Middle East Cluster 1 Flashcards
Jews have right to homeland
Dispersion of Jews
Theodor Herzl
Hungarian, “Father of Modern Zionism”
1916 Secret agreement between Britain and France that established spheres of influence after Ottoman Empire
Balfour Declaration
Letter declaring British support for Jewish homeland in Palestine
After WWII France and Britain split up land into these
David Ben-Gurion
First prime minister of Israel, declared state of Israel
United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, established 1947 in response to UK govt recommendations regarding future of Palestine
Significantly strengthened argument for Jewish homeland
Arab League
Formed for foster economic growth and resolve disputes between members. All states receive one vote.
Arab League
Formed for foster economic growth and resolve disputes between members. All states receive one vote.
1931-1948 Israeli group that believed the only way to ensure Jews had access to Palestine was through force. Known for Deir Yassin massacre
“Day of Catastrophe”, refers to displacement of Palestinians after Israeli independence 1948
United Nations Security Council–had peacekeeping missions during Suez Crisis
Israeli Defense Force formed 1948, Israeli’s military utilized in all major conflicts
Defensive Expansionism
Belief that a two state solution was not possible so Israel had to expand to ensure security/decrease vulnerability
Plan Dalet
Considered by some to be ethnic cleansing–when Israeli forces swept through Arab villages in 1948
Deir Yassin
April 9 1948 Zionist groups attack this Palestinian Arab village, sought to relieve blockade of Jerusalem
Arab Nationalism
Ideology that rose to prominence in 1950s as Arab states gained independence from colonial rule. Promotes unity among states.
Zero Sum
Positive action for one side is negative for the other–no winnder