Bus/Jumpers—Proper Handling, Installations Flashcards
Copper is the material of choice for substation and switching yard bus work.
Workers making welded connections to substation aluminum bus work should be qualified in accordance with the ? Aluminum Construction Manual Section 7.2.4.
Aluminum Association
Before making a welded connection, the contact surface can be degreased by using ? .
non-toxic solvents
Before welding, a torch can be used to remove moisture from aluminum bus work joints, but the temperature should not exceed ? .
Only a stainless steel wire brush is to be used on substation aluminum bus work before making a welded connection to remove heat-treated oxide films.
Aluminum bus work welds are made by the gas metal-arc or gas ? welding process.
The shielding gas used when welding substation aluminum bus work is welding-grade ? , or a mixture of the two.
argon or helium
One problem with welding substation aluminum bus work is that the process is very dependent on weather conditions.
The manufacturer of substation bus work swaged connectors discussed is ? .
The swaged connections discussed provide a weather tight seal between the connector and the bus work with ? .
Only minimal training is required before workers begin installing ? connections.
compression (swaged)
Which one of the following is an advantage in using swaged type connections?
They can be installed in any weather condition.
Before installation, all compression connectors are inspected to verify that ? has been applied to the fitting.
antioxidant compound
Angle (UABC) aluminum bus can be bent through an angle of 90° to its minimum inside radii.
Jumpers made from tube/pipe are used to connect the main substation transformer to the overhead bus because of their superior current carrying capacity.
The person responsible for assuring that every connection, jumper, and piece of substation bus work is properly installed is the ? .
Qualified Electrical Worker
Filler wire used for all welds on substation aluminum bus work must be aluminum ? alloy.
Conventional bending tools can be used on seamless extruded aluminum pipe depending on alloy and ? .
Installation of Swage connectors can only be done during the dry weather.
The construction costs associated with welded connections are usually less than with clamp type bolted connections.