Spinal Anatomy Flashcards
which muscle is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve?
which of these muscles have lumbar, thoracics and cervical divisions?
which connective tissue directly invests a bundle of peripheral nerve fibers?
stretch receptor afferents from the lungs are transmitted in the ______ nerves.
Vagus nerve
cutaneous sensation to the area of the arm over the deltoid muscle is supplied by the _____ nerve root
which splanchnic nerve transmits sympathetic innervation to the stomach?
Greater splanchnic (T5-9)
which ligament covers the interossueus sacroilliac ligament?
posterior sacroilliac
which of these represents the normal orientation of the inferior facets of the lumbar vertebrae?
anterior and lateral
cell bodies of gustatory fibers from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue are located in the ______ ganglion.
efferent projections of the caudate neucleus and putamen pass primarily to the _______
globus pallidus
calcification of the _______ forms a posterior ponticle.
posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
what muscle inserts in to the fibrocartilaginous disc of the TMJ?
lateral pterygoid
which structure developes from the first pharyngeal arch?
tensor tympani
the transverse ridges of the sacrum are the remnants of the ______
which gyrus contains Broca’s area?
inferior frontal
the fiber pathways which connect different cortical regions on the same side of the brain are classified as _______ fibers
the Z joint is innervated by?
dorsal primary rami
the anterior belly of the digastric receives motor supply from _______
nerve to the mylohyoid
byfid SP’s are typical features of the ______ vertebrae
a lesion of which nerve will result in the patients inability to extend the great toe
L5= extend (s1=flexion)
the accessory processes of a lumbar vertebra arise from the _____ processes
which of these thoracic wall muscles is not innervated by the intercostal nerve.
levator costarum (C8-T1 dorsal primary rami)
the lesser wings of the sphenoid end medially bu forming the ____ processes?
anterior clinoid
what muscle originates on the angle of the lower six ribs and inserts on the angles of the upper six ribs?
A lesion of the lateral funiculus that affects pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts is likely to result in signs that are consistent with a lesion in which location?
Upper Motor Neuron
the external occipital protuberence is best described as located _____
centrally within the superior nuchal line
which artery is a continuation of the internal carotid artery?
middle cerebral artery
what structure reabsorbs aqueous humor from the eye?
canal of schlem
which nerve normally pierces the anterior surface of the psoas major muscle?
genitofemoral nerve
the interspinous ligament is the thickest in which region of the spine?
the median atlantoaxial joint is described as a _____ joint
the geniculate ganglion is the sensory ganglion of the _____ nerve
the pyramidal deccusation occurs in the ________
the AC joint is classified as a ______ joint
which dermatome is located on the lateral aspect of the foot?
presence of hyaline cartilage is characteristic of what joint classification?
in a patient with hydrocephalus, lateral and third ventricle are dilated, but the fourth ventricle is unaffected. what most likely is the structure?
cerebral aqueduct
the foramen rotundum connects middle cranial fossa with the ________.
pterygopalatine fossa
the medial lemniscus conducts sensory impulses for _______.
the consentual light reflex involves which nucleus and which cranial nerve?
edinger westphal; 2 and 3
which cranial nerves are involved with the cough reflex?
9 and 10
the sneeze reflex involves which cranial nerve?
7 (facial)
which lobe of the cerebellum is involved in balance of the spine?
which capitis muscle is responsible for flexion of the head?
longus capitis
what terminal division of the brachial plexus supplies the innervation to the thenar eminence?
median nerve
what divission supplies the nerve innervation to the hypothenar eminence?
ulnar nerve
what tract travels in the doral tracts of lissauer?
if the first 3 1/2 fingers have no sensory innervation, what occurs with suppination of the hand?
normal suppination
pronator teres syndrome is caused by compression of which of the following nerves?
what muscle is responsible for protraction of the scapula?
serratus anterior
what nerve innervates the platysma?
CN 7 (facial)
where does the temporal muscle insert on the mandible?
coronoid process
which is not an infrahyoid muscle?
what muscle is not found in the deep layer of the back muscles?
splenius capitis
the stylohyoid is derived from which brachial arch?
what structure is derived from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches?
what is a result of a right inferior precentral gyrus lesion?
loss of motor to the left arm
what artery supplies blood to the parietal and frontal lobes?
anterior cerebral
the eyes have how many photoreceptors?
what ells in the eyes forms the ganglion cells?
bipolar cells
if the foramen of ovale is occluded, which muscle will be affected?
medial pterygoid
damage to the pterion could damage which underlying intracranial artery?
middle meningeal
the piriform recess is found where?
what is the origin of the liver bud of the liver?
the axillary nerve innervates which of the following muscles?
teres minor
the axillary nerve supplies sensory innervation to which part of the arm?
lateral brachial
the termination of the posterior longitudinal ligament occurs at which part of the spine?
the connection of the metencephalic structures occurs by which of the following?
middle cerebellum peduncle (around pons)
the anterior attatchment of the tentorium cerebelli is _______
falx cerebelli
the ligament that prevents over rotation of C2 attatches to what structure?
odontoid of axis
the upper cervical ligament that is a remnant of the notochord is which of the following?
apical dental ligament
the mid shaft articulation between the radius and ulna is classified as what type of joint?
if a person rotates their head it is detected by the ________
crista ampularis
the maxillary sinus drains in to which of the following
middle nasal meatus
the fiber of the white rami communicantes is what size
B fibers
the vertebral column is derived from what?
the ligament that runs from the occiput to the sacrum is ________
which ligament when hypertrophied can compress the posterior spinal artery?
ligamentum flavum
which ligament attatches to the middle of the SP above C7?
which ligament is involved with lateral flexion of a vertebral body?
what structure directly developes from the neural plate?
neural groove
the sigmoid sinus ends at what foramen?
which muscle is the most lateral muscle to the erector spinae?
when is pressure greatest on the lumbar spine?
the cells that provide negative feedback inhibition on the ventral horn cells are ?
renshaw cells
clarkes column is located at the ______ level and is associated with the ______ function
C8-L2 ; cerebellum
the first order neuron for joint position sense will synapse when?
ipsilateral medulla
the contact point for the lumbar spine adjusting is the ______ and is found on the _______?
mamillary process; superior facet
T6 is the landmark for which of the following?
the inferior tip of the scapula
the choclear duct is seperated from the scala vestibuli by which of the following?
reissner’s membrane
the carotid tubercle is at ____?
pressure on carotid sinus will have what effect on the heart?
decrease blood pressure
where does the spinous of T6 correspond to?
T7-T8 disc space
what does the vestibulospinal tract control?
anti gravity muscles
which of the following is not part of the cranial vault?
which of the following ligaments do not connect to the occiput?
inferior part of the cruciate
what cranial nerve does not exit the superior orbital fissure?
facial nerve (CN 7)
the term brain sand is associated with which structure?
epithalamus (and pineal gland)
the roof of the fourth ventricle is formed by the _______
superior medullary
the terminal end of the basilar artery is the _______
posterior cerebral
pill rolling tremors are involved in _______
when looking to the right , what two eye muscles are involved?
L. medial rectus; R. lateral rectus
the second order neuron of the auditory pathway synapses where?
the sensation of pain and tempreature are carried in what tract?
lateral spinal thalamic
the superior salvitory nucleus is involved with which cranial nerve?
facial (CN7)
the lamboidal suture is made from?
occipital and parietal
the radiocarpal joint is classified as ______.
which muscle of mastication attatches to the disc of the TMJ?
external pterygoid
the most stable position of the foot is _______.
dorsiflexion and inversion