ss2 Flashcards
sceptical (+ of, about)
-everyone says our team will win, but I’m sceptical of (about) it
hoài nghi (a)
-Should the death penalty be abolished?
thủ tiêu, bãi bỏ (v)
ponder (+ on, over)
- you have pondered long enough, it’s time to decide
suy nghĩ, cân nhắc (v)
-optional subjects at school
được chọn] tùy ý; không bắt buộc
-elegant manners
thanh lịch, tao nhã (a
-he looked at his face reflected in the mirror
-their actions reflect their thoughts
-reflect upon what answer to make (+ on, upon)
phản chiếu, phản xạ, dội lại (v)
phản ánh
(+?) suy nghĩ, ngẫm nghĩ
-no one doubts her competence as a teacher(+ for, as,to)
-this does not fall within the competence of the court
năng lực, khả năng (n)
thẩm quyền
-we can’t equate the education system of Britain to that of Germany
coi ngang nhau, đặt ngang hàng (v)
-a problem above (beyond) somebody’s comprehension
-reading comprehension
sự hiểu; khả năng hiểu (n)
bao quát
retention /ri'ten∫n/ -retention of one's rights -the retention of flood waters -his extraordinary powers of retention
sự có được,giữ được, sở hữu, sử dụng (n)
sự giữ lại, cầm lại, chặn lại
sự duy trì; sự ghi nhớ; trí nhớ, khả năng nhớ mọi chuyện
-To facilitate learning, each class is no larger than 30 students.
-The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs
làm cho dễ dàng, tạo điều kiện dễ dàng (v)
-Sadly, however, it will do nothing to relieve their disaster
-the drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain
làm giảm nhẹ, làm bớt đi (v)
cứu trợ
-She took the unprecedented step of revealing the truth about the situation
-He suddenly gave me a lot of money that was unprecedented
chưa từng thấy trước đây (a)
eager for something (to do something)
-eager for learning, eager hopes ,eager to please
hăng hái ,khao khá(v)
. ham, háo hức, hăm hở, thiết tha
-we work in adjacent rooms
-They lived in a house adjacent to the railway.
kề, sát ngay (prep)
-Shop-assistant required. Apply within
-she returned within an hour
[ở] bên trong (prep)
trong vòng, trong khoảng (thời gian; khoảng cách) (adv)
-In most stores, the price is fixed
-Is the date of the wedding fixed yet?
cố định (a)
arranged or decided already and not able to be changed
-If you have money here, everything is negotiable .
có thể điều chỉnh, thương lượng, có thể đi qua đc (a)
-he did the first stage of the trip by train
-the baby has reached the talking stage
chặng, giai đoạn (n)
-a period of peace
-three periods of geography a week
kỳ, thời kỳ (n)
-can you extend your visit a few days longer?
kéo dài, mở rộng (v)
-His favourite recreations are golf and playing Scrabble.
-Emma’s only form of recreation seems to be shopping.
sự giải lao ,trò tiêu khiển,giải trí (n)
-this computer is not accessible
có thể truy cập (a)
-But despite continual warnings, the girls ignored the bans and regularly returned to cause havoc
liên tục, không ngớt (thường mang nghĩa k tốt ) (a)
-bend an iron bar
-she bent down and picked it
uốn cong,cong, oằn; cúi xuống (v)
-as brittle as thin glass
giòn, dễ vỡ, dễ gãy (a)
inflexible /in'fleksəbl/ -an inflexible will -an inflexible rule -an inflexible material
không uốn được, không bẻ cong được (a)
cứng rắn
rigid /'ridʒid/ -a tent supported on a rigid framework -a man of very rigid principles -rigid discipline
cứng,cứng nhắc (a)
-the teacher’s cruel discipline
-the teacher disciplined the class by giving them extra homework
kỷ luật (n)
phạt (v)
-ask for permission
-he received permission to proceed the plan
sự cho phép (n)
-an excessive enthusiasm for sport
thái quá (a)
-they don’t drink excessively
[một cách] thái quá (adv)
-He was clever, handsome, and exceedingly rich.
-It’s just exceedingly difficult to beat good teams when you spot them eight runs.
quá chừng (adv)
- As you can imagine, he was in an exceeding amount of pain and was suffering from internal bleeding
vượt bực; trội; quá chừng (a)
-restrain one’s anger
kiềm chế, kìm, nén, dằn lại (v)
-he entertained us to dinner last night
-he entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes
thết đãi, tiếp đãi, đãi (v)
giải trí; tiêu khiển
-The materials used are usually minimized or changed to reduce production time and cost.
giảm thiểu, tối thiểu hóa (v-)
đánh giá thấp
-the company was aiming to maximize profits
tối đa hóa (v-)
-I want to enlarge the land to exploit
- can you enlarge on what has already been said?
mở rộng; rộng ra ;phóng to (ảnh) (v)
(+ on) nói chi tiết thêm
-the machine operates night and day
-the medicine did not operate
vận hành, chạy (máy), hoạt động, (v)
có tác dụng; có hiệu lực
-sophisticated devices used in spacecraft
tinh xảo, tinh vi (a)
-punish somebody severely
[một cách] nghiêm khắc (adv)
-the price fluctuates between £5 and £6
dao động (v)
-the tropical region
vùng, miền (n)
-he made his views abundantly clear
thừa thãi, nhiều (adv)
-Everyone around is wearing colourful sweaters, cardigans and pullovers .
áo pun, áo len chui đầu (n)
-I object to such treatment (to being treated like this)
phản đối (v) +to
-While he talks, his feet move constantly - tapping away to an imaginary beat.
do tưởng tượng mà có (a)
-The restaurant uses fresh ingredients, imaginatively cooked.
[một cách] giàu tưởng tượng (adv)
-an imaginative designer
-The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plasti
tưởng tượng (không có thực) (a)
giàu tưởng tượng
-radioactive waste from nuclear power station
rác vật liệu (n)
-his desk was covered in a litter of books and papers
rác rưởi (loại nhẹ như giấy vụn, chai…) bị vứt bữa bãi
sự lộn xộn, sự bừa bộn (n)
-a critical attitude
phê bình,chi trich (a)
-she was awarded a medal for bravery
giải thưởng (khi tham gia 1 cuộc thi và giành win)
-he received a medal in reward for his bravery
phần thưởng (khi làm việc tốt or hoàn thành cv)
prompt /prɒmpt/
- her question was prompted by worries about the future
- at 6 o’clock prompt
- a prompt reply
gây, gợi (cảm hứng, ý nghĩ), thúc đẩy (v)
đúng thời gian (adv)
mau lẹ, nhanh chóng, tức thời (a)
miscellaneous /,misi’leinjəs/
-I have a lot of books, computers and lots of other miscellaneous things.
tạp, pha tạp, hỗn hợp, linh tinh. (a)
-we can merge our two small businesses [together] into one larger one
-twilight merged into total darkness
hoà lẫn, lẫn vào, nhập vào; sáp nhập (v)
fade /feid/ (+ away)
- the strong sunlight had faded the curtains
- all memory of her childhood had faded from her mind
nhạt, phai, tàn
mất dần, mờ dần, biến dần (v)
mighty /’maiti/
-mighty warrior
mạnh, hùng mạnh (a)
rất; cực kỳ
bold /bəʊld/
- a bold warrior
- bold, legible hand-writing
dũng cảm, gan dạ, táo bạo (a)
rõ, rõ nét
-the overall cost of the carpet including sales tax and fitting
-overall it’s been a good match
tổng cộng; toàn bộ (a)
nói chung (adv)
adjust /ə’dʒʌst/
-she carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out
the body quickly adjusts [itself] to changes in temperature
sửa lại cho đúng, chỉnh lại
làm cho thích hợp (với một hoàn cảnh mới), thích nghi
estimate /’estimeit/
we estimate his income at (to be) about £8000 a year
we ask our builder to estimate for the repair of the ceiling
ước lượng, ước tính
(+ for) dự trù chi phí
-They are working to preserve the delicately balanced ecosystem of these wetlands.
-Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem
hệ sinh thái (n)
-Many birds migrate , and many of the world’s frogs, lizards, and snakes lie low during cooler periods of the year.
di cư, di trú (v+)
-It was an unusual insect , with coloured wings that faded from red to yellow
côn trùng, sâu bọ (n)
-Consequently, those animals which have a hot stomach easily digest their food
tiêu hóa (v)
-The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.
sức chứa, dung tích (n)
năng suất
-the maximum amount that something can contain
kế tiếp (a)
thành công (v)
kế tiếp; tiếp tục
thừa kế, kế nghiệp
ngay lập tức (adv)
-the police observed the man entering (enter) the bank
-Children learn by observing adults.
quan sát, theo dõi (v)
tuân theo, tuân thủ
chỉ tơ; lụa (n)
bind (bound)
buộc, thắt, cột, trói (v)
gấp, gập,gói ; quây (v)
ngừng, đình chỉ
khiêm tốn, nhún nhường, nhã nhặn (a)
đáng thèm muốn, đáng khát khao, đáng mong muốn
khêu gợi (a)
-I only wish for a small wedding, no gifts or lavish food or gowns, just my family and their blessings.
nhiều, lãng phí,phong phú (a)
xa hoa
-his invalid father is becoming a burden to him
-(carry, shoulder) a heavy burden
gánh nặng (nghĩa đen, nghĩa bóng) (n)
terminate /'tɜ:mineit/ -terminate somebody's contract -terminate a pregnancy -This train will terminate at the next stop - passengers who wish to continue should change trains.
kết thúc, chấm dứt (v)
bring to an end.
pave /peiv/
-The area near the beach is paved with bricks set in patterns.
lát (đường, sàn…) (v)
mở đường
-Who initiated the violence?
-At the age of eleven, Harry was initiated into the art of golf by his father.
bắt đầu, khởi xướng (v)
kết nạp
to cause something to begin
-During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing and fuel
khẩu phần (n)
liều,tá (n)
1-Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to weddings.
formal I am writing with/i
-avoid [making] any reference to his illness
2-Could I list you as a reference on my application?
sự nói đến, sự ám chỉ (n) (= mentioning)
tài liệu tham khảo
-contribute ten pounds to a charity collection
góp, đóng góp (v)
-pursue a thief
-Andrew was determined to pursue a computer career
đuổi theo, đuổi bắt, truy nã, truy kích (v)
-she paled with shock at the news
-look pale
tái, nhợt nhạt (a)
răng mọc chìa, răng khểnh (n)
răng sứt
-there is milk and cream – do you have a preference?
-she try not to show preference in her treatment of the children in her care
sự thích hơn, sự ưa hơn
sự ưu đãi, sự dành ưu tiên cho (n)
-he was born with a slight deformity of the foot which made him limp
-This made removal difficult or impossible without a great deal of scarring and deformity
sự biến dạng, dị dạng
bộ phận biến dạng (n)
-implant religious beliefs in young children
-I want to say that although you cannot be possessed by demons they can implant thoughts in your mind through suggestion.
ghi khắc vào tâm trí, in sâu vào tâm trí (v)
(y học) cấy vào cơ thể
-because it was his first offence, the punishment wasn’t too severe
-I’m sure he didn’t mean to cause offence to you
xúc phạm (n)
sự vi phạm; tội
-he always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing
phóng đại, thổi phồng (v)
-haul a car out of the mud
-elephants hauling logs
kéo mạnh, lôi mạnh (v)
-demonstrate the truth of a statement
-an assistant demonstrated the washing machine to customers
chứng minh
+to) trình bày và giải thích cách làm (v
-The laws that currently exist allow employers to pay their employees as they please
ông chủ (n)
-They have failed to pay their employees ‘ wages for July.
người làm, người làm công (n)
-there were no tickets available
-the book is available from bookshops
có sẵn, sẵn sàng
có thể dùng đc,có thể có dc (adv)