Dictator Dash Flashcards
Annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany 1938
Nazi secret police
Land expansion of Nazi Germany needed due to overpopulation and to show superiority
Night of long knives
1934 political murders committed by Nazis on left Nazi party, conservative anti-Nazis and SA paramilitary leaders
Third Reich
1933-1945 Nazi reign in Germany
“Forcible coordination” when Nazis established totalitarianism over all aspects of society and lives
Nuremberg laws
1935 anti-Semitic laws introduced at annual Nuremberg rally; removed Jews from German citizenship
Nov. 9th 1938 series of attacks against Jews by destroying homes and shops (night of broken glass)
Munich crisis
Germans demanded Sudetenland (Czech territory)
Leader/Guide– what hitler was often called
Bring under control of the nation (industry, land)
Giving business, service to the private sector
Wansee conference
1942 meeting of nazi officials to ensure they were on board with Jew segregation
German labor front
The organisation, by its own definition, combated capitalism, liberalism, but also revolution against the factory owners and the national socialist state.
-demanded more of workers but they had better job security
Labor camps
Held Jews and anti-nazis for forced labor
Concentrated regional Jew population
United underclass against Jews and attempted to make Germans unified
Hitler youth
From 1933 until 1945, it was the sole official youth organization in Germany and was partially a paramilitary organization; it was constituted of the Hitlerjugend proper for male youth aged 14 to 18
Blonde with blue eyes– master race
Belief of improving genetic quality by killing undesirable genes
Four year plan
The Four-year plan was a series of economic reforms created by the Nazi Party. The main aim of the Four-year plan was to prepare Germany for self-sufficiency in four years (1936–1940). The Four-year plan sought to reduce unemployment and rebuild the military
SS-initiated, state-supported, registered association in Nazi Germany with the goal of raising the birth rate of “Aryan” children via extramarital relations of persons classified as “racially pure and healthy” based on Nazi racial hygiene and health ideology.
Heinrich Himmler
Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and one of the persons most directly responsible for the Holocaust.
Munich agreement 1938
The Munich Agreement was a settlement permitting Nazi Germany’s annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country’s borders mainly inhabited by German speakers, for which a new territorial designation “Sudetenland” was coined.