Spinal Cord and Brainstem Lesions CIS Flashcards
symptoms of a lesion in the dorsal root?
dimished tone and reflexes
Signs of a lesion in the posterior columns
IL loss of proprioception and 2pt discrimination below the lesion
Signs of lesion in the ALS (LSTT)
CL loss of pain and temp sensations 2 dermatomes below lesion
Signs of Lesion in the lateral reticulospinal tract
Horner’s Syndrome above T1
signs of lesion in the anterior horn
LMN paralysis/paresis
signs of a lesion in the AWC?
bilateral analgesia usually of upper limbs
Acute Polyomyelitis case
fever, bain in leg
paralysis of right leg
hypotonia in right leg
0 achilles and patellar reflexes on the right
two months later-atrophy and fascullations
Brown Sequard Case
Loss of pain and temp below T7 on right
loss of proprioception and vibration on left LE
weakness, spasticity, hyperreflexia and ankle clonus on left leg
Xray shows erosion of pedicles of T5-6
Left side SC lesion secondary to extramedullary tumor
Partial Transection of the Spinal Cord
bilateral loss of sensation below T6
bilateral flaccid paralysis of LE and atonia/areflexia
urine retention
1month later
return of prop., 2pt, and vibration below knee on right and post. thigh
bilateral babinksi and ankle clonus, return of triple adn mass reflexes, bowel/bladder incont.
Tabes Dorsalis/Neurosyphillis
radiating pain in legs and back for ten months
hypersensitive to touch with excruciating pain
bilateral loss of prop., 2pt, and vibratory sense to LE bilaterally
bilateral loss of knee and ankle jerks
wide base gait
retention of urine
progessive weakness of right hand
bilateral loss of pain and temp between C2-T6
slightly dim. bilat. propr and vib. sense in UE
proprioception and vib. sense diminnsihed below knee
weakness, atrophy and fasciluations of upper ex. and a
Real Life Pt
Incomplete Transection of the spinal cord
Trauma with fx of T12 and burst of L1 with bone fragments in the spinal cord
No pain/temp sensation on Legs
some sensation on upper thigh
Quads functional
glutes and hammies as well as leg muscles paralyzed bilat.
neg babinksi sign
some proprioception based on where thigh is
urinary retention
underwent spinal fusion
had spinal shock for a few weeks.
What is affected?
What are the sx?
Where is the lesion?
Trigeminal N. Alternating Hemiplegia
Trigeminal N and CST
left trigeminal N in metencephalon
complete anasthesia of left face
dev. of jaw to left
inability ot bite down on left
right spastic hemiplegia of body
A3H-Weber’s syndrome
What is affected?
Where is the lesion?
What are the sx?
R. CN III, R. Corticobulbar fibers, R. CST
Right III N in mesencephalon (midbrain)
III n. palsy, drooping on left side face, dev. uvula, ro right, left hermiparesis
A12H with dorsal extension into Medial Lemniscus
What is affected?
where is lesion?
What are the sx?
CN XII at myelincephalon
dev. tongue to left, loss of propr, 2pt, vib, to right body, hypertonia and hyper reflexia of right UE and LE, paralsysis of right UE and LE, right babinski
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