Sport And Society Flashcards
What is socialisation
A lifelong process where members of a society learn it’s norms, values ideas practices and roles in order to take their place in that society.
What is society?
An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest.
What is internalisation?
The learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself.
Define ‘Social change’
An alteration in the social order of a society.
What is Social control?
A concept that refers to the way in which peoples thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviours are regulated in the social system.
What is gender socialisation
The act of learning to conform to culturally defined gender roles through socialisation.
Define ‘Institution’
An established organisation founded for religious, educational, professional or social purpose.
Define social issues.
Pronlems that affect many people in society.
What is inequality?
The unfair situation where resources or opportunities are distributed unevenly within societies.
What are social structures?
An organised pattern of social relationships and institutions that make up society; class is common structure in UK.
Define stratification
A system of rankings within society, e.g. by wealth, power, etc.
Define social class?
A term used to define social inequalities, e.g. certain groups have more access to wealth, income and power than other. Factors which contribute to social class include a person’s job, family background, education and income.
How can activity participation be affected by social class?
Activities may be negatively affected by working class expectations. (For example, carrying out domestic responsibilities, looking after siblings, household chores.)
What are sports clubs?
Economic inequalities are also likely to impact on members of sports clubs, more middle and upper class.
What is primary socialisation?
This refers to socialisation during the early years of childhood which takes place mainly within the immediate family (i.e mother,
father, brothers, sisters).
What is secondary socialisation?
This occurs during the later years (e.g as teenagers and adults) when the
family is less involved and other ‘agencies’ are deliberately set up for the
socialisation process and begin to exert more and more influence (e.g, peer
groups, friends, schools).
What is gender socialisation?
Involves the learning of behaviour and attitudes historically considered
appropriate for a given sex.
Who are the 3 main target groups that experience barriers to participating in sport?
- ) Disabilities
- ) Ethnic minorities
- ) Women/ teenage girls
Define disability
When a mental, physical or sensory impairment affects performance.
Define Inclusiveness
All people should have needs, abilities and aspirations recognised, understood and met within a supportive environment.
What is Integration?
Able bodied and disabled people taking part in the same activity at the same time.
What is Segregation?
People with disabilities participating separately with other disabled performers
Does society discriminate against people people with disabilities participating in sport?
Yes there is often overt discrimination, such as verbal abuse. There is also covert discrimination such as not choosing a disabled person as captain due to stereotypes.
What are the health + fitness benefits of increasing participation?
- ^ bone density = less risk of osteoporosis
- ^ fitness = Reduced body weight decreasing the risk of heart disease/stroke/type 2b diabetes
- ^ joint flexibility as a result of regular stretching exercises = reduced risk of arthritis
What are the social benefits of increasing participation?
-Improves communication skills = ^ opportunities to make friends
-With weight loss, sport + exercise can ^ confidence to interact with others.
What are the societal benefits of increasing participation?
- ^ health + fitness results in less strain on the NHS/decreased obesity.
-People participate together = social cohesion.
-Keeping people out of trouble.
What are social processes?
This refers to forms of social interaction taking place between individuals + groups, which occur again + again.
Give some examples of social stratification.
-Disposable income status can impact on participation in a positive/negative way.
-High income earners can afford a healthy diet, helping health/fitness. While low income earners tend to purchase cheaper, less healthy options.
-High income events can afford a wider variety of sports, while low-income earners have more restricted opportunities.
-Social stratification can affect which sports are traditionally participated in, e.g. the m/c are associative with hockey + tennis, + the e;c with boxing.