Spin Sucks - Reputation Flashcards
To consolidate understanding of the role of thought leadership within the PESO model
What is the benefit of thought leadership?
o Decision makers regularly consume thought leadership
o When choosing a company, a lot of companies will vet a supplier through their thought leadership content
What is required to be a thought leader?
o Charisma
o Expertise
o A unique position on a particular topic
o A new topic altogether
What is thought leadership?
o A thought leader is an expert in a specialist area
What is the five goals of expert positioning?
o To build credibility and trust
o To influence others
o To stand out
o Influence purchasing decisions
o Grow existing accounts
List five ways somebody build trust and credibility?
o Producing educational content
o Speaking at industry events
o Engaging with online communities
o Creating a new community with information that helps people to achieve their goals
o Video
o Articles and blogs
What are the questions to ask when planning and implementing a thought leadership programme?
o Who should be our thought leader?
o What topic areas should we focus on?
o Where will we publish our thought leadership content?
o Can we outsource our thought leadership?
What is the difference between corporate thought leadership and personal thought leadership
o Thought leadership is when an individual takes a unique position or becomes a subject matter expert within a particular field. Corporate thought leadership, on the other hand, is when an organization has multiple thought leaders, with clearly designated areas of expertise. These can be by business unit, industry or sector. All of them are united by the same brand values, which then enhances the reputation of the organization as a whole
What are the benefits of corporate thought leadership?
To build credibility, authority, visibility, influencing purchase decisions and other organizational goals, enhances the brand
What does it take to execute a successful thought leadership programme?
o Time
o Energy
o Discipline
o Transparency and willingness to share secrets
What is the secret sauce of thought leadership?
o The personal touch it’s the appeal of the individual that separates the thought leader from the rest of the people with the similar expertise
What are the principles for good thought leadership?
o Forward facing – not looking backwards
o Think differently about industry standards
o Challenges convention
o Collaborate with clients to solve future challenges
What are the questions to ask when coming up with a TL programme?
o What do we want to achieve?
o What differentiates ourselves from the rest?
What do we love?
What do we not want to see any more?
o Who is our audience?
o What do we want to communicate to them?
What is it important to have when you’re creating TL on behalf of somebody else?
A process for getting their ideas and expertise
How can you get inside the Thought Leaders brain?
• Monthly interview sessions
• Getting them to braindump, send links, voice notes etc
• What are the 7 P’s of thought leadership
o Planning
o Preparing
o Pitching
o Produce
o Publishing
o Promoting
o (re)purposing
What are the questions to ask when planning a TL campaign
o Competitors
Who are my competitors
What do they do well
What do I do better?
What do I want to avoid
How can I differentiate myself
o Individuals
Who do I admire and want to emulate
Same as above
o Organisations
Which organisations do you respect and admire
What is the checklist for preparing a TL programme (8)
o List of media – journalists, bloggers, influencers
o Calendar of opportunities
o Update bios
o Awards
o Events and speaking engagements
o LinkedIn profile updates of thought leaders
o Add speaking page
o Update social media channels
What is the benefit of media training (3)
o Manage risk
o Enhance the reputation of the company
o Improvements in communication skills are transferrable
What will media training teach (7)\
o How to manage difficult questions
o How to speak in soundbytes
o Respond to criticism
o How to prepare for interviews
o How to make the most of media opportunities
o How to deploy criticisms
o Avoid pitfalls and traps
What are the 5 things to remember before every interview
o Never say anything you don’t want to appear in print
o Prepare, prepare, prepare
o Always have an agenda
o Tell the truth – don’t pretend to know
o Know the facts
What do spokespeople need to be able to do in the new media landscape
o Cut through the noise
o Deploy KMs effectively
o Speak to target audiences on a variety of platforms
What is media pitching
The practice of offering a person or company to a journalist or equivalent, presenting why the journo should feature them in a succinct and compelling way
What is the best way to get results from media pitching
o Build relationships with journalists
o Depth of insights – support with data
o Human interest
What is newsjacking
o Leveraging a current news event to insert a client or expert into the discussion, along with their expertise and thoughts
o What is the golden rule of newsjacking
o Only get involved when you have something interesting to say
What are the questions that you should ask when creating a pitch to make it more interesting?
o Why is it happening?
o What are the outcomes?
o What does it mean for the industry?
o What are the effects?
o Why is this important for the audience?
What shouldn’t a media pitch be?
o Salesy/promotional
o Cold
o Long-winded
What are three ways to engage with journalists in the best possible way
o Engage on social media
o Be responsive
o Understand their beat, editorial guidelines, audience and exactly what they are looking for
o Target your pitch to them