Sport and Social Stratification Flashcards
Social Stratification
income, prestige,
“Own the Podium” and its goals
Equality of Opportunity:
Everyone has the same chance to participate.
Barriers include class, gender, race, physical ability.
Sport and Social Stratification: Key Terms
Equality of Opportunity
Equality of Condition:
A system where rewards are based on individual talent and effort.
In sports, often viewed as a true meritocracy.
Social Stratification:
Hierarchical ranking of people in society.
Based on factors like wealth, power, and prestige.
Can sports ever truly be a meritocracy if there are significant socioeconomic barriers to participation?
some people will have more resources, others don’t
always a power struggle
Equality of Condition
Participants have the same conditions.
Influenced by access to facilities, coaching, and equipment.
How do equality of opportunity and equality of condition impact the notion of meritocracy in sports?
(ON MIDTERM) difference between Equality of Opportunity
Equality of Condition (on exam)
Equality everyone has a opportunity to play, but may not have the same conditions to be the best, or can be the best but are held back due to money or other things
Everyone is able to parciepate
Everyone has the same resources (communism)
Influence of Social Class:
on preforming in sport
Class determines access to resources.
Higher-income families can afford better training, equipment, and facilities
Statistical Insights:
on social class
Data on participation rates by income levels.
Disparities in sport participation among different socioeconomic groups.
Barriers to Equality:
Availability of teams, clubs, or leagues.
Access to necessary facilities and equipment.
Impact of social Class as a barrier
Class as a barrier to participation.
Importance of both equality of opportunity and condition for true meritocracy.
Hockey as a High-Cost Sport:
Registration fees, equipment costs, travel expenses.
Economic barriers for lower-income families.
Impact on Participation for hockey:
Decline in participation rates among lower-income groups.
Hockey as an example of unequal access and conditions.
The Role of Schools in Promoting Equality in Sport: School Programs:
Importance of physical education (PE) in schools.
After-school sports programs.
The Role of Schools in Promoting Equality in Sport Challenges:
Funding disparities between schools.
Availability of facilities and qualified coaches.
Government and Non-Profit Initiatives:
National policies aimed at increasing sports participation.
Programs by non-profits to support underrepresented groups.
ParticipACTION in Canada.
Girls on the Run program.
Innovative Approaches in Promoting Equality in Sport:
Use of technology to increase access.
Community-based sports programs.
Sustainable Solutions in Promoting Equality in Sport:
Long-term funding strategies.
Policies that ensure continued support and development.
How can technology be leveraged to increase access to sports for children in underserved communities?
Technology can be used for more served communtites to help those in need, and so everyone can be aware
online training
Intersectionality: (important)
Coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw.
Examines how various social identities (race, gender, class) intersect.
Intersectionality Impact on Sports Participation:
Multiple forms of discrimination can compound barriers.
Examples of intersectional challenges.
Why is it important to consider intersectionality when discussing equality in sports?
To make people aware that some not everyone will feel confrontable with gender or race, some race will dominate some sports then others, and discrimate other races or genders or class from joining a sport that is domated by the oppsite side
Women in sport challenges
historically had legal, soicalital, troubles with parcipating in sport
Gender pay gap.
Media representation and visibility.
Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal funding. It was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on June 23, 1972. IN USA
Disability in Sport
Barriers to Participation:
Accessibility of facilities.
Availability of adaptive sports programs.
Promoting Inclusion:
Paralympic Games and other initiatives.
Importance of inclusive policies and practices.
Summary of Key Points:
Impact of social stratification on sports participation.
Importance of equality of opportunity and condition.
Role of intersectionality in understanding barriers.
Promoting inclusivity through policies and initiatives.
How can sports organizations balance the need for competitive success with the goal of promoting inclusivity and equal opportunity?
fair play, education for coaches and teacters about compettivie with being inclusive
How does the concept of “equality of condition” differ from “equality of opportunity,” and why are both important in the context of sports? (MIDTERM)
equality of opportunity - everyone can join
equality of condition - same resources