Stages of pregnancy Flashcards
What is an embryo
developing organism from conception to 8 weeks where it becomes a foetus
What occurs during gap between conception and following 4 weeks?
one month embryo growth=4 mm long embryo
muscle segments on tube later form brain and spinal cord
brain develops along with heart and liver
evident embryonic tail
What occurs during weeks 4 and 5 of embryonic period?
week 4 - throat region contains pharyngeal arches w/clifts between
- arches form structural elements of throat and face
- pouches between clefts form epithelial lining+throat glands
week 5 - arm and leg buds appear(arm buds more advanced)
What occurs during embryonic period week 6 to week 8?
-organs are present but non-functional
-growth of 3 cm and weight of 1g
-head is 1/2 the size of the embryo
-jaws mostly developed while eyes, nose, ears, hands and fingers are full developed
-evident sexual organs
When does foetal development start?
After about 4/16 weeks
What occurs during foetal development month 4?
-uterus expands and belly bulge present
-growth of 18cm and 100g
-erect foetal posture
-movement (stretching of limbs)
- developed finger prints and heart rate of 120-160 bpm
What occurs during foetal development month 5?
-uterus keeps developing
-growth of 25 cm and 300g
What occurs during month 7 of foetal development?
apparent pregnancy
-growth of 27-38 cm and 565-1000g
-vigorous movement
-large brain+functional areas+furrows
-in male babies, testes will descend from scrotum
What occurs during 8 month of foetal development?
growth of 41 to 45 cm and 1800-2200g
What occurs during 9 month of foetal development?
-growth of 46-48 cm and 2700g
-fully developed circulatory system
-more time required for digestive system to develop
-no room for movement
When does pregnancy finish usually? what happens during that time?
after about 40 weeks/ 10 months=full term
-foetal activity has decreased due to a decrease in space in the uterus
-growth of 50 or so cm and 3400g
-placenta fails
-foetus changes position (head at pelvis)
What changes occur to the mother during the first trimester?
-period stops
-morning sickness
-increased breast development
-feeling giddy/nauseous/tired
-bladder squishes=more pee
What changes to mother occur during 2nd and 3rd trimester?
-first movements of child
-noticeable abdominal growth during 5th month
-weight gain
-urination frequent
-varicose veins/haemorrhoids
What physiological changes occur to mother?
-above normal hormone amount
-blood volume increases by 50% = increase blood pressure
-increased functioning of heart + kidney
-risk of gestational diabetes
What is parturition?
-hard work of delivering baby from uterine contractions
-preceded by a rise in the levels of oestrogen and oxytocin in the mothers bloodstream
-begins with contractions of the muscular walls of the uterus (start at top of uterus and sweep down to cervix)
-as labour progresses contraction=stronger+more frequent
How do hormonal changes adi in labour?
-hormonal changes cause ligaments of pelvis to soften
-also increases response of uterus to stimuli which strengthens contractions of muscles
What happens to the cervix during birth?
it softens, shortened in length and opens up a little.
-baby has it’s knees drawn as it takes up the least amount of room as possible
What occurs during first stage of labour
1st phase: (latent) all things occurring before 6 cm dilation with contraction that last 30’s every 5 to 30 mins)
2nd phase: intense contractions breaking of the waters 60-90 secs long every 0.5-2 mins
What occurs during second stage of labour (expulsions stage)?
birth of the baby
baby’s head contains unfused skull bones
most babies are head down
baby’s head is pushed–head/body is turned–shoulders and body is delivered
What occurs during the third stage of labour?
placenta comes away from the uterine wall (whole thing must be removed)
after this the uterus contracts to it’s original size through the helps of oxytocin
Characteristics of a new-born
-50 cm long
-weigh 3.3kg
-head makes up 1/4 of the overall length of the child
-legs make up only 1/3
-no muscle control developed
-can breathe, suck, swallow, and get rid of wastes
-can see, hear, taste, smell, and turn head
Changes in baby at birth
-new-born can no longer depend on placenta for food and oxygen
-lungs and liver must now become fully functional (blood must flow through them)
-clamping of umbilical vessels allows the level of carbon dioxide in babies blood to rise
-stimulates the respiratory centre in the brain=lungs begin to function
-as lungs expand=less resistance to blood flow=flow through ductus arteriosus decreases
-larger amounts of blood return to heart from lungs=pressure….