Inter-relationship between Sport England and local and national partners to increase participation Flashcards
What are the 5 main outcomes of sport England’s mission?
- )Physical well-being
- )Mental well-being
- )Individual development
- )Social and community development
- )Economic development
What are there three underrepresented target groups in terms of sport?
- )Women or teenage girls
- )Ethnic minorities
- )Disabilities
What are the 6 key principles to create a active nation?
- ) Focus money and resources on tackling inactivity.
- ) Investing more in children and young people from the age of 5.
- ) To help those who are active now to carry on participating.
- ) Helping the sport/active leisure sectors to become more welcoming and inclusive.
- ) Helping to deliver a more joined up experience of sport and physical activity for customers.
- ) Encourage innovation and sharing of best practice.
What are County Sports Partnerships’ (CSPs)?
National networks of local agencies working together to increase participation in sport and physical activity.
How does the CSP help to make sport more accessible?
The CSP work with a number of sport/physical activity providers, all with a commitment to increasing participation across their network.
Who are the partners Sport England is linked with?
- English Federation of Disability sports
- Sport equals
- Women in sport
- Street-games
- NGB’s
What are the 3 schemes that are making disabled people view taking part in sport as a viable lifestyle choice.
- Places People Play
- Get Equipped
- Inclusive sport
What is Sport England’s ultimate aim?
Sport England and its various partners all aim to make a sustainable difference to the inclusion of under-represented communities in sport and physical activity.
Wha are the 3 main aims of CSPs?
-Increase adult participation in sport.
-Decrease the number of inactive adults.
-Get 1 million more young people active by 2020.
-Support + train more sports coaches.
List 7 national partners Sport England works with.
1.) Child Protection in Sport Unit (CSPU)
2.) Cricket Foundation
3.) Sporting Equals
4.) Sport Aid
5.) Sports Coach UK
6.) Street Games
7.) Women in Sport
What role does Child Protection in Sport Unit play in increasing participation?
Helps sports to safeguard children + young people in + through sport, for example by helping them to develop responses for responses + systems for safeguarding.
What role does Cricket Foundation play in increasing participation?
Delivers key programmes aimed at ^ opportunities for young people to play cricket.
What role does Sporting Equals play in increasing participation?
Actively promoting greater involvement in sport/physical activity by all disengaged communities, such as the black/minority ethnic pop.
What role does Sports Aid play in increasing participation?
Works with NGBs to ensure that young, talented athletes are funded via cash awards during the critical early years of their careers, to ensure access to quality coaching + facilities.
What role does Sports Coach Uk play in increasing participation?
Support is given to help recruit, develop + retain the coaches needed to increase participation in sport, + help ‘athletes’ reach their performance goals.
What role does Street Games play in increasing participation?
A National sports charity that brings sport to the doorsteps of young people in disadvantaged communities.
What role does Women in Sport play in increasing participation?
Helps sports bodies to engage more women + girls in sport; working with NGBs such as British Athletics (introduction of park run).