OSCE Summary Flashcards
cardio exam
I performed a cardiac examination on ____ who is a ____ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
There was no peripheral stigmata of cardiac pathology
The pulse was ___bpm and was of normal rate and rhythm
On palpation, there were no heaves and thrills
On auscultation, 1st and 2nd heart sounds were present with no added sounds
In summary, this was a normal cardiac examination
resp exam
I performed a respiratory examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
There was no peripheral stigmata of respiratory pathology
The pulse was ___bpm and was of normal rate and rhythm
The respiratory rate was _____
No evidence of tremor
On palpation, there was symmetrical chest expansion and not evidence of mediastinal shift
On percussion, all lung fields were resonant
On auscultation, vesicular breath sounds were present and there were no added sounds
In summary, this was a normal respiratory examination
Abdo exam
I performed an abdominal examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
There was no peripheral stigmata of gastrointestinal pathology
Abdomen was soft and non-tender
No evidence of organomegaly
Bowel sounds were present and normal
In summary, this was a normal abdominal examination.
I performed a GALS examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
Normal appearance in gait, arms, legs and spine
Full range of movement in all modalities tested
In summary, this was a normal GALS examination
I performed a spine examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
No abnormalities detected
Normal gait
On palpation, no tenderness
Full range of movement throughout the spine
Special tests were –ve
In summary, this was a normal spine examination
I performed a ___examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
No abnormalities detected
Normal gait
On palpation, there was no tenderness
Full range of movement in all modalities tested
Special tests were –ve
In summary, this was a normal ____ examination
I performed a ___examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
No abnormalities detected
On palpation, no tenderness
Full range of movement in all modalities tested
Special tests were –ve
In summary, this was a normal ____ examination
I performed a hand examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared comfortable at rest
No abnormalities detected
On palpation, no tenderness
Full range of movement in all modalities tested
Sensation was intact
Special tests were –ve
In summary, this was a normal hand examination
Lower limb neuro
I performed a lower limb neurological examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
There were no abnormalities in posture, deformities, muscle wasting or fasciculation’s detected
Gait was normal with both plantarflexions and dorsiflexions intact.
Rombergs test was -ve
Tone was normal throughout
Power was 5/5 in all muscle groups bilaterally
Reflexes were normal and present at knee and ankles bilaterally
Coordination was intact
Sensation was normal in all modalities tested
In summary, this was a normal lower limb neurological examination
upper limb neuro
I performed an upper limb neurological examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
There were no abnormalities in posture, deformities, muscle wasting or fasciculation’s detected
Pronator drift was -ve
Tone was normal throughout
Power was 5/5 in all muscle groups bilaterally
Reflexes were normal and present (at supinators, biceps and triceps bilaterally?)
Coordination was intact
Sensation was normal in all modalities tested
In summary, this was a normal upper limb neurological examination
thyroid exam
I performed a thyroid examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
No peripheral stigmata of thyroid pathology
The pulse was of normal rate and rhythm and was ___bpm
No evidence of tremor
No evidence of thyroid eye disease
On palpation, there was no evidence of goitre or any other swelling
On percussion, there was no evidence of retrosternal goitre
On auscultation, there was no evidence of bruits
In summary, this was a normal thyroid examination
Diabetic foot exam
I performed a diabetic foot examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, the patient appeared comfortable at rest
There were no abnormalities detected
Gait was normal
Neurovascular assessment of both feet were normal
Sensation was intact in both feet
if it was lost, you say where it was lost up to e.g. ‘light touch sensation was absent from the feet to the knees’
In summary, this was a normal diabetic foot examination
Peripheral Arterial exam
I performed a peripheral arterial examination on ___ who is a ___ year old male/female
On general inspection, he/she appeared well at rest
No stigmata of peripheral arterial disease
Pulses were present bilaterally in upper and lower limbs and had normal rate, rhythm and character
The pulse was ___bpm
Abdominal aortic pulse was not palpable
Sensation of the lower limb was intact
In summary, this was a normal peripheral arterial examination