Cerebrum Flashcards
Cerebral cortex
Surprisingly thin layer of grey matter
2-4 mm thick
AKA convolutions
The folds in the cerebral cortex
Deepest grooves between folds of cerebrum
Longitudinal (between right and left hemispheres. Falx cerebri)
Transverse (between cerebrum and cerebellum. tentorium cerebelli))
Shallow grooves between gyri
Lateral cerebral sulcus
Between frontal and temporal lobes
Central sulcus
Between frontal and parietal lobes
Parieto-occipital sulcus
Between parietal and occipital
Precentral gyrus
Anterior to central sulcus
Primary motor cortex
Postcentral gyrus
Posterior to central sulcus
Primary somatosensory cortex
“5th lobe”
Deep to parietal, frontal and temporal lobes. Within lateral cerebral sulcus
Three types of cerebral white matter:
- Association tracts
- Commissural tracts
- Projection tracts
Association Tracts
Axons that conduct impulses between gyro in the same hemisphere
Commissural Tracts
Axons that conduct impulses between corresponding gyri in different hemispheres
3 major commissural tracts
- corpus callosum
- anterior commisure
- posterior commisure
Projection Tracts
Axons that conduct nerve impulses between the cerebrum and lower parts of the CNS