SPV Q BANK Flashcards
Max gear extended speed
Max flap speeds
Flaps 1, 230 Flaps 2, 215 Flaps 3, 200 Flaps 4 & 5, 180 Flaps full, 165kt
Engine starter cycle duty
Ground vs flight
90 sec ground/10 sec off
120 sec flight/10 sec off
ATTCS limitation
Must be on for takeoff
Engine warm up and cool down period
2 mins
Min alt for autopilot on a “standard” precision/precision like apch?
50ft below DH/DA/DDA
Min alt for autopilot use on visual apch with no IAP
Min autopilot engagement alt for takeoff?
Accel alt and out of TO mode
Min autopilot engagement for go around
400ft AGL
Brake temp limitation
Can’t take off with it in amber
When must we select anti Ice on ground?
OAT 10c or less and icing conditions exist
Also 1,700ft ceiling for takeoff
Memory items:
Cockpit/cabin smoke or fumes
O2 masks on
then 100%
Crew communications establish
Jammed control column-pitch
Elevator disconnect handle pull
Working pitch control identify
Assign PF
Trim runaway
AP/TRIM disconnect button press and hold
Cabin alt HI
O2 masks on, 100%
Crew communications establish
Jammed control wheel- roll
Aileron disconnect handle pull
Working roll control identify
Assign PF
Nose wheel steering runaway
When doing the DVDR test, how long must the button be held down for a successful test?
> 3sec with no EICAS fail message
What conditions have to be met for the CVR data to be erased?
On the ground parking brake set
What would indicate a failure of the DVDR test?
CVR AFT (FWD) FAIL on eicas
What happens when you rotate the OVHD PNL knob to off?
All the lights are bright
What is the function of the MAIN PNL light knob?
Sets brightness level of the guidance panel and instrument panel background lighting
What lights or systems ARE NOT checked when the ANNUNCIATORS TEST button is pressed?
Warning lights Caution lights Parking brake GPU pushbutton Fire test lights
What is the purpose of the ANNUNCIATORS TEST button?
To verify lamp integrity of all striped bars and caption indications in all main and overhead panels and control pedestal pushbuttons
Will the dome light work with the battery switches off?
With EMER LT switch in OFF can the emergency lights be turned on from the FWD or AFT ATTENDANT panel?
What would cause the emergency lights to come on automatically?
Loss of DC Bus 1 or loss of electrical power
When do the no smoking or FSTN BELTS signs come on automatically?
Whenever the masks are commanded to deploy
What is the LG WRN INHIB button used for?
Silenced gear warnings when you have a dual radio altimeter failure
What conditions have to be met to drain the potable water?
Aircraft is airborne
Landing gear up
Drain masts heated
How can you confirm that the water tank is completely empty?
Complete drainage can be confirmed at the flight attendant panel
What units are manipulated with the CCD?
Cockpit door panel shows white dash, black, white ON. Locked or no?
What does it mean when the door panel ON Light is flashing?
Either door is commanded locked but it isn’t or..
Someone is requesting entry
What happens if someone requests access to the cockpit door and you DONT press INHIB?
30 sec then the door unlocks
What does the guarded CABIN IFE button control?
Controls power supply to the IFE rack
What does the guarded IFE RACK button control?
Controls power to the live TV system, XM satellite radio system and wireless aircraft data link
Also controls PA buffer, rack fan and flow switch
What systems are NOT turned off by pressing the IFE RACK button?
Power to the smoke detector and ventilation systems
What does the IFE CONNECTIVITY panel control?
The live TV Ka-Band connectivity system which is the inflight broadband and internet capability
What is the status of the IFE CONNECTIVITY panel?
POWER- white stripe
ANTENNA- black
The system is off
If the radar was off and you select STBY, what happens?
Radar can warm up
What does FSBY OVRD on the radar panel mean?
Radar forced into standby mode regardless of logic
If you both select it then radar will turn on even on the ground
What does GMAP mode do? (Radar)
Uses radar to map terrain
What is SECT mode? (Radar)
Sweep reduced from 120 to 60 deg
Rate increased from 12 to 24 sweeps per min
Radar: What does TGT do?
System alerts pilots of potentially hazardous targets directly in front of them but out of view
Radar: what does RCT do?
Highlights radar shadows in cyan
Radar: what does ACT do?
System automatically adjusts tilt in relation to current alt and selected range.
Radar: what does TURB do?
Shows areas of moderate to extreme turbulence displayed in soft white
Except CAT
Pressurization: when would you need to use LFE CTRL?
Both FMSs inop OR
Landing at airport not in FMS database
Will the system pressurize automatically in LFE CTRL mode?
Pressurization: what does the LFE CTRL knob do?
Manual input of field elevation
Pressurization: in flight what does DUMP button do?
AUTO: packs & recirc fans off, outflow valve modulates to allow for rise in cabin pressure to 12,400’ at 2,000fpm and natural leak will bring it higher
MAN: packs and recirc fans turn off
Pressurization: in level flight at 11,000ft how high will the Cain raise if you press the dump button?
To 11,000ft
Pressurization: how high would cabin raise with dump button selected if at FL350
FL 350
On ground, SET. What is the bleed prioritization for starting #2 eng?
APU bleed
On ground with APU and both engines operating, which pneumatic source supplies bleed air to the packs?
When in flight what is the bleed source priority?
On side, cross side, APU
In flight where does air come from for pack 1?
Engine 1 bleed
In flight where does air come from for pack 1 if engine 1 isn’t available?
Engine 2 bleed
In flight what happens if you turn off bleed 1? Would pack 1 turn off?
Closes bleed valve, crossfeed opens and bleed 2 feeds pack 1
If we are in icing conditions with bleed 1 inop, what happens?
Pack 1will turn off to ensure adequate airflow to deice system
What does an amber bar across the top of BLEED 1 Pb indicate?
Bleed leak
What happens when you press the RECIRC button on the pneumatic panel?
Recirc fans turn off
When are packs 1&2 Automatically turned off?
DUMP button
Thrust levers MAX
During TO with REF ECS OFF And APU off
If you select REF ECS OFF and turn off the APU, will the pack valves open on takeoff?
No. Unpressurized takeoff will take place
REF ECS OFF and APU on for takeoff, will packs valves open for takeoff?
During takeoff you encounter windshear. After selecting MAX POWER what happens to the packs?
They turn off
When MAX POWER is selected, what happens to the packs and recirc fans?
Commanded off
What would be an indication of an APU bleed leak?
Amber bar illuminated on APU BLEED pb
Also associated EICAS message
How can you give cabin temp control to the FA?
Rotate PAX CABIN knob to the detent: ATTND
What conditions command the recirc fans to turn off automatically?
Smoke detected in recirculation bay
When associated pack is turned off
What 2 conditions command the yaw damper on automatically?
1) YD defaults to ON at system startup
2) it is automatically turned on when AP is engaged
What is the function of the AT button in flight?
Engages and disengages AT
How do you cancel the AT warning?
Push the AT disc button again
Can the AP disconnect aural warning be silenced by pressing the AP button on the panel?
How do you select FD off?
Press FD Button
This forces system into speed T
What does the green arrow mean on the AFCS panel?
Indicates source side
What are the default vertical and lateral modes?
With AT engaged what speed mode would be expected when in VS?
Speed T
Is bank limiting function available in all lateral modes?
No only HDG
Can WX Radar be displayed on the PFD map when green needles are selected?
No must be magenta needles
MINIMUMS knob: RA allows for audio callouts based on RADAR altimeter. What approaches are affected using the RA selection?
What happens when you rotate the minimums knob to 0?
Turns the minimums display OFF and audio callouts are inhibited
What AT mode is shown:
white TO
TO mode is armed
What does TO shown in green mean?
TO is active AT mode
What vertical guidance does TO mode provide?
FD guidance V2 - V2+10 after liftoff
During takeoff what does HOLD mean?
HOLD is active AT mode and Serbia are de energized till 400’
What airspeed do you see TRACK on takeoff?
What is TRACK mode?
Heading is kept at what heading you had at moment of engagement
Besides takeoff when do you see TRACK mode?
On a go around after pressing TOGA
What does GA mode provide?
8 degrees then
Vref + 20
1 eng: Vac
What is the threat of changing the altitude when plane is in ASEL
Could go to FPA and continue climb or descent
In green FLCH will FMS altitude constraints be honored?
In magenta FLCH will FMS altitude constraints be honored?
When in magenta FLCH what displays on the HUD?
What is vnav PTH?
Aircraft intercepts and tracks an FMS generated vertical path to meet vertical constraints in FMS flight plan.
Can you use PTH in HDG
When you select HEG what is the default vertical mode
Is PTH a vertical mode or descent mode or both?
On an ILS once cleared and selecting APP button, what do you expect to see in the FMA?
APPR 1/LOC/GS in white
On an ILS once cleared and intercepted, what do you expect to see in the FMA?
APPR 1/LOC GS in green
When cleared for an RNAV apch you selected APP button and what should you see on FMA:
GP in white
When on RNAV apch what do you see in HUD with this GP captured?
What does HUD a3 mean?
HUD is armed for CAT II & III
When HUD A3 is active what do you expect to see in standby fields?
What are the two VNAV descent modes?
What does TO represent in the vertical mode column?
Airspeed will be V2+10 or V2 - V2+10 SE
What is green FLCH
Airplane will use pitch to achieve desired airspeed
What is speed on elevator mode?
Airplane uses a fixed thrust setting
What is speed on thrust mode?
ATs Use thrust to achieve desired speed
What is GP based on?
Coded FMS descent angle
What does LIM mean?
You requested a speed that can’t be achieved because already at idle
What is the symbol in the hud with a line extending down or up above the wing perpendicular to it?
Speed error tape
Tape above wing: speed greater than selected
Tape below wing: speed slower than selected
What is the crowbar symbol?
AOA limit aka stick shaker will happen here
What does Amber course needle mean?
You selected a cross side navigation source
What is a green needle?
VOR or localizer is selected
What is the green chevron that goes up and down to the left of the green wing?
It indicates you are accelerating
What is the line that looks like it has eyebrows?
That’s the PLI. AOA is approaching stick shaker
What happens when PLI reaches aircraft reference symbol?
Stick shaker
You taxi in and park. 2 engines running. You select GPU. What is AC BUS 2s source of power?
You taxi in and park. 2 engines running. You select GPU. You shut down engine 2. What is AC BUS 2s source of power?
In cruise you receive IDG 1 OFF BUS caution message. Where is AC BUS 1 receiving power now?
IDG 1 failed. You start the APU. Where is AC BUS 1 getting its power?
You see a IDG 1 OIL message. What indication do you expect to see on the panel?
Amber DISC illumination of IDG 1
Following a QRH procedure you disconnect the IDG. Can you reconnect it later?
What does white AVAIL mean?
When AC GPU is connected but NOT powering the AC BUS TIE
If the QRH instructs you to deselect the APU GEN switch, what would this action do?
Opens APU generator contractor isolating it from the AC BUS TIE
During OET to the gate with #2 engine off and APU off, what is AC BUS 1s power source?
During OET to the gate with #2 engine off and APU off, what is AC BUS 2s power source?
IDG 1 Via the AC BUS TIE
In flight what powers AC BUS 1
If AC bus 1 isn’t available what powers AC BUS 1?
IDG 2 via the AC BUS TIE
What does IN USE mean?
The GPU is powering the AC BUS TIE
During cruise you are instructed by QRH to take the AC BUS TIE selector sw to 1 OPEN. What did that do?
Isolated AC BUS 1 from the AC BUS TIE (opens BTC 1)
What is the priority of the AC BUS TIE?
If AC BUS TIE SW is in 1 OPEN and IDG 1 is working normally, will we lose anything?
Nope. Unless IDG 1 is unavailable
What happens if the TRU switch is moved to OFF?
Isolated respective TRU from its DC bus
If you select TRU 1 OFF would DCBUS 1 still get power?
Yes via the DC tie Contactor
What happens when you switch the DC BUS TIE to OFF?
Opens all DC bus tie contactors and limits systems capability to tie DC busses automatically
What busses are powered no matter what?
Hot battery busses 1 & 2
Why is there an auto for BATT 2
AUTO allows BATT 2 to supply power to either the DC essential 2 bus or APU start bus
How does thenAITO portion of IDG 1 OR IDG 2 rotary knob work?
It allows the IDG contactor to close, connecting the IDG to the respecting AC BUS automatically according to system logic
What is the OFF function of the IDG?
OFF opens the
Contactor isolating the IDG from the respective AC bus
Describe the operation of the ESSENTIAL TRU when in AUTO
Allows automatic connection of the TRU ESS to the ESS BUS 3
What is the difference between OFF and AUTO on the batt 2 selector?
OFF only HBB 2 is connected
AUTO connects BATT 2 to either DC ESS BUS 2 or APU START BUS
What happens when you pull the fire EXT handle?
Closes bleed valve
Hydraulic shutoff valve
Fuel SOV
Slowly generator comes offline
Will AC power be removed immediately if APU is switched OFF?
Yes, if another source is available
If no other power, turning OFF the APU will cause electrical power and pneumatics to…
Power 1 min
Air shuts off immediately
What happens if you switch APU off then back on inside it’s 1 min cool down?
Electrics will come back online
Can the AC be left unattended with APU running?
Why can’t we leave the APU unattended?
The APU fire bottle doesn’t discharge automatically
Can you do a preflight walkaround with APU running?
Yes, you’re in the aircraft footprint
What happens when you press red guarded APU EMER STOP pb?
APU stops with no cooldown
White stripe in bottom of PB
With no fire what happens if you press APU Fire EXT Pb?
SOV closes and agent will discharge
Can the APU FADEC command automatic shutdown?
Yes within 10 seconds if daily detected
When would FIRE EXTINGUISHER APU light illuminate red?
When EMER STOP PB has been pressed and an APU Fire is detected
60 sec after an APU Fire is detected and no pilot action has occurred
Cargo smoke detected in flight. What happens if I press FWD CARGO SMOKE PB?
One press discharges the high rate bottle followed by low rate 60 sec later
Cargo smoke NOT detected in flight. What happens if I press the CARGO SMOKE PB?
One push arms the high rate bottle.
Second push discharges the high rate bottle, 60 sec, then low rate bottle
What happens to the rudder system when in DIRECT mode?
Lose high level functions:
Airspeed gain scheduling
Yaw damp…
What happens when the Spoilers are in DIRECT MODE?
Lose high level functions
Speed brakes
Ground spoilers
When will speed brakes automatically retract?
Less than 180kt
Flaps 2 selected
PLs advanced on GA
Can speedbrakes be deployed on the ground?
What flap position is gated?
Under normal conditions what flaps are available for landing?
5 and FULL
Under normal conditions what flap settings are available for TO?
1, 2, 3, 4
What indications do you get if flaps are 5 and gear is up?
How do you cancel the “LANDING GEAR” alert?
Put down the gear
What happens when you press the SYS 1 or SYS 2 TRIM CUTOUT PBs?
Disables channels 1 or 2
What happens if you hold half the trim switch for over 5 sec
It locks out that switch
What is the pitch trim priority?
Backup trim
Why is trim actuation limited to 3 sec?
To prevent runaway trim situations all trim actuation is limited to 3 sec
What happens when you pull the ELEVATOR DISCONNECT handle?
Disconnects the elevator system
Each pilot has their inside elevator
What happens to the artificial feel when you disconnect the ailerons?
Capt has artificial feel, FO doesn’t
Can you reset the aileron or elevator disconnect handles in flight?
How many positions are there for the control wheel communications switch?
What does the HOT position of the control wheel communications switch do?
Hot intercom communication
What is the function of the PTT on the control communications switch?
Push to transmit switch
What is the primary purpose of the AP/TRIM disconnect button?
- To disengage the autopilot
- To silence the “autopilot autopilot” sound
- Disables all trim channels as long as button is held depressed
How can you disable the trim channels?
Press and hold the red AP/TRIM DISC switch
Will the autopilot disconnect if you press the pitch trim switch?
Where is The chronograph displayed?
Upper right hand corner of the compass rose on the PFD
Under normal condition is ADS 3 an AUTO function or a MANUAL function?
ADS 3 is a AUTO function
When you see a white stripe on the REVERSIONARY PANEL on the IRS button, what does that mean?
The IRS has reverted?
In the event of a failure would the IRS revert automatically if the IRS button has a white line in it?
No it would be performed manually
How many ADSs do we have?
How many IRSs do we have?
On the reversionary panel, What would happen if you were to turn the display knob to PFD?
It would force the MFD to be a PFD
On the reversionary panel what would happen if you turn the display knob to EICAS?
It would force the associated MFD to be an EICAS
On the reversionary panel, What is the function of AUTO?
AUTO will let automatic reversion of the MFD in case of a display malfunction
On the standby attitude indicator (the little one) is the CAGE function available during initialization mode?
Wings level stabilized flight only
What approaches are on the standby attitude indicator (IESS)?
Cat 1 ILS
What would be an indication on the standby attitude indicator IESS of a GS failure during an ILS?
Red X where GS should be
What does the ADS probe button do when pushed in?
ADS probe heat
Heats the probes prior to engine start
Prior to seating the FLT ATT for take off how can I check to make sure I’m not stepping on their PA briefing?
Press PA button and listen
The MIC/MASK Switch is normally left in the auto position, what does auto allow?
Turns on mask mic automatically when the oxygen mask is removed from its cabinet or tested
Can you make a PA with MIC selected OFF?
Yes, the PA button
When would the BKUP VOL switch (PUSH OUT) be used?
In the event of dual audio busses fail or ACP failure
What is the function of the ID button?
Activated a filter that eliminates voice VOR and ADF audio so the identification can be heard
What is the significance of the green chevron near and slightly above the wing of the aircraft reference symbol?
It indicates that you are accelerating
What is the significance of the PLI?
Indicates that the AOA is approaching stick shaker
What will happen when the PLI meets the aircraft reference symbol?
Stick shaker
Unpowered aircraft with no GPU. Which electric fuel pumps are available for APU start?
In flight with #1 ejector pump failure, will fuel pressure be lost on the left side?
Nope. AC pump 1 will come on
What situations command AC pump one to turn on automatically?
Ejector pump failure
Engine start
X feed
(AC pump 2 comes on for APU starts)
With GPU powering the plane which pump will be used for APU start?
AC pump 2
What happens to the AC pumps when cross-feed LOW 2 is selected?
AC pump 1 ON
With no GPU booked up, what pump provides fuel for APU start?
DC pump
In AUTO what will cause the PTU to operate?
Low pressure in system 2:
Eng 2 failure or EDP failure
What is the PTUs primary purpose?
Provides normal gear retraction/ ext if there’s failures
In flight when does hydraulic ELEC PUMP 2 automatically run?
During landing:
Flaps >0
If low pressure is detected
On the ground when does hydraulic ELEC pump 2 automatically run?
1 eng started and parking brake released
On takeoff flaps >0 and thrust levers advanced OR
GS >50
During taxi, will the failure of hyd ELEC PUMP 3A command ELEC PUMP 3B to come on automatically?
No. In flight only when low pressure is detected
How could you manually isolate an EDP from the hydraulic system?
Push SYS 1/2 PUMP SHUTOFF button
Pulling associated T Handle
When would SYS 1/2 ELEC PUMP operate automatically in flight?
EDP failure or flaps not at 0
Will the windshield wipers operate on a dry windshield?
Windshield wipers: What is the function of the TIMER position?
Intermittent operation
If both windshield wipers are selected to LOW or HI, which side do they sync to?
Captain side
During initial power up would you expect the windshield heat system to be active?
Yes, for approximately 2 mind during PBIT test
After PBIT test do windshield heaters stay active?
No. They need 2 sources of AC power not counting the GPU
In flight with only 1 source AC power what happens to the FO side windshield heat?
It will shed.
Unless captains is broken then it won’t.
After landing in icing conditions will anti ice be provided to the engines for your taxi to the gate?
On ground what happens when you select A/I?
Engine A/I only
When you set MCDU REF A/I ALL when will A/I be provided to the engines? To the wings?
Engines: as soon as they’re started
Wings: >40kt
With MCDU REF AI OFF, when is AI available on takeoff?
1700ft or 2 mins after takeoff
In flight what happens when you select ice protection mode to ON?
Activated wing AI and Engine AI regardless of conditions
What happens if the ice protection WING button is pushed out/ has a white line across it?
Deactivated wing AI
In flight when do wing and engine AI systems turn off automatically
After 5 mins of no ice
When will windshield heat come on?
During the 2 min PBIT test
As soon as 2 sources of AC exist (not GPU)
What is required to operate ENG and WING AI protection in auto mode?
All buttons are pushed in
On the ground, REF AI LSK??
otherwise it’s automatic in flight
Decision to reject at 50 kts. Will auto brakes activate?
No must be 60kts
With thrust levers above idle are you able to arm RTO?
No must be idle or below
Decision to reject made above 60kts. Thrust levers moved to idle. What kind of braking will be commanded in RTO?
Max brake application up to anti skid protection
During a reject, what pilot action commands activation of RTO braking?
Thrust levers idle or below
What does the EMERGENCY/PRKG BRAKE light mean?
Parking brake is actuated
Sufficient pressure exists to maintain pressure
What is the red button next to the gear handle that says “DN LOCK REL”?
Mechanically releases landing gear lock
How is the parking brake released?
Press the little button on the end of the handle
With gear lever in up position would the gear go down if you place the override switch in the down position?
Using the alternate gear extension switch, how is the gear extended?
Using the switch just bypasses the Landing gear lever
While taxiing to the gate, the FO selects “stop 2” but the engine doesn’t stop. What might be wrong?
Thrust lever not at idle
In flight what happens if ignition is turned off?
What will cause automatic deployment of pax O2 masks?
14,000ft cabin alt
What happens if you rotate the MASK DEPLOY knob to OVRD?
It will deploy the masks
No smoking and fasten belts will also come on
What does the GND PROX GS INHIB button do?
Manually cancels glideslope alerts
What resets the GND PROX GS INHIB?
Climbing above 2000ft RA
OR Descending below 30’ RA
What does the LG WATN INHIB button do?
Cancels gear warnings when you have a dual radio altimeter failure
TO CONFIG tests…
Trim in the green
Flaps set and match MCDU
Spoilers retracted
What is a white bar in the EICAS FULL button?
Auto declutter inhibited
When does AUTO DECLUTTER occur for the EICAS?
30 sec after gear/flap/ slay retraction if everything is normal
Or when button is pushed
When would you use the GND PROX OVRD switch?
When landing something other than flaps 5 or FULL