Sport And Society (Social Action Theory) Flashcards
Define equal opportunities.
The right to access the same opportunities, regardless of factors such as race, age, sex, mental or physical capabilities.
What is discrimination?
The unfair treatment of a person, or minority group; to make a distinction and act on a prejudice.
Define prejudice.
To form an unfavourable opinion of an individual, often based on inadequate facts.
What is the social action theory
This is a way of viewing socialisation, emphasising the active roles people have in shaping society, e.g. based on social action such as our interactions and negotiations with each other.
-The social action theory views sport as a very important party of a society’s make-up.
What are the benefits of raising participation?
- Improve health and fitness
- Reduces blood pressure
- Lower feelings of stress, anxiety and depression
- Strain on the NHS is reduced and a lower obesity crisis
- Meeting new people
- Making new friends
- Sense of community integration
- Higher levels of self - confidence
- Positive use of free time - reduces crime rates
- Perform better at work
- Less annual sickness absence costs
- Spending money of equipment/facilities provides people with jobs and benefits the country financially
What are the 6 barriers to participation?
- ) Lack of time
- ) Negative social influences, poor PE experiences
- ) Lack of motivation
- ) Lack of skill
- ) Lack of resources/costs of participation
- ) Family obligations/Domestic responsibilities
What are the 3 main target groups for raising participation?
- ) People with disabilities
- ) Individuals from ethnic minorities
- ) Women/Teenage girls
What does TIME stand for?
What is overt discrimination?
Visible/ obvious (e.g. verbal racist abuse of a player)
What is covert racism?
Hidden/ less obvious (e.g. non-selection of an individual as captain because of their race)
What are the ways in which sport can impact on society?
-By highlighting inequalities that exist between differ to social class groups.
-By impacting on our beliefs concerning masculinity/femininity.
-By impacting on our beliefs about race/ethnicity.
-By impacting on our ideas about ability/disability.
What are common barriers to disability sport participation?
1.) Feedback - lack of specialist coaches to meet specific needs of disabled athletes.
2.) Facilities - lack of access into + around some sports facilities, for example narrow doorways.
3.) Feelings - negative self image; low self-esteem; few role models/lack of media exposure.
4.) Factual awareness - lack of organised programmes/competitive sporting opportunities; lack of awareness of opportunities where they exist.
5.) False viewpoints - negative myths/stereotypes about the capabilities of people with a disability; lower societal expectations; safety concerns.
What are the solutions to barriers to the disabled in sport?
1.) Feedback - Increased training of specialist coaching
2.) Facilities - Increase investment in disabled sport; making it more affordable.
3.) Feelings - Providing more opportunities for success; helping talented athletes reach the highest levels possible + promoting them through ^ media coverage; positive role models.
4.) Factual awareness - Increase the amount/variety of competitive sporting opportunities, provide info. via inclusive communications to access as many disabled individuals as possible.
5.) False viewpoints - Educating people on the myths/stereotypes about the capabilities of disabled athletes.
What is the Rooney rule?
A national Football League policy that requires league teams to interview ethnic minority candidates for head coaching/senior football operation jobs.
What are the common barriers to sport participation by ethnic minority groups?
1.) Racial stereotypes - fear of racist abuse, discrimination in society against black/Asian people; channelling into certain sports.
2.) Culture - conflict with religious customs/cultural observances.
3.) Family - non supportive family/parents; certain ethnic minority groups place higher value on education.
4.) Role models - fewer role models to aspire to (coaches/managerial positions).
5.) Low self esteem - fear of rejection.
6.) Cost - low socioeconomic status of some ethnic groups may impact on participation.
What are the solutions to barriers to participation faced by ethnic minorities?
1.) Racial stereotypes - organising campaigns against racism/discrimination in sport.
2.) Culture - Training more ethnic minority coaches, teachers + sports leaders, + educating them of the effects of racial stereotyping.
3.) Family - Educating ethnic minority/Asian parents on the value of sport in aiding personal/academic development of their children.
4.) Role models - Promote positive ethnic minority role models where they exist.
5.) Low self esteem - Develop confidence view success/involvement at local level.
6.) Cost - Subsidise costs, e.g. local authority schemes.
What are the common barriers to female sport participation?
1.) Stereotypes - negative myths are still evident in society.
2.) Media - there is still far less media coverage of women’s sport compared with men’s; fewer attainable role models.
3.) Funding - fewer opportunities for sponsorship or to become full-time sports performers; unequal pay.
4.) PE - negative impact of school PE programmes, e.g. lack of appealing activities.
5.) Self confidence - lack of fitness + body image issues lower confidence.
6.) Opportunity - lack of income; stereotypes of domestic responsibilities.
7.) Channelling - women are encouraged into certain ‘female-appropriate activists + away from others.
8.) Discrimination - this affects women in society, including sport, e.g. exclusion of membership from some clubs (golf).
What are the solutions for barriers to participation faced by women?
1.) Stereotypes - Providing education/information about the capabilities of women to refute the stereotypical myths.
2.) Media - ^ media coverage of women’s sport, more role models.
3.) Funding - ^ sponsorship attracted to women’s sport; provision of NGB central contracts to provide initial funding of pro contracts.
4.) P.E - ^ PE provision, more varied activity.
5.) Self-confidence - Social networking to connect women playing sport, creating friendships + hopefully ^ confidence/motivation to continue with sport; women-only beginner sessions.
6.) Opportunity - encourage greater social acceptance of women having careers with more disposable income = independence + leisure time; encourage shared domestic responsibilities.
7.) Channelling - providing more opportunities for women to join sports clubs they enjoy, ^ acceptance via NGB policies.
8.) Discrimination - Challenge discrimination, e.g. via laws.