Stabilize and Bind (aka Astringent) cont Flashcards
Qian Shi (Euryales Semen)
Sweet, astringent, neutral
Kd, SP
*Stabilize Kd, secure jing, tonify SP, stop diarrhea, eliminate damp & discharge (better at elim. damp than Lian Zi)
- strengthens sp, stops diarrhea - chronic diarrhea from sp damp. good for children
- stabilizes kd and secures jing - for kd qi xu
- expels damp, stops discharge - dh or xu discharge
9-15g up to 30g
c/c: difficult urination/constipation
Jin Ying Zi (Rosae laevigatae Fructus)
sour, astringent, neutral
ub, kd, li (LJ)
*stabilizes kd, secure jing, binds ints, stops diarrhea
- stabilizes kd, secures jing - from lj xu
- binds ints stops diarrhea - chronic diarrhea/dysentery
6-12g (gin decoction)
30g used alonen
c/c: shi heat due to exopathogens. overdose = abd pain/contipation
*Fu Pen Zi (Rubi Fructus)
chinese raspberry
sweet, astringent, neutral
kd, lv
*stabilizes kd, secures jing, contains urine kd/lv yang xu vision
- augments and stabilizes kd, binds jing, contains urine - for kd yang xu
- assists yang and improves vision - for lv and kd xu
c/c: xs heat xie, yin xu heat, urinary difficulty
Wu Bei Zi (Galla Chinensis)
Gallnut of Chinese sumac, “5 multiples seed”
sour, salty, COLD
Kd, LI, LU
*wide variety of leakage esp LU, LI and topical for fire toxin sores/swellings
- contains leakage of lu qi and stops cough - for lu xu chronic cough
- binds ints stops diarrhea - for chronic diarrhea, dysentery, blood in stool, rectal prolapse
- preserves and restrains - for wide variety of leakage - sweating, bleeding, PM emissions
- absorbs moisture, reduces swellings, resolves fire toxin - topical for swellings, dermatosis, sores, dampness, ulcerations, scar tissue
c/c: external WC/cough, LU heat, DH dysentery diarrhea
*Bai Guo (Ginkgo Semen)
ginkgo nut
aka yin xing
sweet, bitter, astringent, neutral, sl toxic
*Phl heat cough and wheeze, astringes xu damp vag discharge/urination
bitter=dry damp, astringent=holds in, neutral=xu or shi (double duty)
- preserves lu and arrests wheeze : cough and wheeze esp chronic with copious sputum (EXPEL PHLEGM)
- eliminates dampness and discharge, contains urination: xu and DH cases (discharge, turbid urine)
overdose = hyperthermia, n/v, foamy saliva
toxicity eliminated in decoction. do not eat raw. do not use in large quantities or long term.
c/c: xs patterns, DTE sticky sputum
*Fu Xiao Mai (Tritici Fructus levis)
light wheat grain, floating wheat
sweet, sl salty, cool
(sweet=augments qi, salty=cools)
*stops qi/yin xu sweat, nourish ht calm shen
(regulates pulses)
tonifies and pushes the heat out
- inhibits sweating - various causes including qi and yin xu
- nourish ht, calm shen (Zang Zao restless organ d/o = xiao mai not fu xiao mai)
c/c: exterior xie sweating
Ma Huang Gen (Ephedrae Radix)
ephedera root
sweet, neutral
*stops sweating from various causes (inhibits exterior)
inhibits and restrains (reigning in outward dispersal, doesnt support normal qi/calm shen)
- stops sweating - variety of xu sweating: qi xu, yin xu, postpartum
c/c: exterior disorders
can make blood pressure go down
Nuo Dao Gen (oryzae glutinosae Radix)
glutinous rice root
sweet, neutral
kd, lv, lu
for yin xu fever and night sweats
- stops excessive sweating from deficiency - for qi xu, yin xu
- for yin xu fevers
*****Hai Piao Xiao (Wu Zei Gu) (Sepiae Endoconcha)
cuttlefish bone
salty, astringent, sl warm
kd, lv, ST
*stops bleeding/discharge, retains jing, ST acidity, topical for damp/healing
- restrains, holds in, stops bleeding - for variety of bleeding patters, esp xu. also topical pwd for trauma bleeding
- secures essence stops discharge - for kd xu leakage. for vag discharge of any etiology
- controls acidity, alleviates pain - st acidity, st qi rebellion,
- resolves dampness, promotes healing - topical pwd for non-healing sores or damp rash
- stops diarrhea; chronic dysentery
overuse may constipate/stagnate
antag: zhi fu zi, bai ji
Sang Piao Xiao (Mantidis Ootheca)
mantis egg case “mulberry egg bag”
sweet, salty, neutral
KD, Lv
*tonifies Kd, secures jing for leakage, incontinence, bedwetting in children
(tonifies MM fire)
- tonifies kd, assists yang, secures jing, contains urine- for kd yang xu dribbling. good for child enuresis. also impotence
c/c: yin xu heat, UB DH