Spinal Cord physiology Flashcards
Two major sensory tracts:
- Spinothalamic tract
2. Posterior column
Two functions of the spinal cord:
- Propagates nerve impulses (in white matter)
2. Integrates information (in grey matter)
Spinothalamic tract
One of the two main sensory tracts.
Conveys nerve impulses for sending pain, temperature, itching, tickling, deep pressure and crude touch.
Posterior column
One of the two main sensory tracts. (Most of sensory tract)
Discriminative touch. Light pressure, vibrations, conscious proprioception.
Conscious proprioception
Awareness of positions and movements of your muscles, tendons and joints.
Posterior column is made up of what two tracts:
Gracile fasciculus
Cuneate fasciculus
Two main motor tracts
- Direct pathway (intrapyramidal)
2. Indirect pathways (extrapyramidal)
Direct motor pathway
Nerve impulses originates in cerebral cortex.
Voluntary movements of skeletal muscle.
Indirect motor pathways
Nerve impulses originate in brain stem.
Causes automatic movements.
Helps coordinate movement with visual stimuli.
Maintains skeletal muscle tone
Sustains contraction of postural muscles
Maintain equilibrium by regulating muscle response to head movement.
Fast, involuntary and unplanned sequence of actions that occurs in response to a particular stimulus.
Spinal reflex
Integration in grey matter of spinal cord
Cranial reflex
Integration in brain stem
Somatic reflex
Involves contraction of skeletal muscle.
Autonomic reflex
AKA visceral reflex
Not usually consciously perceived.
Smooth or cardiac muscle, glands.
Five (ish) components of a reflex arc
- Sensory receptor
- Sensory neuron
- Integrating centre
- Motor neuron
- Effector.
What is the only monosynaptic reflex arc?
Stretch reflex.
What is the only contralateral reflex?
Crossed extensor reflex
Intersegmental Reflex Arc
A single sensory neuron activates a number of motor neurons, at different segments of the spinal cord.
Reciprocal inhibition/innervation
Sensory neuron from GTO synapses with excitatory interneuron, which synapses with motor neuron in antagonistic muscle.
Stretch reflex
Contraction of skeletal muscle in response to stretch. Prevents over stretching.
- Muscle spindles
- Posterior nerve root
- In spinal cord, synapses with motor neuron in anterior gray horn
- Motor neuron
- Muscle contracts.
Muscle tone
Degree of contraction when muscle is at rest.
Set my muscle spindle.
Tendon reflex
Relaxation of muscle when under too much tension.
- GTO stimulated by tension in tenson
- Nerve impulses to SC
- Activates inhibitory interneuron what synapses with motor neuron
- Motor neuron inhibited
- Muscle relaxes.
Flexor/Withdrawl reflex
Pain Withdrawl response.
- Sensory receptor or pain sensitive neuron
- Nerve impulses to SC
- Activates interneuron that extend to several SC segments
- Several motor neurons activated
- Relevant muscles contract
Crossed Extensor Reflex
Occurs with flexor/Withdrawl reflex. Compensatory balance
- Pain sensitive neuron
- Sensory neuron impulse to SC
- Activation of several interneuron a
- Excited motor neurons to muscles on unaffected side
- Contraction of opposite side muscles.