three ways to classify sports injuries (5)
direct and indirect, soft and hard tissue , overuse.
3 dot points, soft tissue injuries (7)
tears sprains contusions, skin abrasion lacerations blisters, inflammatory response
2 pot points, hard tissue injuries
fractures, dislocations
Process of assessment of injuries
TOTAPS (talk, observe, touch, active and passive moment, skills test)
4 dot points, Children and young athletes
medical conditions, overuse injuries (stress fractures), thermoregulation, appropriateness of resistance training
(Children and young athletes) medical conditions? (3)
asthma, diabetes, epilepsy
3 dot points, adult and aged athletes (5)
heart conditions, fractures bone density, flexibility joint movement
4 dot points, Female athletes
pregnancy, iron deficiency, bone density, eating disorders
4 dot points, physical preparation (7)
pre screening, skill technique, physical fitness, warmup, stretching and cool down
sports policy and the sports environment
rules for sport and activities, modification rules for young children, protective equipment. safe grounds facilities equipment, matching of opponents