Sport Psychology: Goal Setting Flashcards
What does setting targets do?
. Allows targets to be met
. Builds confidence levels
. Provides motivation
. Become task persistent
. Lowers arousal/anxiety
. Reduces social loafing
. Sustains effort
. Increases commitment
What are the two term goals?
Long term and short term goals
What do short term goals usually mean?
Its usually about beating your last attempt (PERFORMANCE GOALS)
What do long term goals usually mean?
Its usually about the ultimate aim (OUTCOME GOALS)
What are the three types of goals?
Outcome, process and performance goals
What are outcome goals?
It is the end result. They are goals set against performance of others and based on a result.
What is an example of an outcome goal?
Winning the FA cup or olympics
What are performance goals?
The are focussed on getting a better performance usually from the previous performance
What are process goals?
They are based on improving technique or strategy
What is important about performance in outcome goals?
Standard of performance is secondary to the result. This means a team could perform poorly but scrape the victory and this would count as being successful.
What does achieving an outcome goal maintain?
It maintains motivation regardless of quality of performance.
What is important about performance goals?
Even if the event is lost you can still gain success and this therefore maintains motivation. The success may be from improving PB or replicating a skill correctly
What should goals include?
They should include both process and performance goals
What goal should performers focus on and why?
They should focus on performance goals because it maintains motivation
What is a negative about focussing solely on outcome goals?
It might damage motivation when outcome isn’t achieved or the goal is seen as unachievable
What can performance goals do to a performer?
It may reduce anxiety and provide consistent motivation
What do outcome goals focus on and what is a negative cause of this?
It focusses mainly on gaining a prize and provides a basis for comparison. This can then cause stress
What do short term goals provide?
They provide a means for reassurance
What is used to set goals?
What does the S in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for specific. It means to be clear. It should allow for specific improvements to be made. ex improving defence is too vague but improving shoulder contact is more specific
What does the M in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for measured. Using assessment to obtain data allows comparison and progress to be identified
What does the A in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for achievable. The performer should be able to reach their goal and this maintains motivation
What does the first R in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for realistic. The goal needs to be reachable to maintain motivation
What does the T in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for time-bound. Short and long term goals need to be identified so all concerned have a deadline to keep to.
What does the E in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for evaluate. The performer and coach should evaluate how the goal was achieved, what worked well and what didn’t work out
What does the second R in smarter stand for and what does it mean?
Stands for re-do. If the goal isn’t achieved or its slow it can be repeated, or the target altered if needs be
What are task orientated goals?
These goals are concerned with improvements in technique or performance
What are the two types of task orientated goals?
Performance and process goals