Energy Anatomy of Hip Openers & Twists:
Energise spinal column encouraging Kundalini and granthi clearage that may be causing blockages of over/under activity in Nadis and Chakras
Higher energy may encourage tapping into collective consciousness, building spiritual awareness to benefit the soul
Hip openers - Muladhara & Svadhisthana Chakras
Twists - “ and continue up manipura & anahata
Psychological benefits:
More relaxed and alert (releases tension) - mental clarity, calm and focus (improve GABA)
Improve quality of life, reducing stress & anxiety
Anatomical/ Physiological benefits hip openers?
reproduction system (blood flow to pelvis aids urinary & reproductive organs & glands)
increases musculoskeletal alignment & myofascial structure of the pelvis (opens through pelvis in hip openers)
Physiological/Anatomical benefits Twists:
open chest & thoracic spine- relieve fatigue & tightness
improve lung capacity & open rib cage
greater circulation of blood, oxygen, nutrients throughout body (vital organs)
Aid digestion
correct & improve spinal misalignments - fresh blood to spine
Therapeutic Applications:
spinal conditions (e.g. scoliosis)
digestive, urinary & reproductive conditions; menstrual distress & pain,
incontinence, interstitial cystitis
anxiety & mood disorders
Gross anatomy & muscles used hip openers:
gluteal muscles
Contraindications & cautions hip openers:
avoid in acute conditions
avoid if theres injury of groin or hamstrings
Verbal cues/alignment hip openers
- ground into hips to reduce lifting of buttocks
- may need to keep neck neutral
Main areas of verbal cues required for postural alignment twists:
-breath (inhale lift and lengthen exhale to twist)
Twist from Thoracic spine
-avoid over-twist (strain spinal muscles & joints; T11-12)
-neck remain soft & relaxed
-conscious awareness of the spine (overextending) - engage mula, uddiyana & jalandhara bandha
-avoid flexing or rounding in lower spine (risk injury)
Props used:
straps for binds sitting or lying on blanket block to place hand onto wall for support/balance block under knees (in hip openers) practice on chair
Variations for a New/Beginner/Advances Student:
building poses
gentle in limbering
throughout standing
between ff and bb to neutralise