General Anatomy Flashcards
Which muscle attaches to ulnar tuberosity?
What is the embryological origin of hepatic pareichyma?
Somatic mesoderm
The ulnar notcu articulates with what structure?
Head of the ulna
The esophagus is lined with _____ epithelium
stratified squamous
The superficial perineal space of the female contains the ____?
Greater vestibular glands (bartholin glands)
The posterior tibialis muscle has attachments to which structure?
Medial cuneiform
Where are the cells that produce renin located?
Afferent artierioles of the kidney (JG cells)
Muscles of the appendicular skeleton develop from ____?
Which of these is located at midclavicular line at left in 5th intercostal space?
Apex of heart
The transpyloric plane lies at the level of the ____ vertebra?
Myofillaments consist of long melecular chains of ____?
The cremasteric layer of the spermatic cord contains fascia that is continuous with which muscle?
Internal Oblique
The anterior portion of the cloaca develops into the ___?
The adenoids are located in the _____?
Which muscle forms the bed of the palatine tonsils?
The arculate line is a feature of what bone?
During finger flexion, which of these muscles is a synergist to the flexor digitorum superficialis?
Flexor digitorum profundus
The cephalic vein of the arm normally drains in to the ____ vein?
The deltoid tuberosity is located on the _____ surface of the shaft of the humerus?
Proximal anterolateral
Arytenoid cartilage has a sunovial articulation with the ____?
Cricoid cartilage
What type of epithelium covers the vocal folds?
Stratified squamous
Which bone is formed by the intramembranous ossification?
Which muscle is supplied by the common fibular nerve?
Biceps femoris (short head)
Which artery is a branch of the posterier tibial artery?
Fibular artery
The medial colateral ligament of the elbow has a posterior attatchment to the ______?
The posterior boundry of the perinium is formed by the _____?
What is located in the suboccipital triangle?
Vertebral artery
The superior laryngeal artery is a branch of the ____ artery?
Superior thyroid
- branches of the ext. carotid artery = “steve and lisa find orgy party most satisfying”
The pituitary glad is derived from which of the following?
Surface ectoderm (Raphe’s pouch)
Contraction of the esophageal sphincter occurs in which part of the stomach?
At which of the following anatomical locations does the subclavian artery change it’s name?
Level of the 1st rib
The pectoralis minor muscle attaches to which of the following?
Coracoid process
What is not innervated by CN 5?
Posterior belly of the digastric (CN 7)
All of the following are true about the left lung except?
It has venous impressions
Which of the following muscles is responsible for the lateral rotation of the thigh?
Inferior gemellus
What type of cells line the ventricles of the brain?
The cuboid articulates at the distal ____ and at the proximal ____?
Fourth & fifth metatarsals; calcaneus
Which is closed pack position of the ankle?
Dorsiflexion & eversion
What structure is found at most distal lateral portion of the humerus?
The pectoralis minor is innervated by the ____ nerve?
Medial pectoral
The lesser saphenous vein drains in to _____?
The combination of conoid & trapezoid is the ____?
The linea semilunaris is the lateral border of what?
Rectus abdominus
What structure is developed from neural plate?
Neural groove
The sigmord sinus terminates at what foramen?
During embryological descent of the thyroid gland, which foramen is formed?
The ring of waldeyer is composed of which type of tissues?
Largest taste bud?
At which vertebral level is the adams apple located?
The pelvic floor is primarily made up of the ____?
Levator ani
What muscle elevates the larynx?
Which of the following are the mucous cells of the stomach?
The primary growth centers of a long bone is termed as _____?
Which muscle attaches to the intertrochantericline?
Vastus medialis
What structure is responsible for the prevention of hyper-extension of the hip?
Y ligament of bigalow
The radial notch is located on which bone?
Proximal ulna
The lunate articulates with _____?
Medial scaphoid
The deltoid ligament is located on which structure?
Ankle (medial)