Sraith_4_2015 Flashcards
the guidance counsellor’s office
oifig an ghairmthreoraí
discussing the course
ag plé an chúrsa
further information
tuilleadh eolais
creative ability
cumas cruthaitheach
the education programme
an clár oideachais
the challenge
an dúshlán
after the Leaving Cert
i ndiaidh na hArdteiste
a course in chemistry
cúrsa sa cheimic
a lot of work
a lán oibre
she promises him
geallann sí dó
to get the points
chun na pointí a bhaint amach
ag teastáil
in the school yard
i gclós na scoile
a school building
foirgneamh scoile
in the background
sa chúlra
as a small break
mar shos beag
the girl refuses
diúltaíonn an cailín
that she will not be free
nach mbeidh sí saor
she must
caithfidh sí
playing basketball
ag imirt cispheile
an invitation
a night of study
oíche staidéir
to miss
a chailleadh
to attend a film
chun freastal ar scannán
if she wishes
más mian léi
to spare
le spáráil
she refuses
diúltaíonn sí
focused on the work
dírithe ar an obair
as stubborn as an old donkey
chomh righin le seanasal
he’ll book the tickets
cuirfidh sé na ticéid in áirithe
a big long essay
aiste mór fada
spread around
scaipthe timpeall
a diligent look
cuma díograiseach
talking about her
ag caint fúithi
she doesn’t take a break
ní ghlacann sí sos
important for health
tábhachtach don tsláinte
the exams will be over
beidh na scrúduithe thart
on her face
ar a haghaidh
while she’s studying
agus í ag staidéar
worried about her
buartha fúithi
she’s a sensible girl
is cailín ciallmhar í
day of the Leaving Cert results
lá na dtorthaí Ardteiste
she reveals
nochtann sí
450 points
ceithre chéad caoga pointe
go diongbháilte
to celebrate
a cheiliúradh
in suspense
ar bís
he doesn’t believe it
ní chreideann sé é
well earned
tuillte go maith
she worked
d’oibrigh sí
her first university day
a céad lá ollscoile
an offer from the CAO
tairiscint ón CAO
a little nervous
beagáinín neirbhíseach
relief and satisfaction
faoiseamh agus sásamh
a degree in applied chemistry
Céim sa Cheimic Fheidhmeach
a legitimate third level student
mac léinn dlisteanach
she doesn’t know of
níl aithne aici ar
an information sign
comhartha eolais
ag clárú