BioChem Flashcards
Which is not a regulatory enzyme of krebs?
succinate dehydrogenase (b/c it’s also in ETC)
In conversion of Pyruvate → acetyl CoA via pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, classified as _______ reaction?
Starving, what state are you in?
Gluconeogenisis (making carb from non carb)
Which A.A. = aromatic
Which A.A. aids in transportation of fatty acids into mitochondria?
methionine (b/c carnirine= lysine & methionine)
What reaction is niacin involved in?
B Vitamin in remetylization of homocysteine
B12 (or B9)
What vitamin aids in conversion of ketoacid → amino acid
B6 (trans. amination)
Insulin Binding →
What binds to iron & is storage form of iron?
Good Vit. C=
Fruits / Veggies
What fatty acid can body synthesize?
palmitic acid
What helps absorb iron?
Vitamin C
Glucose + ______ = Lactose
Which disacharide contains A1-6 linkage
Lipoprotein VLDL responsible for transport of _______ ?
VLDL = never dietary LDL = Leave the liver = Bad HDL = carries cholesterol
Endogenous triglycerides
LDL is responsible for?
Endogenous Cholesterol
What doesn’t contribute to cholesterol in obese
no answer written down..????
Which is the DNA complimentary strand for:
3’ TACGATGC 5’ (at the golf course)
rate limiting enzyme for glycolysis =
comitted step in glycolysis =
no answer written down..????
What step in krebs doesn’t produce NADH?
Succinate → Fumarate
Where does glycolysis occur?
Alpha keto form of which A.A. = intermediate in krebs?
What/s formed in succinate → fumerate
What contains sulfur & has antibacterial, viral, fungal properties?
What isn’t an example of anaplerotic reaction?
anaplerotic means filling up
Glucose → G6P (Glycolysis)
Following is example of a _______ reaction =
2RCo2H→ (RCO)20+H2O
Cereals are low in
Which complex of electron transport system contains copper?
Cytochrome C Oxidase
Which enzyme controlled through product ‘inhibitory’ allows skeletal muscles cells to accumulate glucose ?
inhibitory = rate limiting
PPK (phosphofruscto kinase)
Which of these actions occur during a lanine cycle?
Pyruvate is converted to glucose in the liver
The malic enzyme catalyzes conversion of malate to pyruvate and provides [which substance used in F.A biosynthesis]?
acetyl CoA
Richest source of Vit. E =
Oil (vegetable oil)
Hydrolysis of amylopectin by amylase →
Which hormone enhances activity of glycogen phosphorylase in skeletal muscle?
epinepurine (or Glucagon)
Glucose precursors derived from _____?
Amino Acids
Principle carb produced by action of alpha-amylase on dietary starch
A.A. derived from proteins are catabolized to products which directly enter the ______ for further oxidation to Co2
tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA)
Enzymes that catylize breakdown of maltose from ______?
Small intestine
Which type of F.A is in olive oil?
A lack of lipoprotein lipase results in ______?
elevated chylomicron following fatty meal
Phosphate groups of ATP are linked by _____ bonds?
Triacylglycerols transported from intestinal cells to adipose cells within ______?
What hormone ↑ many metabolic processes by ↑
Epinephrine (or Glucagon)
Dietary supplementation of therapeutic folic acid maybe be detrimental because..
Can mask B12 deficiency
What compound is simple sugar?
What vitamin made by intestinal flora?
Vitamin K
What compound catylizes formation of GTP in TCA?
Succinate thiokinase
What is characteristic of myoglobulin?
It’s a single polypeptide
Toxicity of many pesticides result from ________ enzyme inhibition?
Which of these is C-4 epimere of Glucose?
[*manose is C-2 epimere to Glucose]
Oxidation of what = ketone bodies?
Fatty Acids
Good source of Omega 3 =
Vitamin K = essential to the synthesis of these substances?
Dietary lipids converted to ______ by pancreatic lipase
Which mineral is required for activity of most glycolytic enzymes?
Sulfur (B vitamin [thiamine, biotin])
Glucagon activates which enzyme in plasma membrane of hepatocytes?
Adenyl cyclase
Bonding between F.A. & glycerol in a Z-monacyl-Glycerol is best described as what?
Ester linkage
When equilibrium is Pos. = 1 then free energy charge is (-)
In TCA, isocitrate dehydrogenase converts to?
Which amino acid initiates protein synthesis in humans?
What hormone affects anabolism / catabolism phase of protein metabolism?
Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
Disacharide B1→ 4
Saturation levels of substrate concentration in an enzyme - catylized reaction cause progress..
Neg. cooperativity
Tryptophan →
Coenzyme for oxidative decarboxylation processes
thiamine pyrophosphate (B1) (decarboxylation)
Protein complementary allows vegan diet to supply sufficient amounts of ______?
Essential A.A.
Enzyme that catylizes peptide bond formation during protein synth. @ ribosome
Peptidyl transferase
1 carbon transfers during production of purine & pyrimidines are directly dependent upon?
Primary function of Vitamin D is to regular absorption and metabolism of which mineral?
Calcium & Phosphorus
Cholesterol is not a precursor of what?
Which of these characterizes gout?
Purine overproduction
Which is a spontaneous reaction?
Gibb’s free energy is negative
Bile acids contain carboxyl group in side chain that is bound in amide linkage with _____?
Taurine (constituent of bile)
Arginase catalyzes conversion of arginine into _____ and urea?
Ornother (ArCo)