Spinal Cord: Descending tracts & reflexes Flashcards
The primary motor cortex receives input from which 2 areas which lie anterior to it?
Supplementary motor area. Pre-motor cortex
How many neurons are there in descending motor tracts – what are they?
2 – upper motor neuron, lower motor neuron
Lower motor neuron lesions can occur in which 4 key areas?
Spinal cord (at level of LMN cell body)
Spinal nerve
Cauda equina
Peripheral nerve damage e.g. radial nerve
Damage to an UMN can result in which 5 symptoms?
Spastic paralysis
No muscle wasting
Extensor plantar response
Damage to a LMN can result in which 4 symptoms?
Flaccid paralysis
Muscle wasting (atrophy)
What is a motor unit?
A LMN and the muscle fibres it innervates
What are the 2 main types of LMN and what does each innervate?
Alpha motor neurons – innervate motor units of extrafusal fibres
Gamma motor neurons – innervate intrafusal fibres of muscle spindles
Which tract and part of the spinal cord are degenerated in ALS?
Corticospinal tract and ventral horn of the spinal cord
In ALS, are there UMN or LMN symptoms?
Both (mixed)
Polio affects which type of motor neuron?
What are the 3 main descending motor spinal tracts?
Lateral corticospinal tract
Ventral corticospinal tract
Lateral vestibulospinal tract
What is the output of the lateral corticospinal tract?
Primary motor cortex
Pre-motor cortex
Supplementary motor area
What is the output of the ventral corticospinal tract?
Primary motor cortex
What is the output of the lateral vestibulospinal tract?
Vestibular nuclei of pons & medulla
What does the lateral corticospinal tract control?
Major voluntary, skilled motor movement