NCMHCE Assessments Flashcards
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Subjective test to assess psychological state, traits, and psychosis
Projective Test
Thematic Apperception Test
Designed to elicit interpretations by subject of social situations.
Projective Test
The house-tree-person test (HTP) is intended to measure different aspects of personality. Test takers are asked to draw a house, a tree, and a person. The interpretation of these drawings is used to create a picture of the person’s cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.
Projective Personality Test
Sentence Complete Tests
Subjects are given start of a sentence, and subject completes the sentence.
Projective Test
Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale
IQ Test
Intelligence Test
Ages: 16 to 90 years
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
IQ Test
Intelligence Test
Ages: 6 to 16 years
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale
Intelligence and cognitive abilities test.
Intelligence Test
Ages: 2+ years
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test
of Visual-Motor Integration
Checks for visual-motor issues in children. A geometric sequence of forms to be copied onto paper.
Neuropsychological Test
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test
Tests visual-motor integration.
Can be used to assess brain damage.
Neuropsychological Test
Ages: 4 to 85 years
Benton Visual Retention Test
Also called Benton Test
Measures visual perception and visual memory.
Neuropsychological Test
Ages: 8+ years
Wechsler Memory Scale
Measures memory function.
Ages: 16 to 90
Neuropsychological Test
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery
Comprehensive neuropsychological test battery.
Neuropsychological Test
Ages: 15+ years
DISC Assessment
Quadrant behavioral model used to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment.
Vocational Preference Assessment
The Holland Codes
Set of personality types described used to help choose a career.
6 types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional
Vocational Preference Assessment
Self Directed Search
Career assessment test based on the Holland Codes.
Vocational Preference Assessment
Ages: 11 to 70 years
Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory – 2
Assesses major psychological characteristics that reflect an individual’s social and personal maladjustment, including disabling psychological dysfunction.
Personality Test
Ages: 18+ years
Millon Clinical Multiaxial
A psychological assessment tool intended to provide information on psychopathology,
Personality Test
Ages: 18+ years
Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory
Specifically for assessing adolescent
personality characteristics and clinical syndromes
Personality Test
Ages: 13 to 18 years
Personality Assessment Inventory
A self-report inventory of adult psychopathology. Designed as a shorter alternative to MMPI.
Personality Test
Beck Depression Inventory
Multiple-choice self-report inventory, one of the most widely used instruments for measuring the severity of depression
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Ages: 13 to 80 years
Beck Anxiety Inventory
Designed to discriminate anxiety from depression.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Ages: 17 to 80 years
Burns Anxiety and
Depression Checklists
Self reported questionnaires listing common symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Composite International
Diagnostic Interview
A comprehensive, fully-structured interview designed to be used for the assessment of mental disorders
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Eating Disorder Inventory
Designed as a self-report measure of psychological and behavioral traits common in anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
Interview scale
measures the severity of a patient’s anxiety
Psychologica/Clinical Diagnostic
Ages: all
Patient Health Questionnaire 9
A brief self report assessment designed to
screen for depression.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Patient Health Questionnaire 15
A brief self report assessment designed to screen for Somatization.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
An acronym based on 10 suicide risk factors.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Short Health Anxiety Inventory
An 18-item version of the original 48-item
measure designed to assess fear of illness,
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
Illness Behavior Questionnaire
A 62-item self-report instrument that assesses patient’s attitudes, ideas, affects, and attributions in relation to illness.
Psychological/Clinical Diagnostic
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Used to distinguish between state (temporary) and trait (long-term) anxiety.
Anxiety Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
ADE Needs Assessment
A130-question, adult assessment tool.
Addresses life stress, attitude and emotional stability, criminal history and alcohol /drug use.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Addiction Severity Index
ASI provides a general overview of
substance-abuse problems
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
10-item screening to assess alcohol-related behaviors.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Use Inventory
AUI provides info on how individuals use alcohol, the benefits they derive from use, negative consequences, and the degree of concern individuals express about the use.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Cut Down, Annoyed, Guilty, and Eye-Opener
Easy-to-use screening for identifying patients who are experiencing drinking and potential alcohol problems.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble.
Developed to screen adolescents for high-risk alcohol and other drug use disorders
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Drug Abuse Screening Test
10-item, brief screening tool that can be
administered by a clinician or self-administered.
Assesses drug use, not including alcohol or tobacco use, in the past 12 months.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Drug Use Screening Inventory - Revised
159-item screening instrument that provides scores in 10 life domains.
alcohol and drug use, behavior
patterns, health status, psychiatric disorder, social competence, family system, school
performance, work adjustment, peer relationships, and leisure and recreation.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
Self-appraisal of social, vocational, and family problems frequently associated with heavy drinking.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Personal Experience
Screening Questionnaire
40-item substance abuse screening instrument.
Ages: 12 to 18 year olds.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory 4th Edition
Screens for high or low probability of having a substance use disorder.
Effective at identifying those in denial or deliberately trying to conceal their substance use.
Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Adverse Childhood
Experience Questionnaire
10-item self-report measure developed to identify childhood experiences of abuse and neglect
Other Type of Assessment
Ages & Stages Questionnaire
Assesses early
childhood development
Other Type of Assessment
Behavior Assessment
System for Children 3
Analyze the child’s behavior from three perspectives— Self, Teacher, and Parent
Other Type of Assessment
California Psychological Inventory
Designed to evaluate interpersonal behavior and social interaction within normal individuals.
Other Type of Assessment
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior
Quickly gathers critical insights into how an individual’s needs for inclusion, control, and affection can shape his or her interactions with others.
Other Type of Assessment
Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Self-assessed personality questionnaire
Other Type of Assessment
Kim Alliance Scale
Measures the quality of therapeutic alliance, including patient empowerment.
Other Type of Assessment
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
A measure of personal and social skills of people ranging in age from birth to age 90.
Used with special needs populations.
Other Type of Assessment
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Personality assessment based on Jungian theory.
Other Type of Assessment
Mini Mental State Examination
Brief, 30-point questionnaire test that is used to screen for cognitive impairment.
Other Type of Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
Outcome Questionnaire 45
A brief scale to measure the subjective experience of a person, as well as to evaluate counseling effectiveness.
Other Type of Assessment
Woodcock-Johnson III
Tests of intellectual ability and academic achivement.
Achievement Test
Vanderbilt Assessment Scales
A brief scale completed by parents and teachers that assesses ADHD symptoms along with conduct disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, anxiety, depression and academic performance.
Other Type of Assessment
Wide Range Achievement Test 4
An achievement test which measures an individual’s ability to read words, comprehend sentences, spell, and compute solutions to math problems.
Achievement Test
Ages: 5 to 94 years
Child Behavior Checklist
Designed to assess “social competence” and “behavior problems” in children.
Behavioral Assessment
Ages 6 to 18
Connors Rating Scales
Designed to assess ADHD and related problems in children.
Attention/Impulsivity Assessment
Ages: 6 to 18
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
a global representation
of an individual’s coping
Other Type of Assessment
Cultural Formulation Interview
Used to gather information about cultural features of an individual’s mental health problem.
Has 4 domains:
1. Cultural Definition of the Problem
2. Cultural Perceptions of Cause, Context, and Support
3. Cultural Factors Affecting Self-Coping and Past Help Seeking
4. Cultural Factors Affecting Current Help Seeking
Cultural Impact Assessment
DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1
Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure
23 questions that assess 13
psychiatric domains. It is intended to help therapists to identify areas in the DSM that need to be assessed further.
Other Type of Assessment
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule
36 self-reported questions that ask the client to report on life difficulties due to health/mental health conditions.
Other Type of Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
Brief Trauma Questionnaire
10-item, self-report trauma exposure screen
Trauma Screening
PTSD Checklist
most widely used and researched screen for PTSD in adults
Trauma Screening
Child Post-traumatic
Symptom Scale
Assesses child for symptoms of PTSD, as well as whether the respondent is experiencing impairment in functioning.
Trauma Screening
UCLA Reaction Index
Commonly used measure for PTSD symptoms in children and
Trauma Screening
Treatment Engagement
Rating Scale
TER is an objective measure that evaluates client engagement in the treatment process.
Treatment Assessment
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
Helps educators tailor learning experiences for students.
Developmental Assessment
Ages: 3.5 to 12
Vineland Social Maturity Scale
Assesses social competence of students with developmental disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and Intellectual Disability.
Developmental Assessment
Ages: 0 to 15
System of Multicultural
Pluralistic Assessment
Assesses level of functioning of children from various backgrounds.
Developmental Assessment
Ages: 5 to 11
Bayley III
Bayley Scales of Infant Development-III
Identifies developmental issues in early childhood.
Developmental Assessments
Ages: 1 to 42 months
Denver II
Denver Developmental Screening Test II
Identifies developmental problems in young children so they can be referred for services.
Developmental Assessment
Ages: 0 to 6 years
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
Assesses cognitive development
Intelligence Assessment
Ages: 3 to 18 years
Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude
Measures both general intelligence and discrete ability areas. Also shows the effectives of language, attention and motor issues on test performance.
Intelligence Assessment
Ages: 6 to 17 years
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Used in measuring abstract reasoning skills
Intelligence Assessment
Ages: 5+ years
Leiter International Performace Scale, Third Edition
Non verbal measure of intelligence
Intelligence Assessment
Ages: 3 to 75 years
Slosson Intelligence Test
Quick test of intellectual ability. Good to use as screening to determine if more testing is needed.
Intelligence Asssessment
Ages: 4 to 65 years
NEO Personality Inventory 3
Comprehensive measure of 5 domains of personality (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness)
Personality Assessment
Ages: 12+ years
California Psychological Inventory
Personality assessment that assesses social communication and interpersonal behavior.
Personality Assessment
Ages: 13+ years
16 Personality Factor Inventory
Measues anxiety, adjustment, emotional stability, and behavioral problems.
Personality Assessment
Ages: 16+ years
Psychological Screening
Inventory 2
Brief mental health screening to determine need for further screen or professional support.
Personality Assessment
Ages: 16+ years
Children’s Apperception Test
Child asked to describe 10 animal pictures in order to gain understanding about personality and emotional disturbance.
Personality Assessment
Ages: 3 to 10 years
Covi Anxiety Scale
Used to distinguish between depression and anxiety.
Often used with HAM-A
Anxiety Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, 2nd Edition
Quickly identifies source and level of anxiety in children.
Anxiety Assessment
Ages: 6 to 19 years
Screen for Childhood Anxiety Related Disorders
Screens for childhood anxiety
Anxiety Assessment
Ages: 8 to 18 years
Fear Questionnaire
Used to assess the level of distress associated with different fears.
Anxiety Assessment
no age limits
Beck Hopelessness Scale
Measures feelings about the future, motivation, expectations.
Depression/Suicide Assessment
Ages: 17 to 80 years
Carroll Depression Scale
Self-rated instrument for measuring presence and severity of depression.
Depression Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
Zung Self-rating Depression Scale
Used to assess depression levels in individuals diagnosed with depressive disorder.
Depression Assessment
no age limit
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
Rates severity of depression symptoms. Used to evaluate effectiveness of treatment
Depression Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
IPAT Depression Scale
Used to diagnose depression
Depression Assessment
Ages: 16+
Child Depression Inventory 2
Assesses symptoms of depression in children
Depression Assessment
Ages: 7 to 17 years
Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire
Screening tool for depression in children
Depression Assessment
Ages: 6+ years
Kuder Career Planning System
3 assessments to help with career planning
Career Assessment
Grades 7+
Luria-Nebraska Neurological Battery
Screening for coginitive and neurological impairments. Can be used to measure level of brain damage.
Neurological Assessment
Ages: 13+ years
Screening tool for cognitive impairment in adults
Neurological Assessment
Older adults
Eating Disorders Inventory 3
Assess for eating disorders
Other Assessments
Age: 13 to 53 years
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
The BPRS assesses the level of 18 symptom constructs such as hostility, suspiciousness, hallucination, and grandiosity. It is particularly useful in gauging the efficacy of treatment in patients who have moderate to severe psychoses.
One of the oldest assessments for identifying mental health issues.
Other Assessments
No age limit
Positive and Negative Symptom Scale for Schizophrenia
Measures severity of schizophrenia
Other Assessments
Ages: 30-68 years
Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory - Youth Form
Measures life stressors and how they change over time.
Other Assessments
Ages: 12+
Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory
Measures attitudes towards self
Other Assessments
Ages: 8+ years
Tennessee Self Concept Scale
Measures how people see themselves in school and at work.
Other Assessments
Ages: 7 to 90 years
Connors CBRS
Connors Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale
Assesses behavior, emotional, academic, and social problems in children.
Behavioral Assessments
Ages: 6 to 18
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5
Use to diagnose DSM-5 disorders.
Other Assessments
Ages: 18+ years
PROMIS Measures
Over 300 measures of physical, emotional, and mental health
Other Assessments
no age limit
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 3
Assesses auditory discrimination
Other Assessments
Ages: 2 to 21 years
Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development, Revised
Evaluates receptive and expressive language
Other Assessments
Ages: 4 to 48 momths
Carrow Elicited Language Inventory
Identifies language disorders in children and what may be causing it.
Other Assessments
Ages: 3 to 8 years
Short Index of Problems
Short assessment to determine problems associated with alcohol use.
Alcohol Assessment
Internal State Scale
A self-report instrument that is used to differentiate between mood states in clients who have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Psychological Assessment
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale
Measures severity of depression.
Psychological Assessment
Ages: 18+ years
Clock Drawing Test
Screening for cognitive impairment and dementia and as a measure of spatial dysfunction and neglect.
Neuropsychological Assessment
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
Self-scoring Social Anxiety scale.
Psychological assessment
Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5
Gold standard for PTSD assessment.
The CAPS is a 30-item structured interview that assesses the frequency, severity, and duration of symptoms associated with PTSD. The CAPS provides reliable and valid data that can be used to track the client’s progress over the course of treatment.
Trauma Assessment
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities
A way to diagnose dyslexia
Learning disability
Ages: 5 to 12 years
Inventory of Psychosocial Functioning
Self-report instrument measuring PTSD-related functional impairment in the past 30 days
Trauma Assessment
Flanagan Tests
Aptitude Test
Rotter Incomplete
Sentence Blank
Sentence completion test of personality and socioemotional functioning.
Used to screen for adjustment problems, to facilitate case conceptualization and diagnosis, and to monitor treatment.
Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment
Lifestyle Assessment is a distinctly Adlerian tool designed to identify an individual’s core beliefs (about self, others and the world), his/her rules about life, and the goals that have been set.
Paulhus Deception Scales
Self-report instrument that identifies individuals who, when responding to assessments and rating scales, distort their responses.
Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire
Measure of clients’ beliefs, emotions, and behavior about auditory hallucinations.
Psychotic Symptom
Rating Scales
used to assess the severity of delusions and hallucinations.
It has subscales for auditory hallucinations and delusions.
Peabody Picture
Vocabulary Test
Basic intelligence test intended to give an estimation of the examinee’s verbal intelligence.
One of the claims of this test is that a vocabulary assessment is an important gauge of general intelligence.
Goodenough-Harris drawing test
intelligence test
Lehman Quality of Life interview
Quality of life for the severely mentally ill
McCarthy Scale of Children’s Abilities
intelligence test for children
Otis Self-Administered Test Of Mental Ability
Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire
The Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire is a 14-item measurement that screens for faulty cognitions about potential consequences of panic and anxiety. There are two subscales, which are loss of control and physical concerns.
Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale
The Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS) was developed to assess four types of drug-induced movement disorders (DIMD): Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia, and tardive dyskinesia (TD).
Gottman Relationship Checkup
Self-administered by the couple.
480 questions in 5 categories. Friendship and intimacy, safety, conflict, shared meaning, and individual areas of concern.
Can be used throughout therapy to gauge couple progress.
Parenting Relationship Questionnaire
Part of the BASC-2 family, aiding understanding of parent-child relationships.
Partner Relationship Inventory
Designed to assess interactional, emotional, and sexual needs in a relationship and to point to areas of conflict.
Family Adaptibility and Cohesion Evaluation Scale
The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale IV (FACES-IV) was developed to capture the balanced and unbalanced levels of cohesion and flexibility in families.
Ages 12+
Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Monitors health behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth in the United States.
Self-harm Behavior Survey
Functional assessment of self-harm.
Bayley-4 Screening Test
Can quickly determine if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.
Clinical Anger Scale
21-questions. The CAS could provide information helpful in understanding angry clients, the planning of treatment, and the assessment of therapeutic progress. By being administered at several points in time, the Clinical Anger Scale may also provide valuable information about clinical status and treatment response.
Not meant for formal diagnosis of clinical anger.
Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children
The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC 2) assesses anxiety across four domains.
Ages: 8-19
Structured Trauma-Related Experiences & Symptoms Screener
The STRESS instrument is designed to assess for trauma in children and adolescents age 7-18.
Ages: 7-18
Combat Exposure Scale
A 7-item self-report measure that assesses wartime stressors experienced by combatants.
Broset Violence Checklist
A short-term violence prediction instrument
* confusion
* irritability
* boisterousness
* verbal threats
* physical threats
* attacks on objects as either present or absent
Cognitive Assessment System
A well-researched, norm-referenced measure of cognitive ability based on the cognitive/neuropsychological theory called PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive).
Provides insight into intellectual and learning disabilities and symptoms of ADHD.
Ages 5 to 18
New York Teacher Rating Scale for Disruptive and Antisocial Behavior
The scale has utility for assessing symptoms of conduct disorder in school.
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory
This parent-rating scale is used to assess both the frequency of child disruptive behaviors and the extent to which the parent finds the child’s behavior troublesome. It has been widely used in treatment outcome studies for disruptive disorders.
Home and School Situation Questionnaires
Designed specifically to gather information from parents about behaviors and symptoms directly associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills
The Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills-Revised (CIBS-R) provides tools for assessing students’ skills from kindergarten through the elementary and middle school years.
Columbia Impairment Scale
This is a measure of general impairment in children in various functional domains, including relations with family members at home, relations with peers, academic or occupational functioning, and involvement in general interests and activities.
Behavioral Summarized Evaluation
An assessment instrument completed by a clinician or a third party (e.g., significant other, teacher, parent, peer) that includes items that assess behaviors which could be related to biological data in autistic children involved in educational programs, neurophysiological studies, and therapeutic trials.
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
BRIEF is an assessment of executive function behaviors at home and at school for children and adolescents ages 5–18.
Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale
Psychiatric screening rating scale for bipolar disorder.
Mood Disorder Questionnaire
A self-report questionnaire designed to help detect bipolar disorder.
It focuses on symptoms of hypomania and mania, which are the mood states that separate bipolar disorders from other types of depression and mood disorder.
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality
A flexible therapeutic framework in which patient and provider work together to assess the patient’s suicidal risk and use that information to plan and manage suicide-specific, “driver-oriented” treatment.
Interpersonal Relationship Inventory
Designed to provide individuals with some insights into their communication strengths and potential areas for development.
Leeds Dependence Questionnaire
A ten-item self-completion questionnaire designed to measure the severity of dependence on any drug including alcohol.
Life Orientation Test
A standard psychological instrument that assesses one’s dispositional level of optimism, providing meaningful insight into possible interventions, such as those to address harmful thought patterns.
Marital Satisfaction Inventory
A multidimensional measure of intimate relationship functioning designed to identify the nature and intensity of distress in distinct areas of partner interaction.
Developmental Screening Test II
Assessment of developmental levels.
Ages: 1 month to 6 years
Children’s Systemizing Quotient
Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Ages: 4-11 years
11 Sections on the
Mental Status Exam
- Appearance
- Attitude
- Behavior
- Mood and affect
- Speech
- Thought Process
- Thought content
- Perceptions
- Cognition
- Insight
- Judgment
Substance Abuse Assessments
for Adolescents
- Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire (PESQ)
- Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory - Adolescent Version (SASSI-A2)
Quick screening tools for subtance abuse
- Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST)
- Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) - not for alcohol
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)