Stage theories Flashcards
manipulating environment, circular reactions, ends with object permanence
0-2 years old
pre operational
symbolic thinking, egocentrism, centration, magical beliefs, ends with conservation
2-7 years
concrete operational
Loss of egocentrism, logical thought with concrete objects, ends with abstract thinking
7-11 years old
formal operational
ability to think logically about abstract ideas, hypothetical reasoning
11+ years old
primary circular reactions
repeating body movements that originally occurred by chance
secondary circular reactions
manipulation is focused on something outside of the body
object permanence
objects continue to exist outside of view
existing schema are modified in order to accommodate new information
new information is adapted to fit an existing schema
symbolic thinking
ability to pretend, make believe, and have an imagination
inability to imagine what others think or feel
physical amount remains the same when its form is changed
only focusing on one aspect of a phenomenon
energy centered on mouth, fixation leads to dependency
0-1 years
toilet training, fixation causes excessive orderliness or messiness
1-3 years
oedipal/electra conflict, castration anxiety/penis envy, sublimation of libidinal energy
3-6 years
period of sublimation of libido, moral grounds established
6-12 years
healthy relationships or neurosis established
12+ years
Trust vs mistrust
0-1 (oral). Can I trust the world?
autonomy vs shame and doubt
1-3 (anal). Is it ok to be me?
initiative vs guilt
3-6 years (phallic). Is it ok for me to do, move and act
industry vs inferiority
6-12 (latency). can I make it in the world of things and people
identify vs role confusion
12-20 (genital). Who and I what can I be
intimacy vs isolation
20-40 (genital). Can I love
generatively vs stagnation
40-60 (genital) can I make my life count
integrity vs despair
60+ . Is it ok to have been me
Obedience (avoid punishment)
Self-interest (gain rewards)
0-12 years
conformity (approval of others)
Law and order (maintaining social order)
social contract (ensure the greater good and human rights)
universal human ethics (abstract principles)
25+ maybe
zone of proximal development
skills and abilities in development that need the support of an adult to be fully realized. Vygotsky