Spine Exam Flashcards
what would you inspect in a spinal exam
from front, side and behind
look at skin
deformity? - kyphosis, lordosis, alignment
what would you palpate in a spinal exam
spinous processes from top to bottom
sacroiliac joint
paraspinal muscles (either side)
thyroid + cervical lymph nodes
what would you move in a spinal exam
cervical flexion - look down at the ground
cervical extension - look at the ceiling
cervical rotation - side to side
cervical lateral flexion - ear to shoulder
lumbar flexion - bend over and touch toes
lumbar extension - lean back as far as possible
lateral lumbar flexion - patient stood straight, measure finger tip to floor, then slide hand down as far as possible and measure again
thoracic rotation - hand crossed on chest and move side to side
what is schober’s test
measure 10cm above and 5cm below the posterior superior iliac spine
patient leans far forward as possible then measure distance between two marks - should increase by at least 5cm
where should you percuss in a spinal exam
from the root of neck to sacrum
what is a straight leg raise test
patient lies supine
hold ankle and raise leg while knee is straight
if pain is felt then positive test
what is a bowstring test
flex hip - if pain then flex knee slightly and apply pressure with thumb in popliteal fossa to stretch tibial nerve
how would you complete a spinal exam
full neurovascular exam of upper and lower limbs, examine hip and shoulder joins, peripheral pulses, in a patient with lower back pain consider a rectal exam