treaty issues
*last meeting due to Cold War tensions
(Committee for state security) main soviet security/military agency from 1954-1991
Iron curtain
“Political, military, ideological barrier” that isolated the Soviet Union
Central committee
Designation for body of communist parties. Directed all party and govt activities between each party congress