Stages of Counseling Theories Flashcards
What are the 6 stages of
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
- Assessment
- Development of New Concepts
- Skills acquisition
- Skills consolidation
- Generalization and maintenance
- Post-treatment follow-up
Solution Focused Therapy Process
“Problem talk creates problems, solution talk creates solutions.”
* Come with an open mind
* Get an idea of the problem, but details not needed.
* Draw clients attention away from problem to focus on solution.
* Develop clear, achievable goals.
* Come up with solutions.
Reality Therapy WDEP Model
WDEP Model
* Explore WANTS and needs
* Examine life DIRECTION
* Make PLANS
ABCDE Model for
Rational Emotive Therapy
ABCDE Model:
1. Activating event: The external event that activates how we feel or think.
2. Belief: Our automatic beliefs about the event, ourselves, other people.
3. Consequence: Your emotional or behavioral responses.
4. Dispute: When you dispute or question these beliefs.
5. Effective behavior: When you have resisted irrational beliefs and have changed your behavior
Content on Mental Status Exam
- General Presentation: appearance, motor activity, facial expressions, Interpersonal behavior, genral behavior
- Speech: form, quality, rate, quantity, comprehension, tone
- Mood and affect
- Orientation: time, person, place, self
- Intellectual ability: general information, calculation, reasoning
- Attention and concentration
- Memory
- Thought process
- Hallucinations
- Insight
What are the Stages of Change
(Transtheoretical Model)?
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
- Relapse
What are the levels in Gottman’s Sound Relationship House?
Stages of Adlerian Therapy
- Engagement
- Assessment
- Insight
- Reorientation
General Stages of a Group
- Forming: Group
- Transition (storming & norming)
- Working
- Termination
Layers of Gestalt Counseling Process
(Peeling the onion)
- Phony layer: client is pretending to be something they are not.
- Phobic layer: client shows fear of revealing real identity.
- Impassse: Client will appear stuck in meeting counseling goals.
- Implosive layer: Awareness of ways they are holding back and becomes vulnerable.
- Explosive layer: Client becomes whole and acts in authentic way.
Stages of Adlerian Therapy
- creating a relationship
- assessment
- insight
- reorientation.
Transtheoretical Model
Stages of Change
- Pre-contemplation: not seriously considering changing. In denial.
- Contemplation: Recognize a change has to happen, but still ambivalent.
- Prepartion: Begins to think about how change could happen.
- Action: Significant steps are taken to change.
- Maintenance: Changes that have been made continue.
- Termination: Change is permanent and does not wish to go back to old behavior.
- Relpase: Person returns to previous behaviors.