Sport psych Flashcards
What 3 things might a sport psychologist do?
- Counselling referees to deal with the stressful and demanding aspects of their role
- Advise coaches on how to build cohesion within their squad
- Helping athletes with personal development and the psychological consequences of sustaining an injury
Define sports psych
The scientific study of people and their bhvrs in the context of sport and exercise
(Gill 2000)
Define exercise psych
Seeks to understand the psychological benefits of exercise/physical activity and the importance of this for the individual and; how to promote lifelong participation
Where do:
- Sport psychologists
- Exercise psychologists
Tend to work?
- Sport psychologists tend to work with individuals/ teams wishing to enhance psychological aspects that influence performance. Also to work on leadership and group dynamics
- Exercise psychologists tend to work with individuals/teams who have a health focus.
What are the 2 things exercise psych covers?
- Formal activity
2. Informal activity
Where do exercise psychologists typically work?
Academies, research, consultancy and teaching
Define trait theory
A theory that suggests personality is made up of a range of different secondary trait inherited from parental genes. Reinforcing the idea that people may have a natural inclination towards ambition, competition or aggression.
What are the 2 important trait theories?
With the researchers names
- Personality types (Eysenck +; Cattell)
2. Narrow band theory, Type A+ Type B (Girdano)
According to Eysenck’s personality theory, define the 4 traits of: extroversion, introversion, neuroticism and stable
Extrovert =
- Affiliate well with others
- Outgoing, gregarious, sociable
- Become aroused more slowly than introverts
- Low sensitivity of the RAS
Introvert =
- Shy
- Become aroused more quickly than extroverts
- High sensitivity of the RAS
Neurotic =
- Display extreme, unpredictable emotions in the form of mood swings
- High degrees of stress, with slow recovery from it
Stable =
- Display predictable emotions in appropriate situations
- Do not experience intense stress
- Rapid recovery from stress
What does RAS stand for
Reticular Activating system
What is the difference in arousal of the RAS between introverts and extroverts according to Eysenck
Introverts are more easily aroused due to the sensitivity of the RAS. Therefore there is a greater likelihood that with increased stimulation, the introvert will become over-aroused.
Extroverts perform best in conditions that stimulate high arousal but are not as likely to be over-aroused in conditions that stimulate high arousal
What is the 3rd scale from Eysenck’s theory introduced in 1975
= measures how tender or tough minded an individual is
According to Middleton 2004, what does a high P score indicate?
A high P score is related to the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and readiness to return to competition after failure
McKellvie 2003
Found no difference between athletes and non athletes on extraversion but athletes are more stable and lower in neuroticism
Diehm +Armatas 2004
High risk sports have high extraversion and low neuroticism
What is Girdano’s Narrow Band Theory about?
- proposed there are 2 distinct personality types = Type A ; Type B
Type A: highly competitive, strong desire to succeed, likes control, prone to suffer stress
Type B: non-competitive, slow worker, lacks the desire to succeed
What is Bandura’s 2 process model of learning?
1) The bhvr of others being imitated through observation
2) New bhvr being acquired after observation, but only when endorsed through social reinforcement
Give examples of distorted thoughts in athletes
- holding perfectionist beliefs
- catastrophising the future
- believing self worth depends on achievement
- personalisation: everything centred around u
- fallacy of fairness or unfairness
- blaming/ polarised thinking
Define humanist philosophy
How an individual ascribes personal meaning to situations
What is an interactionist view?
Bhvr is influenced by inherited traits and dispositions as well as learned experience