Health psych Flashcards
what is heath psych
Focuses on the role of psychological factors when looking at the cause, progression and consequences of health and illness
What are the 2 main aims of health psych
- Understand, explain, develop and test theory
2. Put theory into practise
Where do health psychologists usually work?
Hospitals, community health settings, health research units, public health department, uni departments, consultants and GPs
What is Antonvsky’s 1979 definition of the illness/wellness continuum ?
Health and illness are not separate concepts
“We are all terminal cases and we all are there some bread that might be nice and some measure healthy”
What is the WHO’s definition of the word health?
A complete state of physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
What are the evaluations of the Biomedical Model?
+ responsible for the advancements in medicine today
- Does not consider the role of the person in illness
Who created the Biopsychsocial Model?
Engel 1977
- Social systems
- Psychological systems
- Biological systems
Who said “The good physician treats the disease but the great physician treat a patient who has the disease”
William Osler 1849-1919
McKeowan 1979- Historical changed in causes of mortality
- Examined the achievements of medicine and found a decline in illnesses like smallpox due to improved nutrition and sanitation
- Encouraged others to look at social and environmental factors that determine health
Belloc + Breslow 1972 and Belloc + Enstorm 1980- Role of bhvr in health
- Bhvr is related to longevity
- Found 7 bhvrs related to positive health status
What are the 7 bhvrs found by Belloc et al 1972-1980 that are related to a positive health status?
- 7-8 hours of sleep
- Breakfast everyday
- No smoking
- Rarely eating between meals
- Near or on prescribed weight
- Moderate/ no alcohol
- Regular exercise
What statistic (according to Ogden) is related to mortality
50% mortality
From 10 leading causes of death is due to bhvr
What is Serafino definition of health behaviours?
Any activity which people perform to maintain or improve their health regardless of their perceived health status or whether that behaviour actually achieves the goal. Also includes activities that people perform in order to restore their positive health status
What are the 3 health related bhvrs introduced by Kasl + Cobb 1966?
- Well or wellness bhvr
• bhvr aimed at promoting good health - Symptom based bhvr or illness bhvr
• bhvr aimed at identifying illness or finding a remedy - Sick role bhvr
• bhvr aimed at getting well
Define contemporary illness
More influenced by behaviours e.g. smoking
What are Matarazzo’s 1984 distinctions of health?
- Health impairing habits
2. Health protective bhvrs
What are the Predicting factors of health behaviour performance
- genes
- social factors
- patient’s beliefs
- emotions
- perceptions of symptoms
Define health LOC
The degree to which people believe that their health is controlled by internal or external factors
Attributions about causality
Interval vs. External
Stable vs. Unstable
Global vs. Specific
Controllable vs. Uncontrollable
Wallaston + Wallaston 1982
• Questionnaire rating whether people believe their help is within their control or not
- is it state or trait?
- can you be both internal and external?
- some bhvrs may be both
Define unrealistic optimism
People tend to think they are less likely to be ill than the next person
What were the 4 contributory cognitive factors presented by Weinstein 1983?
(Based on the idea of unrealistic optimism)
- Lack of personal experience of problem
- Belief that it is preventable by individual action
- Belief that if it hasn’t happened yet, it won’t in the future
- Belief that problem is infrequent
What does it mean to engage in a selective focus?
- people tend to ignore own risk taking bhvr
- focus on their risk reducing bhvr
- ignore other peoples risk reducing bhvr