Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasure Plans Flashcards
The law that mandates that substations must have an SPCC plan was enacted in ? .
There are at least ? substation items that are likely to require oil containment systems.
Capacitors do not require an oil containment system because no capacitor pack contains over 10 gallons of oil.
An SPCC plan is required for a substation transformer if the oil could reach an underground aquifer in case of a spill.
A collection pit lined with ? can be put in place to hold the oil in case of a substation spill.
bentonite clay
If a spray-on liner is to be applied to a substation oil containment pit, it must be at least ? thick.
40 mils
To ensure that a spray-on liner for an oil containment pit will not leak, it is filled to half the maximum depth with water and monitored for ? .
24 hrs
A substation must have an SPCC plan only if the oil spill will occur within one mile of navigable waters.
The acronym EPA stands for ? Agency.
Environmental Protection
Substation SPCC plans can be certified by an estimating engineer.
The countermeasure part of a substation SPCC plan must be ? to/for each facility.
If a substation SPCC plan contains a good facility diagram, a written description of the substation is not needed.
If an underground containment oil tank is used as part of an SPCC plan at a substation, it can be made out of concrete or ? .
The countermeasure plan must show the type of oil contained in each piece of equipment in the substation.
Electrical installations, such as substations, located in desert areas are not required to have an SPCC plan in place because they are not near navigable waters.
Since it is unlikely that all of the substation equipment would rupture at the same time, the SPCC containment system needs only hold ? times the oil of the largest piece of equipment.
If a berm is in place as part of an SPCC plan, it should be compacted to ? density.
A substation SPCC plan must include a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of oil that could be discharged during a spill.