Spine part 1 and part 2 Flashcards
Functions of the Vertebral Column
Support: Weightbearing and posture
Movement: Muscles and ligament attachments support movement (including breathing)
Protection: Predominantly of the spinal cord
Haematopoeisis: Production of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow of the vertebral bodies
The Vertebral Column, how many vertebrae, how many regions?
Typically made up of 33 vertebrae, separated by intervertebral discs
5 regions
Most vertebrae have a common structure however there are some atypical examples
Curves in spine
- Develop in utero/as a foetus
Thoracic and sacrum
- Develop after birth
- Cervical – Lifting Head
- Lumbar – Sitting up, walking
Spine Development information
The spine reaches maturity as:
Muscles and ligaments strengthen
Bones grow, reaching mature shape and size
Body:head ratio changes
Upper C-Spine matures by age 10, lower C-Spine by 14
Patterns of injury are affected by this
Children – Upper C-Spine
Adults – Lower C-Spine
Spine develops faster than the rest of the bones usually as it is important
Cervical Vertebral Trends structure
Body Shape: Oval
Foramen shape: Triangular
Spinous Process: Bifid (except C1 and C7)
Special feature: Smallest of the vertebrae / has transverse foramina (except C7 normally)
Thoracic vertebral trends structure
Body Shape: Heart
Foramen shape: Circular
Spinous Process: Steep downward angle
Special feature: Extra costal articular facets / prominent transverse processes
Lumbar vertebral trends structure
Body Shape: Kidney
Foramen shape: Triangular
Spinous Process: Spade-like
Special feature: Large and strong
Transverse Ligament does what?
Damage to this ligament can affect the stability of the joint between the atlantoaxial joint.
Anterior and Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments information
ALL – extends the whole length of the vertebral column, anterior to the vertebral bodies
Function: Limits extension of the vertebral column and reinforces intervertebral discs
PLL – extends the whole length of the vertebral column, in close contact with the posterior surface of the bodies of the vertebral bones. Lies inside the vertebral canal.
Prevents hyperflexion of the vertebral column and prevents protrusion of the intervertebral discs.
those ligaments affect the stability of the spine
Ligamentum Flavum info and function
Connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae from C2 to S1.
Covers the dorsal surface of the vertebral canal.
Function: To preserve upright posture and assist in returning to this following flexion
posterior to the foramen
Interspinous Ligament info and function
Extends between adjacent spinous processes from C1 to S1. Connects with ligamentum flavum and supraspinal ligament.
Function: To limit flexion
It sits between the spinous processes
Supraspinal ligament info and function
Location: Connects spinous processes from C7 down to sacrum
Function: To limit flexion and act as a midline attachment for other muscles
Ligamentum Nuchae info and function
Location: Attaches at the external occipital protuberance and extends along the spinous processes down to C7
Function: To limit flexion and provide attachment for some spinal muscles
The spinal cord overview of structure
Like the brain it is also surrounded by meninges and CSF.
Elongated, cylindrical structure that is situated in the vertebral canal
Protected from injury by the vertebral column
Extends from the base of the skull to the lumbar region.
Meninges layers in spinal cord
Dura matter, Subdural cavity Arachnoid matter, Subarachnoid cavity, Pia matter
How does the spinal cord leave the brain and important info
The spinal cord is continuous with the medulla oblongata, a part of the brain stem found at the level of C1 which contains many vital centres for life (e.g. cardiac centre, respiratory centre).
It is in the medulla oblongata that you will find the Decussation of the Pyramids – this is where the motor nerves from the motor area of the cerebrum cross from one side of the body to the other and continue to the spinal cord. This is why the left hemisphere of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.
Spinal nerves, spinal cord, what happens throughout the vertebrate?
The spinal cord itself measures approximately 45 cm in an adult male, and is about as thick as the 5th digit of the hand.
There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves that leave the vertebral canal by passing through the intervertebral foramina formed by adjacent vertebrae. There are 8 cervical nerves, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 5 coccygeal. Each nerve has sensory and motor components
At L1, the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal nerves leave the spinal cord and extend downwards within the subarachnoid space of the vertebral canal forming a sheaf of nerves known as the cauda equina (horse’s tail).
How is the spinal cord split and how does the grey matter work?
The spinal cord is incompletely divided into 2 equal parts. Anteriorly by the median fissure (short and shallow), and posteriorly by the posterior median septum (deep and narrow).
When viewing the spinal cord in cross section, we can see that the arrangement of white matter and grey matter is reversed when compared to the structure of the brain. For the spinal cord, the H-shaped grey matter (the nerve cell bodies) are arranged in the centre, surrounded by the white matter (the nerve fibres and neuroglia).
The central part of the grey matter is known as the transverse commissure which is pierced by a central canal which continues from the fourth ventricle in the brain which contains CSF.
The posterior columns of grey matter are composed of sensory nerve cell bodies, stimulated by sensory impulses. They transmit sensory impulses towards the brain.
The anterior columns of grey matter are composed of cell bodies of motor neurones.
What are Intervertebral Discs?
Adjacent vertebral bodies are separated by intervertebral discs
Intervertebral discs have an outer rim of fibrocartilage (annulus fibrosis) and a central core of a soft gelatinous material (nucleus pulposus).
Thinnest in the cervical region, thickening as they move down the spine
Supported by the posterior longitudinal ligament to stay in place (see post-session work for ligaments!).
Functionally, they act as shock-absorbers and also contribute to the flexibility of the spine due to the cartilaginous joints they form.
Information about prolapsed intervertebral disc
Herniation of the nucleus pulposus, causing a protrusion of the annulus fibrosis and the posterior longitudinal ligament into the neural canal.
Most common cause of compression of the spinal cord and/or nerve roots
Lumbar region most common site, particularly L2 down (below the spinal cord) so injury occurs to nerve roots only.
If it occurs in the cervical region, the spinal cord can become compressed. This is a medical emergency.
Can occur suddenly, particularly in young adults undertaking strenuous activity, or progressively in older people due to degenerative disease.
Outcomes depend on size of hernia and duration of pressure. Can lead to paralysis, acute or chronic pain, compression of blood vessels, or local muscle spasms.
(Whitley et al, 2015)
C1 (an atypical vertebra) – Level 4 Recap
AKA Atlas
No body
Anterior and posterior tubercles
Lateral Masses and Transverse Processes laterally
Superior articular facet forms the atlanto-occipital joints
Facet on the anterior arch allows for articulation with the odontoid process of C2
C2 (an atypical vertebra) – Level 4 Recap
Consists of a body, pedicles, laminae, transverse processes and a bifid spinous process
Superiorly the articulation forms the atlanto-axial joints:
Median: the odontoid process of C2 and the posterior aspect of anterior arch of C1
Lateral: the inferior articular process of C1 and the superior articular process of C2
Inferiorly the C2 articulates with C3
Largest of the cervical vertebrae
Lateral atlanto-axial joints are plane joints (glide)
Medial atlanto-axial joint is a pivot joint (rotational movement)
Together these make the atlanto-axial joint the most mobile of the spine
AP C1-C3 peg view information/appearance
For trauma
Less commonly seen in practice now as patients are likely to have a CT when traumatic injury to the C-Spine is suspected
Full positioning descriptor is available in Clark’s Positioning in Radiography (Whitley et al, 2015) – 13th edition, p.201 available as e-book online
A well positioned C1-C3 projection should demonstrate the alignment of the lateral processes of C1 and C2 (red circles). The distance between the odontoid (peg) and the lateral masses of C1 should be equidistant (asterisks). The occi[ital bone and upper incisors should be clear of the odontoid where possible though this can be difficult due to patient positioning as they are normally in collar and blocks. Fracture of the odontoid usually occurs across the base so it is important that this is not obscured by any overlying structures. (Radiology Masterclass, 2019)
The 3rd image shows a lack of alignment of the lateral masses (Whitley et al, 2015).
Caution should be shown as rotation may cause spaces to appear unequal – likely to be rotation if C1 and C2 remain aligned.
C7 information
Has aspects which resemble a T-vertebra
Elongation of the transverse process
Cervical ribs
These can lead to neurological issues down the arms, but in many cases are an incidental finding
Differentiated as the cervical rib forms a joint with the transverse process
NICE guidance on C-spine injury
Within NICE’s Quality Standards [QS74] for Head Injury, it states;
People attending an emergency department with a head injury have a CT cervical spine scan within 1 hour of a risk factor for spinal injury being identified.
Head injuries can be fatal or cause disability if there is damage to the cervical spine that is not identified and treated quickly. A CT cervical spine scan within 1 hour will allow rapid treatment and improve outcomes for people with head injuries that have damaged the cervical spine
What is Paraesthesia?
a burning or prickling sensation, caused by pressure on or damage to nerves; ‘pins and needles’.
NICE guidance and under 16s
If a neurological abnormality attributable to a spinal cord injury is still considered after CT, then perform MRI.
Children (under 16s)
MRI should be performed if there is a strong suspicion of:
Cervical spinal cord injury as indicated by the Canadian C-spine rules and by clinical assessment; or
cervical spinal column injury as indicated by clinical assessment or abnormal neurological signs or symptoms, or both
Consider plain film x-rays in children who do not fulfil the criteria for MRI but clinical suspicion remains
Discuss findings with Consultant Radiologist and perform further imaging, if needed
What to check for on C-spine x-ray?
Alignment checks and measurements to consider when assessing the C-spine for fractures:
Vertebral Contour Lines
Pre-Dental Space
Soft Tissue
Spinous Processes
(C1-C3 Peg View)
Contour lines of C spine
Anterior Vertebral (Body) Line
Posterior Vertebral (Body) Line
Spinolaminal Line
Post Spinal Line
The anterior and posterior lines should be traced to the superior aspect of the odontoid peg.
The spinolaminal Line should continue to align with posterior aspect of the foreman magnum.
The lines should be smooth and continuous with no breaks or steps
Pre-dental space checks?
Refers to the dens
Distance from the odontoid peg to the C1 ‘body’
Should not be more than 3mm in adults (5mm in children)
An increased distance may indicate an odontoid process fracture or disruption to the transverse ligament
CT is required to rule out fracture and an MRI if ligament disruption suspected
Pre-Vertebral Soft Tissues checks
Soft Tissue ‘A’
Can be up to a third the width of the vertebral body
Soft Tissue ‘B’ (C5-C7)
Can be up to the width of the vertebral body
An increase in the retropharangeal soft tissues may be caused by haemorrhage or oedema due to a fracture or dislocation. The upper limit of normal is:
C1 - C4 = 7mm (approx. third of vertebral body)
C5 - C7 = 20-22mm (roughly equal to the vertebral body)
Spinous processes checks?
Assessment made on AP image
Alignment of spinous processes
Bifid processes are an exception
A step in the alignment can indicate a unilateral facet dislocation
Distance between spinous processes
The space should not be 50% wider than the one immediately above and below
Any change could be the result of anterior cervical dislocation
Image Assessment Tool – Harris’s Ring (C2) information
Superiorly – upper borders of the pedicles
Inferiorly – the lower borders of the pedicles
Anteriorly – the anterior aspect of the C2 body
Posteriorly – the posterior aspect of the C2 body
May appear incomplete inferiorly which is normal
A break in the ring at any other point indicates a high probability of # of the odontoid process or body of C2
Flexion/Extension Views indications?
Assess subluxation/stability
Spinal arthropathies
Certain patient groups prior to surgery
If injury is present, then these must be supervised
Assessing the alignment and degree of movement of vertebrae
Certain patient groups prior to surgery – RA most commonly. This is to assess intubation risk (as neck is hyperextended to allow for intubation).
Normal AP T spine appearance
Increasing size of vertebral bodies
Paraspinal line – caused by interface of lung and mediastinum
Left more commonly seen than right
Intervertebral disc spaces remain consistent
Interpedicular distance consistent as you descend the T-spine
Paraspinal line – left is usually more commonly seen due to descending thoracic aorta; left typical extends from the aorta to the diaphragm. Right extends from T8 to T12. Displacement of the paraspinal line may be due to osteophytes, mediastinal fat, or pathology in the posterior mediastinum.
Normal lateral appearance T spine
Anterior vertebral body height may be less than posterior vertebral body due to normal wedging
Smooth anterior and posterior curves
Ribs – consider using a longer exposure time (auto-tomography)
Vertebral bodies should be consistent in height…
As should intervertebral disc spaces (L5/S1 is an exception)
Interpedicular space increases slightly as we descend the spine
Smooth undulation of the vertebral body outline
Gentle curve to the anterior lumbar and gentle convexity to the posterior aspect
Inclusion of SIJ’s
Winking owl sign means?
Absent Pedicle Sign
Causes include:
Pedicle has been destroyed
Congenital abnormality
Poor quality image
MRI spines uses, benefits, limitations
Useful for
Detect vertebrae or spinal cord abnormalities
Assess inflammation or tumours
Monitor damage post-traumatic injury or surgery
Look for LBP causes
Very good for the assessment of the spinal cord
No ionising radiation
Low specificity for some conditions
Cost, availability and time factors
Flexion spine injuries information
Most common injury
Esp. in c-spine region
Can cause compression fractures of the vertebral bodies
Flexion – most common C-spine injuries are caused by hyperflexion (account for approx. 80%).
As the head is flexed, the force is focused on the bodies of C4-7 (remember this is where the fulcrum of the neck is in adults). Compression of the vertebral bodies causes anterior wedging.
The posterior elements (spinous processes, laminae, ligaments) are placed in tension, which can lead to fractures and tears of theses.
Whiplash injuries rear-ended in car
Types of flexion injuries spine
Anterior Subluxation
Simple Wedge #
Unilateral Interfacet Dislocation
Unstable Wedge #
Flexion Teardrop #
Bilateral Interfacet Dislocation
Chance Fracture
Bilateral Interfacet Dislocation (BID) information
Extreme flexion injury
Anterior displacement of one vertebral body over another
Potential for cord damage
Flexion Teardrop # information info
of anteroinferior aspect of vertebral body
Flexion Teardrop #
Extreme flexion with axial loading
Potential for cord damage
Flexion and compression injury, typically RTC
Teardrop fragment from the anteroinferior aspect of the vertebral body
Larger posterior part of the vertebral body is displaced backwards into the spinal canal
On x-rays the facet joints and interspinous distances are widened, and disc space may be narrowed.
70% have associated neurological deficit
Unstable – complete disruption of ligaments.
CT images: The findings are:
Abnormal positioning of some of the facet joints due to distraction but no dislocation
Additional fracture of the body of C4
The vertical orientation of the fractures of the bodies of C4 and C5 indicate that there was severe axial loading.
In fact these vertebral bodies kind of ‘exploded’ with propulsion of a bone fragment anteriorly (teardrop) and the larger part posteriorly against the spinal cord.
Radiology Assistant, n.d.
Unilateral Interfacet Dislocation information info
Unilateral Interfacet Dislocation
Flexion and rotation injury
Superior facet on one side slides over the inferior facet and becomes locked
Often a stable injury even though disruption of the posterior ligament complex is noted.
The superior facet on one side slides over the inferior facet and becomes locked. Radiology Assistant, n.d.
See an anterior subluxation of c. 25% of the body diameter.
MRI can identify if associated disc extrusion (could cause cord compression)
The CT confirms the unilateral dislocation. Subluxation at the level of C4C5 with about 25% translation (i.e. anteroposition of 25% of the AP diameter of the vertebral body). Due to the rotation the spinous processes of C4 and C5 seem shorter on the lateral view.
On the axial view the left facet joint is normal and on the right side it is inverted due to the dislocation.
Anterior Subluxation information info
Anterior Subluxation
Posterior ligaments rupture
AKA “Hyperflexion sprain”.
Injury to the posterior ligaments of the spine (ligamentum flavum, interspinous ligament, supraspinous ligament)
May be associated injury to the posterior aspect of the intervertebral disc and compression fractures of the anterior vertebral bodies.
Causes include RTC, diving into shallow water, falls and direct trauma.
Plain X-Ray and CT – may appear normal but may also see an increased interspinous distance, reduced disc space height anteriorly and increased posteriorly, mild anterolisthesis (forward movement of affected vertebrae)
MRI – useful to demonstrate disruption of ligaments due to presence of soft tissue oedema, commonly in the interspinous space (space between spinous processes). Can also identify traumatic disc herniation if present.
Fracture is stable.
Anterior subluxation C5 on C6 – can see increased interspinous space (white arrow) and inferior facets are displaced (black arrow) with loss of superimposition. (Green et al, 1981)
MRI anterior subluxation of L4 on L5
Simple Wedge # info
Simple Wedge #
Pure flexion injury
Posterior ligaments remain intact
Anterior wedging of 3mm+
Increased density seen due to bony impaction
Usually involves upper endplate
A compression fracture of the spinal vertebrae caused by forceful flexion.
Nuchal ligament (ligament nuchae) is pulled but remains intact
Anterior part of the vertebral body is impacted, becomes wedged (decreased in height) by 3mm+
Will appear on x-ray/CT as an area of increased density due to bony impaction.
The fracture is stable.
Unstable Wedge # info
Unstable Wedge #
Anterior wedge # with associated interspinal ligament damage
Hyperflexion injury
Anterior wedge fracture which is unstable as a result of the associated posterior column ligamentous tear.
Slight increased signal at C6-C7 ligamentum nuchae which may indicate oedema as a result of ligament damage.
Bilateral Interfacet Dislocation info
Bilateral Interfacet Dislocation
Extreme flexion injury
Anterior displacement of one vertebral body over another
Potential for cord damage
Result of extreme hyperflexion.
Anterior dislocation of one vertebral body over another (both facet joints affected) with disruption of the posterior ligament complex, PLL, intervertebral disc, and often the ALL too.
Displaced 50% of the diameter of the vertebral body
Unstable fracture due to extensive soft tissue damage and dislocated facet joints.
The MRI-findings are:
Soft tissue swelling anteriorly
Disruption of the disc
Non-haemorrhagic cord injury
Chance fracture info
Mechanisms of injury
Seatbelt fractures
Also fall from height
Lumbar region commonly
Flexion injury of vertebral body and distraction type injury of the posterior elements
Anterior wedge fracture of vertebral body with horizontal fracture through the posterior elements OR distraction of facet joints and spinous processes
Flexion and distraction injury
Distraction injury – distractive forces cause disruption of the posterior and middle spinal columns.
Most common in upper lumbar spine. Often have associated gastrointestional injuries.
Unstable injury
Radiographic features include an anterior wedge fracture with a horizontal fracture through the posterior elements OR distraction injury of facet joints and spinous processes.
Plain radiograph – ‘empty vertebral sign’ results from the vertical separation of the posterior elements displacing the fracture fragments of the vertebral body on the AP view. Loss of anterior vertebral body height (compression).
CT – more accurately delineates fracture details.
MRI – useful to assess for ligamentous injury and cord injury.
Extension injuries spine types
Extension spine injuries information
Less common injury, though C-Spine region most affected
Vertebrae are forcefully pulled apart, usually as a result of a serious force.
Extension – hyperextension causes tension along the anterior longitudinal ligament; this may cause the intervertebral disc space or margin of the vertebral body to tear (avulsion fracture). At the same time, the posterior elements are compressed which may cause fractures to the spinous processes, laminae and facets.
Fracture of Pars Interarticularis C2 (Hangman’s Fracture) info
A fracture involving the pars interarticularis of C2 bilaterally, as a result of hyperextension and distraction injury.
Also known as traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis.
A result of hyperextension and distraction.
Neuro impairment seen in 25% of patients.
Most common cause high speed motor vehicle collision (less commonly seen in judicial hangings after which they were named)
Radiographic features – bilateral lamina and pedicle fracture at C2
Anterolisthesis of C2 on C3.
Shear Fracture of the Spine info
Hyperextension MOI
Fracture dislocation
Affects anterior, middle and posterior spinal columns.
Total disruption.
Axial compression injuries
Axial Compression – result of a high energy axial trauma (e.g. fall onto head, bulls eyeing car window screen, going over the handle bars of a bike). Increased compression causes the structures of the spine to compress and the vertebral body becomes comminuted; increased risk of retropulsion into spinal canal.
Fall onto head
Burst Fractures info
A type of compression fracture related to high-energy axial loading spinal trauma
Disruption of the posterior vertebral body cortex with retropulsion into the spinal canal is seen
Intervertebral disc is driven into the vertebral body below
A compression fracture related to high energy axial loading spinal trauma. Often a fall from height landing on feet, or RTC.
Results in disruption of a vertebral body endplate and posterior vertebral body complex. Intervertebral disc is driven into the vertebral body below
Retropulsion of posterior cortex fragments into the spinal canal is often associated.
Common at L1, but between T9-L5
Often at 2 levels rather than 1
Radiographic features
Jefferson Fracture info
Burst fracture of the ring of C1
Lateral displacement of both articular masses
Typical MOI diving head first into shallow water
Asymmetry of odontoid peg and lateral masses
# line normally affects both the anterior and posterior arches (CT)
Odontoid fractures info types
Common injury
Often seen in elderly, but also children due to body: head ratio
Three types:
Type I – avulsion of the tip of the dens
Type II – through the base of the dens
Type III – Fracture through the body of the axis and possibly facets
Odontoid fractures Type 3 info
Type III – Fracture through the body of the axis and possibly facets, SOMETIMES UNSTABLE, better healing
A type III odontoid fracture is a fracture through the body of the C2 vertebrae and may involve a variable portion of the C1 and C2 facets. Type III odontoid fractures occur secondary to hyperextension or hyperflexion of the cervical spine in a similar manner to type II odontoid fractures. The difference is where the fracture line occurs.
Odontoid fractures type 2 info
Type II – through the base of the dens, most common, ALWAYS UNSTABLE, poor healing (64% non-union as more likely to move out of position)
A type II odontoid fracture is a fracture through the base of the odontoid process. This injury occurs most typically when there is an excessive extension of the cervical spine, and the anterior arch of C1 pushes dorsally (backward) with sufficient force on the odontoid process (dens) to fracture the odontoid process at its base. Type II odontoid fractures can also occur with hyperflexion of the neck and the transverse ligament, pushing the odontoid process forward to the point of fracture.
Odontoid fracture type 1 info
Type I – avulsion of the tip of the dens, rare, STABLE
A type I odontoid fracture occurs when the rostral tip of the odontoid process is avulsed (broken or torn off). This injury commonly occurs due to pulling forces from the apical ligament attachment to the odontoid process. The apical ligament attaches the tip of the odontoid process to the foramen magnum (skull base).
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis: an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. Common in young individuals and is often idiopathic and asymptomatic. Associated symptoms can include back pain, mobility issues and respiratory and cardiac problems. Signs include uneven hips, arms or legs, rib prominence, uneven muscles and slow nerve reaction.
What is Cobb’s angle
common measure to determine and track progression of scoliosis. In place since 1948.
To determine the Cobb angle, you must first determine where the curve starts and ends. From the end plate of each vertebrae you draw a line until these meet and measure the angle. Management will depend on this angle; if ‘mild’ observation and/or bracing maybe considered. If the angle is grater than 50° then surgical intervention might be necessary (anterior and/or posterior fusion; Harrington Rods were commonly before this).
Vertebral Body Mass what is it and examples
Broad term that covers benign lesions, primary bone tumours and secondary metastatic disease
Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)
Multiple Myeloma
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst info
Benign, expansile lesion
Composed of numerous blood-filled channels
Common in children (<16 years old)
Common in long bones (approx. 60% occur here). Occurrence in spine 20-30%.
All images from a 16 y/o patient with an ABC affecting the left side of the T10 vertebral body, pedicle and transverse process.
Osteoblastoma info
Rare, bone forming tumour, that is locally aggressive
More frequently affect the axial skeleton (~40%)
Plain radiograph – expansile, lytic lesions with a sclerotic edge.
CT - similar to the radiograph, lesions are often demonstrated as predominantly lytic. Internal matrix is better appreciated on CT
MRI – features can be non-specific and often overestimate the size of the lesion. Typically appears dark (has low intensity signal) on both T1 and T2. However, a high signal on T2 may be seen in surround bone marrow and soft tissue oedema. Highly vascularised tumour so contrast enhancement is useful.
Nuclear medicine – Tc-99m bone scans can show high uptake, but this is non-specific (intake will be high in any area with increased bone turnover)
Multiple Myeloma info
Most common primary malignant bone tumour
Arises from red marrow
Clinical presentation:
Bone pain
Renal failure
Distribution mirrors red marrow sites
More likely to occur in those over 40 years old (typically onset btw. 50-70 y/o). More likely to occur in males than females.
MRI demonstrates complete replacement of this vertebral bone marrow, with it appearing of lower intensity that skeletal muscle
Plain radiograph – A skeletal survey (lateral skull to inc. C-spine, lateral T-spine, lateral L-spine, AP pelvis, AP humeri, AP femora, CXR) is essential not only for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma but also in pre-empting potential complications (e.g. pathological fracture). ~40% bone destruction is required for lesion detection; lesions are lytic, sharply defined, and can appear punched out.
CT – Whole-body low dose CT is more accurate than a skeletal survey (~70% sensitivity), but comes with a radiation dose increase.
MRI – more sensitive in detecting multiple lesions compared to both plain film x-ray and CT (sensitivity 70-100%). MRI sequences that allow for bone marrow evaluation are most commonly utilised (T1 and T2). T1 typically appears dark (low signal intensity) due to the loss of fatty tissue within marrow. Whereas on T2 it appears grey (as signal intensity is intermediate).
What is spondylosis?
Spondylosis is the term used for osteoarthritis of the spine.
It is an ageing, wear and tear type process, characterised by degenerating and narrowing discs and bones spurs (osteophytes) forming around joints.
What is spondylolysis?
Spondylolysis relates specifically to a defect or fracture through the bone where the pedicle and lamina join, resulting in a weakening of the vertebral arch. This area is known as the ‘pars interarticularis’.
Defects can be unilateral or bilateral and may lead to compromises in the vertebra maintaining their normal alignment in the vertebral column.. ‘Scottie dogs’ on oblique x-rays. A collar is indicative of a #pars interarticularis defect
What is Spondylolithesis?
Spondylolithesis - This is the term used to describe one vertebral body slipping out of place in relation to another.
Can be caused by spinal degeneration (spondylosis) or a pars interarticularis defect (spondylolysis)
One vertebra slips forward on the adjacent vertebra
Developing stenosis of the vertebral canal
Nerve impingement
Most common at L4/5/S1
What is ankylosis and ankylosing?
Ankylosis - The stiffening and immobility of a joint
The bones are fusing together abnormally
Ankylosing spondylitis An inflammatory type of arthritis (rather than osteoarthritis) that primarily affects the spine (but can affect other joints)
Large bone spurs (osteophytes) join one vertebra to the next causing a ‘bamboo’ cane type appearance and pathological fusion.