First identified the taxonomy of Amoeba coli (E. histolytica) in St. Peterburg, Russia
Fedor Losch (1875)
Description of 3 species as being human parasites.
Clifford Dobel (1919)
Description of 3 species of amoebas
E. histolytica - 4 nuclei
E. coli - 8 nuclei
E. gingivalis - in oral cavity
Identified E. hartmanni, morphologically similarly in size w. other amoebas
von Prowazek (1912)
identified E. dispar, no ability ti cause disease in human and animals
Emile Brumpt (1925)
ameba isolates from:
a. asymptomatic
b. amebic dysentery
Sargeaunt and Williams
Nonpathogenic zymodemes
Pathogenic zymodemes
General Characteristics of Protozoans
- animal-like protozoans
- unicellular
- multiply by BINARY FISSION
- no cell wall (PERIPLAST)
- 1 nucleus
- vacuolated
- facultative or obligate
Organs for Locomotion
- flagella
- pseudopods
- cilia
- apical complex not used for locomotion
Organism that contains APICAL COMPLEX
Plasmodium spp.
2 similar Entamoeba species that can only be distinguished by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- histolytica and dispar
Life Cycle of an Amoeba
- Trophozoites
- Pre-cyst
- Cyst
- Metacyst
2 regions of cytoplasm
- Endoplasm
- Ectoplasm
single mass of aggregate of granules, maybe near the center of the cell or at times surrounded by chromatin particles that appear to be arranged on a chromatic network or chromatin granules lining the nuclear membrane
Nucleus/ Karyosome
maintain normal osmotic pressure by collecting excess water within their cytoplasm and expelling it outside
Contractile Vacuole
connects the nucleoplasm to the endoplasm
Nuclear membrane
envelops endoplasm; discharges metabolism
locomotion of amoeba; “false feet”
locomotion of flagellates; hair-like projections of the cytoplasm arising in the kinetoplast functions as locomotion of organelles
locomotion of ciliates; arise from basal granules within the ectoplasm and distributed over the surface of the body
responsible for food waste and excretion discharge
present in ciliates
Cell anus
collects fluid wastes that are ejected from the cell
excretory vacuole
in trophozoite stage it functions as the control portion of the intake and output of food secretions, excretions and maintains normal concentration of the plama substance by being PERMEABLE to some substance and IMPERMEABLE to others
Plasma membrane
The process of asexual multiplication where the nucleus of the parent cell divides mitotically resulting to two identical daughters
Binary Fission
from trophozoites to cyst
from cyst to trophozoite
Factors responsible of encystation
- deficiency or overabundance of food supply
- excess catabolic products
- marked change in pH
- dessication of the medium
- depletion or excess supply of oxygen
- overpopulation
factors of excystation
- osmotic changes in the medium
- enzymatic action of the enclosed organism on the inner surface of the cyst wall
- change of favorable pH, food supply, oxygen and enzymatic action to host tissue
Trophozoite Stage
- motile
- feed and multiplies
- presence of pseudopods
- vegetative state
- found in diarrheic stool
- cannot mature once excreted
- never found in iodine stain
Cyst Stage
- nonmotile
- non-feeding
- infective stage
- found in formed stool
- transmitted through contaminated water and food
- better observe in permanent stains
Largest Entamoeba species
E. coli
Smallest species
Endolimax nana
8 nuclei
E. coli
4 nuclei
E. histolytica
1 nucleus
Iodamoeba butschlii
Largest endosome
Endolimax nana
Largest iodine staining vacuole
Iodamoeba butschlii
Peripheral Chromatin
Blastocystis hominis
Central karyosome
E. histolytica
Eccentric karyosome
E. coli
Specimen consideration for soft, liquid, loose stool
Specimen consideration for formed or semi-formed
To observer motility use
NSS solution
To observe structure
Iodine soln
To confirm species
Permanent stains:
- iron hematoxylin (red)
- trichrome (blue)
All amoeba have cystic stage except
E. gingivalis
All amoeba inhabit the colon/ intestine except
E. gingivalis
All amoeba are commensal except
E. histolytica
Subphylum of Amoebas
Intestinal Parasites
- E. histolytica
- E. dispar
- E. hartmanii
- E. moshkovskii
- E. coli
- Iodamoeba butschlii
- E. polecki
- E. chattoni
- Endolimax nana
Sister species of Entamoebas
dispar and histolytica
Small race
E. hartmanii
Initially described in sewage in Russia, common anaerobic sediments worldwide. Also, it causes human infection “E. histolytica-like ameba”. Lives at temp. rnage of 20C to 28C but thrives in the test tube at 37C
E. moshkovskii
Extraintestinal Parasites
- E. gingivalis
- Acanthamoeba
- Naegleria fowleri