Sporozoa Babesia Flashcards
Two babesial organisms most commonly isolated from clinical specimens are?
Babesia microti (Theileria microti) Babesia divergens
Two forms of Babesia most commonly encountered in human species
Develops after the sporozoite infects the RBCs
most commonly seen diagnostic feature of Babesiosis
Ring form
Babesiosis can be differentiated from malarial organisms by the absence of?
Malarial pigments: Hemozoin Schuffner's Ziemann's Maurer's
Develops in the RBC as trophozoite matures
the process of spore and sporozoite production via sexual reproduction
Specimen of choice for Babesia
Giemsa-stained peripheral blood films
Wright stain
This smears serve as screening slides
Thick blood smears
smears used fro differentiating Babesia from Plasmodium spp.
Thin blood smears
Timing of blood collection is crucial for the successful retrieving of Babesia parasites
Timing of blood collection is not crucial for retrieval of Babesia
Tick involved in life cycle of babesia
Ixodid tick
Phylum of babesia
Most common combinations of treatment for babesia
clindamycin and quinine
atovaquone and azithromycin
diminazine and pentamidine or singly
pyrimethamine and quinine or singly
How many hours is required for the tick to transmit babesia?
12 hours
The infective stage of the Plasmodium
parasite and the Babesia parasite for
humans is the:
What is the name of the dormant parasite
form found in patients with Plasmodium
ovale and Plasmodium vivax infections?
The species of mosquito most commonly
known to serve as a vector for the genus
Plasmodium is:
Which is a self-limiting
infection characterized by a gradual onset
of headache, chills, sweating, and fatigue
that demonstrates no periodicity?
Babesia microti
Giemsa-stained blood smears demonstrate
normal-sized red blood cells containing
ring form trophozoites in pairs and tetrads,
without pigment or stippling. Which parasite
listed best fits this description?
Babesia divergens