SPP DOC 301 - ARTICLE I Flashcards
What are these?
a. Agreement
b. General Conditions
c. Special Provisions
d. Specifications
e. Drawings
Contract Documents
The person or entity ordering the project for execution, including duly appointed successors, or authorized representatives.
refers to the Architect commissioned by the Owner acting personally or through assistants duly authorized in writing by the Architect to act in his behalf.
The person so named in the Contract Documents or his representative duly authorized in writing to act for the Engineer.
The Full-time Construction Inspector hired by the Owner duly authorized in writing to assist the Architect and the Engineer in the supervision of the work.
Project Representative
The person or firm whose proposal has been accepted and to whom the Contract was awarded.
Anyone having a direct Contract with the Contractor who acts for or in behalf of the Contractor in executing any part of the Contract, not including one who merely furnishes materials without labor.
It is the person, firm or corporation who provides the guarantee for the Contractor’s Bonds
The offer of a Bidder to perform the work described by the Contract Documents when made out and submitted on the prescribed Proposal Form, properly signed and guaranteed.
The cashier’s check or surety bond accompanying the Proposal submitted by the Bidder, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a Contract with the Owner for the construction of the work, if the Contract is awarded to him.
Proposal Bond
It is the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to execute the work in accordance with
the terms of the Contract. 15% (b4 the execution)
Performance Bond
It is the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety as a
guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to pay all obligations arising from the Contract.
15% (b4 the execution)
Payment Bond
is the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety
as a guarantee to the quality of the materials and equipment installed and the workmanship
performed by the Contractor. 30% (given after the payment and performance is returned)
Guaranteed Bond
It is the contract between the Owner and the Contractor undertaking the project
described in the Contract Documents including all supplemental agreements thereto and all general
and special provisions pertaining to the work or materials therefor.
The notice published by the Owner or the invitations
issued to prospective bidders, giving information as to the nature of the proposed project, conditions
for the issuance of contract documents, date of bidding, and estimated cost or information that
would give the Contractor a general idea of the magnitude and extent of the project.
Advertisement or Invitation to Bid
It is the additional information on Contract Documents issued to bidders before date of
Bid Bulletin
The list of instructions stipulating the manner on how bids are to be
prepared and conditions for the award of contract.
Instructions to Bidders
They are graphical presentations of the work involved in the project. They include all
supplementary details and shop drawings.
They are printed documents stipulating the procedural and administrative
aspects of the contract.
General Conditions
They are instructions which may be issued prior to the bidding to supplement
and/or modify Drawings, Specifications, and/ or General Conditions of the Contract.
Special Provisions
They are written or printed description of the work to be done describing qualities of
material and mode of construction.
They are additional information which may be issued as an
addition or amendment to the provisions of the Specifications.
Supplementary Provisions
It is an outline specification enumerating the type or
trade names of materials to be used.
Schedule of Materials and Finishes
It is a listing of the different parts of the
work indicating in each part the corresponding value in materials and labor, including an allowance
for profit and overhead.
Breakdown of Work and Corresponding Value
This means information, advice or notification pertinent to the project
delivered in person or sent by registered mail to an individual, firm or corporation at the last known
business address of such individual, firm or corporation.
Written Notice
includes an earthquake, flood, typhoon, cyclone and other
cataclysmic phenomena of nature and all misfortunes and accidents which human prudence could
not foresee or prevent. Rain, wind, flood or other natural phenomenon of inconsequential degree
for the locality shall not be construed as an Act of God or Force Majeure and no reparation shall be made to the Contractor for the damages to the work resulting therefrom.
Act of God or Force Majeure
It is the duration of time allowed by the Contract for the completion of the
project in any stipulated portions thereof.
Time Limit
This applies to all laws, ordinances and other governmental regulations applicable to the
project and its undertaking.
Local Laws
The term “_____” of the Contractor or Sub-Contractor includes labor or materials or both as
well as equipment, transportation, or other facilities necessary to commence and complete the
construction called for in the Contract.
This word shall be understood to mean “Purchase and/ or fabricate and deliver
to the jobsite or other location when so designated”.
This word shall mean to build in, mount to positions, connect or apply any object
specified ready for the intended use.
This word shall be understood to mean “furnish and install”.
These words shall mean as required or
necessary for the complete execution of that portion of the work.
Required or Necessary
These words shall mean approved, directed by or acceptable to the Architect unless
otherwise stipulated in the Contract.
Approved, Directed, Acceptable
In all cases where a device, item or part of equipment is referred to in the
singular number, it is intended that such reference shall apply to as many such devices, items, or
parts as are required to complete the work.
Singular or Plural
Contract Documents include:
- Agreement
- General Conditions
- Special Provisions
- Specifications
- Drawings